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What is the Theology of the Body?
Pope John Paul II’s teaching on the human body’s dignity and sexuality in God’s plan.
How does the Theology of the Body view sex?
As an act meant for marriage that should be unitive and open to life.
According to Pope John Paul II, what is the “full meaning” of the body?
Appreciated in a marital relationship, especially between opposite sexes.
How does Pope John Paul II view extramarital sex?
As a distortion of God’s plan, often involving selfishness and lack of commitment.
What does marital sex provide in a relationship?
Commitment, mutual love, respect, and potential for new life.
What does the Catholic Church say about contraception?
It is discouraged as sex should be open to life, though natural family planning is acceptable.
What is “communion of persons” in marital sex?
A deep sharing and unity between two people in a loving relationship.
What does Pope John Paul II say about family size?
Couples should have only the number of children they can lovingly care for.
How do other Christians and secular views on contraception differ from Catholic teaching?
Some view contraception as responsible for health and planning.
What is a key consequence of extramarital sex according to Pope John Paul II?
It can lead to objectifying others and losing respect for their dignity.