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Self determination

The process by which a group of people usually has a certain degree of national consciousness for their own sate and is able to vote for a govt of their choosing.

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Treaty of versailles

Forced Germany to take blame for WW1

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League of Nations goals

  • stop war

  • disarm people

  • enforce the realty of Versailles

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Giving into demands in order to avoid conflict. After WW1, centres felt like avoiding war was in their best interest

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Japan in interwar years

  • no longer demand for Japanese products and their was a feminine

  • had a mission and ultranationalist beliefs to rule all of Asia. They returned back to traditional warrior values and had an empower. (Hirohito)

  • japan became a state ruled by military and dictatorship. People followed with blind obedience

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Kamikaze pilots

Japan suicide pilots who would crash their planes into allied ships in hopes they would turn into gods in the after life.

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japan invasion in interwar years. Where? Why? What happened?

Japan invaded Manchuria in hopes to get new markets. The League of Nations ordered them out, they refused and left the League of Nations instead

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League of nations pros

  • stopped wars in corfu and Bulgaria

  • they ending slavery around the world

  • help millions of prisoners home after the war

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League of Nations cons

  • most powerful countries were not involved (USA, USSR)

  • they had not military or army

  • in crisis, no one could agree

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Italy in interwar years

  • Benito Mussolini became prime minister. He had ultranationalist beliefs but was a gifted speaker. He became dictator

  • Mussolini wanted to invade Ethiopia. Trade sanctions were imposed by the league of nations but Italy ignored them.

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Soviet Union in interwar years

  • There was a revolution caused by a civil war because the royal family was assassinated in Russia

  • USSR was formed which was the union of several nations under Russian rule

  • Joseph Stalin came into power as the leader of the communist party. Her created state owned farms and anyone who disagreed with this was punished or sent to camps

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Germany in interwar years

  • the creation of the Weimar Republic was created due to a German revolution

  • no political party won enough votes to run a successful govt

  • stock market crashes which makes the already high inflation and unemployment worse

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Weimar Republic

A democratic society which gave citizens the freedom of expression

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Adolf hitler before power

  • was seen as a hero

  • he attempted to seize power over a coup in a beer hall. This failed and landed him in jail which is where he wrote his manifesto “mein Kampf”

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Adolf coming into power

  • He became leader of the national socialist German workers party (nazi party) and promised to restore national pride

  • merged parties with president von Hindenburg

  • when von Hindenburg died, halter became the Fuher or the ultimate leader

  • he changed the soldiers oath from being “serving the nation” to “serving hitler”

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What were Adolfs promises to fix Germany

  • ignore treaty of Versailles

  • rebuild country’s army and reclaim territory

  • restore the superiority of the aryan race (white Europeans) where Germans and Nordic people were seen as the most pure

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In the beginning, how did the nazis get their point across?

  • propaganda

  • pep rarely

  • slogans like “master race” or “Germany today, tomorrow the whole world”

  • racist policy’s to eliminate inferior people (Jews, homosexuals, people with disabilities)

  • get rid of anyone who challenged their views

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Nazi ideologies

  • “the jews threaten us, lets isolate them”

  • “we will eradicate the jews as a public service”

  • the nazis had trouble deciding who they thought were jews due to intermarrying which was never solved

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Anti Jewish laws

  • could not own property

  • couldn’t drive

  • Jewish children could not attend school

  • Jews could not be doctors, lawyers or profs

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Nuremberg laws

  • laws that were established to further restrict Jewish lives

  • reich citizenship act: Jews couldn’t be citizens

  • Jews couldn’t marry or have sex with Germans

  • lost political right

  • couldn’t be officer in the German army

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  • Dismissal of Jewish workers and managers of a company

  • jews had to register their property and assets which would eventually get taken by the sate

  • jews could not own a business

  • jews could not practice law

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Kristallnacht or the night of broken glass

  • destruction of Jewish synagogues, business, community centers and homes

  • arrested and beat Jewish people

  • refers to the wave of violent anti-Jewish popgroms/ organized massacres which took place through out germany, Austria, and areas of the Sudetenland

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nazi propoganda

  • hammer and sickle which represented communism

  • a whip

  • fasciae characteristics like exaggerated noses or gruesome, angry looking faces

  • not white skin

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Living space for Germans. There was required expansion for increased living spaces for the aryan race

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Hostility or prejudice towards jews. There were used as the scapegoat for all of Germans hardships

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Union with Austria annexing (adding territory) to the third reich

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Begininning of the war

  • hitler invade Poland to take over Nordic state

  • Poland surrendered

  • Britain, Poland, france, realized appeasement wasnt working

  • britian and france the declared war on Germany

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Allied powers (7)

  • britain (Churchill

  • USA (Roosevelt)

  • france

  • Russia (Stalin)

  • Australia

  • New Zealand

  • canada

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Axis powers

Germany, italy, and Japan They all had goals of expansionism and ultranationalist beliefs

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Canada in WW2

  • They were more independent and were not pulled into just because Britain declared war

  • people were encourage to join to war or volunteer in other ways like invest in war bonds

  • employers could not hire someone unless they had a permit from and employment office

  • unemployment fell and more women joined the workforce

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Japanese Canadians

  • since Japan was viewed as the enemy to canada, Japanese Canadians often faced discrimination

  • they were gathered together and put into internment camps in B.C.

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A death squad that worked along side the nazis. They were responsible for mass killings. They were a significant part played in Poland after the invasion

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Final steps to eliminate Jews

  • all jews from the court side were moved to the city

  • Jews had to register

  • jews had to move to work or death camps

  • this happened in any country germany had conquered

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Wannsee conference

A decision made in 40 seconds was that jews should now be killed in a systematic way with rules for the betterment of humanity

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The ghettos

  • they were esstamblished in polish cities

  • sections were fenced and guarded by nazis

  • they were left to fend for themselves and work in factories which is where they could earn food

  • ghettos were run by Judenrat, a Jewish council that answered to the nazis

  • jews were taken from the ghettos to work or death camps by train

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Work camps

  • if you were seen as able bodied you were sent to work camps where you were stripped naked, tattooed, head shaved, and all belongings taken. This was made to make a collective identity for the jews

  • conditions of camp were terrible and look similar to factories

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Death camps

  • 6 major death camps including auschwitz.

  • when jews arrived they were stripped naked, tattooed, had their head shaved, gold teeth pulled, and then sent to “showers” or gas chambers

  • Jewish workers then removed the bodies and put them into a cremation pit

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Final days

  • italy surrendered to allies, Mussolini was hung

  • hitler and his mistress committed suicide in his bunker

  • Germany surrendered

  • atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki then japan surrendered uncontrollably

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War cost and deaths

Deaths: 60 million Cost: $1 trillion (most expensive out of all the wars combined)

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War tribunals

War crime trials set up by International military tribunal created by Britain, france, USA, and USSR. Only 24 nazis were indicated. Punishment was death or life imprisonment

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What crimes could you be charged for

  • conspiracy: leader, organizer in carrying out one of the 4 crimes

  • crimes against peace: planning preparing or initiating war

  • crimes agianst humanity: murder enslavement, mistreatments of civilians due to racial or religious difference on a mass scale

  • war crimes: murder of civilians, stealing of private property, destruction of cities or towns

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An act committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethic, racial, or religious grou

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The use of violence (usually against civilians) in the pursuit of a political aim. Motives: political, ideological, religious

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  • liberation (separation) of quebec

  • ideologies based on strong nationalism

  • they kidnap and sometimes kill diplomats or deputy’s

  • FLQ fled to Cuba where they could hide

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War measures act

  • for the whole country

  • suspension of due process (fair treatment of any one under the law was taken away)

  • military laws: curfews, stop and search, arrests

  • police state

  • FLQ was deemed an unlawful group

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A series of four coordinated terrorist attacks (led by Al queda) that targeted the twin towers, the pentagon, and the White House (failed)

  • hate crimes towards middle eastern people increased as well as racial profiling

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Al Queda

  • Ultranationalist Islamic terrorist organization

  • anti-west, anti- democracy, anti-Semitic

  • they saw the US as causing all of the middle easts problems

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Patriot act

  • Providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism acts

  • as a response to 9/11

  • law enforcement and FBI had little restriction on what they could access with out peoples knowledge. This include private property, phone calls emails, financial records etc

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Anti- terrorism act

  • extended power of the government to combat terrorism

  • police could make preventative arrests which were usually based on racial profiling

  • expansion of surveillance

  • individual freedoms were over ruled by the need for security

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Problems with the no fly list

  • racial profiling Undermine of due process

  • undermine of mobility rights

  • false positive (people can have the same name)

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Norway bombing

  • 2 consecutive attacks were brought out by a white supremacist

  • was against Islam and immigrants. Bombed a diversity summer camp

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Christchurch attacks

  • 2 mass shootings by a white supremacist occurred at mosques in Christchurch in New Zealand due to islamaphhobi

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Ireland and the troubles

Nationalist/republican (Catholic) vs loayalists

  • conflict built on identity and history

  • segregation of the people

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