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Chemistry's Impact on Industry:
It involves understanding nutrient balances in fertilizer production and mitigating corrosive effects on metals, showcasing how chemical principles drive innovation in various industries.
A rock that contains enough of a metal or a metal compound to make extracting the metal worthwhile
Low grade ores
Ores which contain a small percentage of the metal or its compound
High grade ores
Ores which contain a larger percentage of the metal or its compound
Extraction Methods for Metals:
Less reactive metals like copper can be extracted by heating with carbon, while more reactive metals like aluminum require electrolysis
Blast furnace
Iron is extracted from iron ore in a large container called a _________.
Aluminum oxide
Aluminum ore is treated to produce purified __________.
Recycling Materials:
The process involves collecting, sorting, and reprocessing used items to create new materials, thus promoting sustainability and resource conservation.
Finite resources
Resources which are formed extremely slowly or are no longer being made.
Life-cycle Assessment
A ācradle-to-graveā analysis of the impact of a manufactured product on the environment.
Making Fertilizers:
The production of fertilizers, such as ammonium salts, involves chemical processes like the Haber process to ensure the availability of vital nutrients for plants.
Substance which provides mineral ions needed for healthy growth in plants.
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
The three elements in which a fertilizer may contain.
NPK Fertilizers
Fertilizers that supply all three elements are often called ____________, after the chemical symbols for these three elements.
An important industrial product used to make fertilizers, explosives and dyes. It is manufactured using the Haber process.
Haber Process
This involves a reversible reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen
Ammonium salts
Are sources of soluble nitrogen, so they can be used as ānitrogenousā fertilizers.
Corrosion and Prevention:
Preventive measures like painting, electroplating, and galvanizing create barriers to protect metals from corrosion
It is a specific example of corrosion, which occurs when iron or steel reacts with oxygen and water.
It involves using electrolysis to put a thin layer of a metal on the object:
When iron is coated in zinc, the process is called ____________.
It is a mixture of two or more elements, where at least one element is a metal.
Mild steel
It is useful for making car body parts because it is easily pressed into shape.
Tool steel
It is useful for making drill bits because it is hard and not easily damaged by the heating caused by friction during drilling.
Glass ceramics
It is made by melting sand, then allowing the molten liquid to cool and solidify. It is transparent and hard, but it is brittle.
Clay ceramics
It includes brick, china and porcelain. They are made by heating clay to high temperatures, which causes crystals to form and join together.
These are malleable and ductile, so they can be bent into shape or made into wires without shattering.
These are poor conductors of electricity and heat, but their other properties vary depending upon the particular material.
Composite Material
A material made of two or more components with contrasting properties combined to produce a material with improved properties.
Component of a composite material that provides strength and stiffness.
Component of a composite material that binds the reinforcement together.
Fiberglass and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer
Composite materials with low density fibers strong in tension, combined with a stiff and hard-wearing polymer resin.
A composite material made of randomly arranged wood chips bonded together by glue, providing strength in all directions.
Reinforced Concrete
Concrete strengthened by steel rods or mesh to improve tensile strength, making it strong and slightly flexible.
Choosing Materials
The process of selecting materials based on their properties to suit specific uses and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each material.