Microeconomics Test Review

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Define Total Revenue Formula

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Define Total Revenue Formula

Mathematical formula used to determine if a product is elastic or inelastic (Price X Quantity = Total Revenue).

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Define Economics

The study of people producing and exchanging scarce resources to get the goods and services that they want and need.

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Define Scarcity

Not enough resources to satisfy everyone’s needs and wants.

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Define Supply

The various quantities of a particular good or service a seller is willing and able to sell at different possible prices at a particular time.

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Define Elasticity of Supply

A measurement of the impact of the price effect on the amount sellers supply to the market.

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Define Price Effect on Demand

The impact that a change in the price of products has on a consumers buying power. If prices increase, buying power decreases.

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Define Market Economy

Anywhere a voluntary exchange takes place; a free market.

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Define Services

Work that one person performs for another for payment. A product that can not be touched.

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Define Resources

The basic elements used to produce goods and services.

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Define Traditional Economy

Individuals are not free to make decisions on what they want; economic roles are determined by societal elders.

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Define Price Effect of Supply

The effect that prices have on quantity of a product that suppliers offer for sale.

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Define Demand

The various quantities of a particular good or service consumers are willing and able to buy at different possible prices at a particular time.

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Define Buying Power

As income and price change, so does the relative value of consumers resources. This is due to the income effect it the price effect.

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Define Land

Unaltered gifts of nature; minerals, timber, and fresh air

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Define Law of Demand

People will buy more of something at a lower price than at higher prices.

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Define Complimentary Goods

Goods that are often used together; Burger and fries

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Define Circular Flow

A diagram that maps the way a market economy operates.

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Define Shortage

Occurs when the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied.

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Define Labor

Physical and mental abilities and efforts people use to create goods and services.

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Define Voluntary Exchange

The action without obligation of trading resources in a market for goods or services.

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Define Factors of Production

The resources necessary to produce products; Land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship.

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Define Goods

Physical products that can be purchased. A product that can be touched.

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Define Marginality

The additional cost or benefits of a decision.

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Define Capital

Resources made and used by the people to produce and distribute goods and services.

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Define Schedule

A listing of how much an item an individual is willing to purchase at each price. This data is shown graphically using a demand curve.

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Define Market Equilibrium

A condition of price stability where the quantity demand equals the quantity supplied.

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Define Substitutes

Two products that satisfy similar wants or needs are often traded for each other when the price of one rises over the other.

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Define Excise Tax

A tax on the production or sale of a specific good or service.

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Define Subsidy

A government payment that partially covers the cost of production.

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Define Opportunity Cost

The value of the next best alternative, or what you give up by choosing one alternative over another.

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Define Marginal Benefit

The benefit or satisfaction received from using one more unit or a good or service.

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Define Demand Curve

A graph that shows how much of a good or service an individual will buy at each price. Each change in the quantity demand is shown by a new point on the demand curve. A demand curve slopes downward and to the right.

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Define Surplus

Occurs when the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded.

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Define Economy

The organized way that a country provides for the wants and needs of its people.

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Define Supply Schedule

A listing of how much of an item an individual producer is willing and able to offer for sale at each price.

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Define Substitution Effect

The impact that a price increase has on a consumer’s decision to purchase an item or to substitute that item for a similar product that meets the same need or want but at a lower cost.

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Define Supply Curve

A graph that shows how much of a good or service a producer will offer for sale at each price. Each change in the quantity suppled is shown by new point on a the supply curve.

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Define Law of Supply

Supply will increase as the selling price increases.

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Define Income Effect

The impact that a change in a consumers income has on buying power. If income increases, buying power will increase.

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Define Command Economy

Economic decisions are made by government leaders and citizens are expected to respect those choices.

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Define Elasticity of Demand

A measure of how responsive consumers are to price changes.

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Define Equilibrium Price

The price at which the quantity demanded and the quantity suppled are equal. This is the price that clears the market.

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Define Marginal Cost

The cost of using one more unit of a good or service.

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Define Total Cost

The sum of fixed and variable costs.

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Define Entrepreneurship

The combination of vision, skill, ingenuity, and willingness to take risk tat is needed to create and run a new business.

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Define Labor Productivity

The amount of goods or services that a person can produce in a given time.

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Define Regulation

A set of rules or laws designed to control business behavior. Depending on the type of regulation, the costs of production may increase or decrease.

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Define Trade-Off

The alternative given up when an economic choice is made.

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