measures inflation each month
sets inflation based on the price of a typical basket of goods
food and shelter
household operations
furnishings and equipment
clothing and footwear
health and personal care
average income
median income
it is highly influenced by high scores
not a good measure of income
active income
passive income
income that is not tied to active labour, income you do not exchange time for and may not actually require no time at all
in the form of investing money in the stock market or real estate market
fancy way of saying a loan
buying one is basically giving a loan to a company or business that agrees to pay you interest
advantage accumulates in ways that allow the rich to get richer
when one comes from advantage they don’t need to take loans or pay interest but instead invest to earn more
divides population into 5 groups
top 20% of earners
above average earners 20%
middle or average 20%
Below average 20%
bottom 20% of earners
measure of income after taxes and transfers are paid
better measure of the changes in inequality
a way to measure inequality
indicates that income is perfectly distributed in the country
every citizen of the country has an equal income and overall income is perfectly shared equally between everyone
scores closer to zero: indicate the country is equal
scores closer to 1 or 100: the country is quite unequal
the very rich became much much richer
workers lost bargaining power
corporate consolidation means less small business owners
due to the loss of unions as a product of globalization
results in lower wages
due to rising CEO pay
top income earners have gained a greater share of income
workers have less leverage due to greater competition with workers in other countries because of globalization
increases corporate profit and decreases worker shares of profit
because they are essential services
ex: teachers, fire fighters, nurses, etc
corporations have grown more powerful due to globalization
they can put smaller businesses out of business or threaten to so they are forced to sell to them because they have more ressources
when a market is dominated by a small number of large sellers/producers and it often results in competitors price-matching in mutually beneficial ways
leads to higher prices goods for the average person and less money for them to spend on other things
inequality has grown so much that Canada is one of the more unequal developed countries
children of the very rich stay rich because of the Matthew effect and passive income
inequality has grown because of globalization
net worth
most homes gained gained an extra income earner and this was not seen as unfair but rather progress towards women’s rights
access to loans and debt has grown a lot allowing access to goods we want/need despite not having the money
increases Matthew Effect
rising debt is a form of it
an inequality that exists but is impossible to see unless someone tells you what their debt load is
absolute poverty
relative poverty
extreme poverty
lack of resources necessary for material well being
food, water, land and health care