Nitrogen fixation
Nitrogen fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into ammonium (NH4+)
Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonium (NH4+) into nitrites (NO2-), then into nitrates (NO3-)
Nitrogen fixing vs ammonification
Nitrogen fixing is atmospheric nitrogen to ammonium; ammonification is nitrogen-containing compounds into ammonium. Nitrogen fixing is carried out by nitrogen fixing bacteria; ammonification is carried out by decomposers, which break down urea, proteins, nucleic acids, and vitamins.
The conversion, by denitrifying bacteria, of soil nitrates into atmospheric nitrogen
Haber process
An industrial process which combines atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen to form ammonia
Atmospheric fixation
The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to nitrates by lightning
Why is atmospheric nitrogen inert
Because of the triple covalent bonds in nitrogen molecules
Why are legumes important in the nitrogen cycle
They have a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria that live in their root nodules, which convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates, to be used for the plant. The plant provides them with glucose for respiration.