Chemicals (hormones)
Slow and is carried by the bloodstream
A series of electrical impulses
Rapid and is carried by nerves
Branches of the neuron that receive input (stimulus)
â__________ Listenâ
Can be hundreds per neuron
Send nerve impulses toward cell body
Make proteins
repair/maintain neuron
Neuroglobin (stores O2)
Send impulses away from cell body
â________ Speakâ
One axon per neuron
Terminal Branches
White matter surrounding parts of axon (not the dendrites or cell body)
Consists of lipids, proteins, water
Insulates axon and increases impulse speed
Gaps in myelin sheath
Allows impulse to travel faster
Impulse âjumpsâ from node to node
Donât transmit impulses
Provide structural support and nutrient
Produce myelin in PNS
Only found on individual axons
Not branched
Star Cells
Keep neurons near blood supply (access to nutrients)
Make up the Blood Brain Barrier
Positive outside and negative inside
Excess of Na+ on the outside
Stimulus at dendrites triggers the opening of Na+ channels
Na+ rushes in and depolarizes the membrane (inside is more positive than the outside at stimulated point)
This then travels down the neuron and the impulse is complete
Impulse jumps from one Node of Ranvier to the next
Latin for jump
Much faster than impulse in non-myelinated section