AP PSYCH Social Psychology study guide

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Attribution Theory

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Attribution Theory

Explains how people determine the cause of behavior, distinguishing between situational and dispositional attributions.

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Situational Attribution

Attributing behavior to external factors, such as environmental features, rather than internal traits.

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Dispositional Attribution

Assigning behavior to inherent characteristics like beliefs or personality, rather than external influences.

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Fundamental Attribution Error

Overestimating dispositional factors over situational ones in explaining behavior.

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Compliance Strategies

Techniques like foot-in-the-door and door-in-the-face to encourage compliance with requests.

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Norms of Reciprocity

Expectation that helping others will lead to receiving help in return.

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Elaboration Likelihood Model

Persuasion routes - central (facts, evidence) and peripheral (positive associations).

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Cognitive Dissonance

Unpleasant state from conflicting beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors.

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Adjusting behavior to match group standards, influenced by normative and informational social influence.

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Compliance with authority, as shown in Milgram's study on obedience to harmful orders.

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Zimbardo’s Prison Study

Demonstrated how roles can influence behavior, showing deindividuation and groupthink.

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Social Facilitation Theory

Performance enhancement or impairment in front of a group based on task difficulty.

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Group Dynamics

Concepts like deindividuation, social loafing, groupthink, and group polarization.

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Social Identity Theory

Assigning oneself to a group leads to in-group identification.

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Unreserved negative attitude towards a group, leading to discrimination and stereotypes.

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Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Prediction that influences behavior to confirm the prophecy.

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Combating Prejudice

Strategies like contact theory, social dilemmas, and communication to reduce prejudice.

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Psychology of Aggression

Types include instrumental and hostile aggression, influenced by Bandura's modeling and frustration-aggression hypothesis.

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Social Relations

Concepts like equity, self-disclosure, and altruism in relationships.

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Factors like proximity, reciprocal liking, similarity, liking through association, and physical attractiveness in relationships.

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