Equality of feeling - Ideology of equality and merit that pervades American institutions, often masks structural inequality
think Global Maya or In Search of Respect, where both believe that their faults lie in not trying hard enough
Maybe applies to FFBB?
Cultural Capital - Educational or intellectual assets that propel a person’s social mobility (ex: knowledge of opera/fine art, tableside etiquette). Develops due to a difference in education/wealth/background.
Can be split into objective, embodied, and institutionalized cultural capital
Objective: cultural goods, books, works of art (ex: reading War and Peace)
Embodied: things consciously acquired and passively inherited through socialization. Acquired over time; impressed into a person’s habitus. Language, mannerisms, preferences (ex: etiquitte in Privilege)
Institutionalized: qualifications, education credentials
Symbolic Violence - non-physical violence occuring due to a difference in power between social groups. Often unconsciously agreed upon by both parties to be ‘right’. May be unconsciously formed
Habitus - How a person perceives/responds to the world due to their habits, skills, and character
Field Theory: how people form social fields (environments where individuals/groups compete, like markets, academy, musical genres, etc) and how they are affected by said fields
Incumbents: dominant players, want to maintain the current field to maintain dominant position
Insurgents: want to alter the field so they can have the dominant position