Same as any other set. Focuses on sections two and three, which discuss the unification of Germany and its aftermath.
39 independent German states stretched north to south from the _________ ____ to the ____ and east to west from the ______ _______ to the _________ Empire.
Baltic Sea; Alps; Rhine River; Russian Empire.
German Confederation = ?
The Congress of Vienna created this assembly as a buffer against future French expansion. It is seen as a major step toward German unity because it established closer economic ties between the German states and united them under a political cause.
Diet = ?
Junkers = ?
Influential aristocratic landowners who controlled the power of politics.
Zollverein = ?
An economic union.
Delegates met in the Frankfurt Assembly to unite the country under one _________ constitution.
Realpolitik = ?
The right of the nation-state to pursue its own advantage by any means, including war and the repudiation of treaties.
When Bismarck defied the finance committee of the Prussian assembly, he did what?
He collected the taxes needed to increase the army’s budget without authorization. He just didn’t listen.
The territories of _________ (%) and _________ (%), ruled by the king of Denmark, were ethnically German.
Holstein (100%); Schleswig (50%).
As a result of the Holstein/Schleswig conflict, Bismarck persuaded ______ to join Prussia in declaring war against Denmark.
By mutual agreement (after the war with Denmark), Prussia took control of _______ and Austria took control of ________.
Schleswig; Holstein.
To prepare for the Seven Weeks’ War, Bismarck did what to Austria?
Diplomatically isolated it from potential allies.
During the Seven Weeks’ War, Austria worsened its reputation by supporting the duke of _____________, who claimed the title to Schleswig and Holstein.
When Austria asked the German Confederation to take military action against Prussia for their invasion of Holstein, Bismarck did what?
Declared war on Austria.
Terms of the Seven Weeks’ War treaty:
Germany received Holstein.
Italy received Venetia.
The German Confederation was dissolved and the new North German Confederation saw over states north of the Main River.
Southern Germany remained loose independent states.
The southern German states, which were largely __________, remained outside the new German confederation.
To ignite the Franco-Prussian War, Bismarck manipulated ________ into declaring war on Prussia.
As a result of the Franco-Prussian War, a new German empire (including the southern states) was proclaimed where?
In the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles.
Kaiser = ?
Bismarck took charge of _______ in the German Empire.
Kulturkampf = ?
A cultural struggle. In this chapter, it refers to a struggle between Bismarck/the state and the Catholic Church.
Center Party = ?
Catholics in the newly united Germany organized this to represent their interests in opposition to the predominantly Protestant Prussians.
Papal Infallibility = ?
The doctrine that the pope, when speaking on matters of faith and morals, is free from error.
The May Laws = ?
A series of laws the German legislature passed intended to destroy Catholic influence in Germany.
They deprived Catholic bishops of their authority, supervised the education of the clergy, and required that weddings be performed by secular officials.
After _________ repealed most of their laws directed against Catholics, the Kulturkampf was over.
Prior to unification, Germany was not a great _________ nation. It was mainly agricultural.
The complete unification of Germany resulted in ________ ________ from foreign countries to help modernize industry production and establish mechanized factories.
Investment Capital.
_____- ____ ______ ________ made available large reserves of cheap fuel for new industrial endeavors.
Deep-Pit Coal Mining.
Ferdinand Lassalle founded what?
Universal German Workingmen’s Association.
The Universal German Workingmen’s Association merged with what to become a major political force?
The Social Democratic Party.
Bismarck believed that any Socialist party was out to change the government and, therefore, it posed a _________ to the German Empire.
The German legislature passed an anti-Socialist bill that did what?
Banned all Socialist meetings and publications.
Bismarck tried to show the workers that the ___________ had their true interests at heart, not the Socialists.
Sickness Insurance Law = ?
Gave limited compensation to those who missed work because of illness.
Old Age Insurance = ?
Protected industrial workers in retirement.
The Social Democratic party won __ seats in the legislature and then refused to renew Bismarck’s anti-Socialist law.
Fredrick III died within the year that he was coronated after how many days?
100 Days.
What were William II’s political views?
Favored militarism.
Believed in the absolute authority of the emperor.
Bismarck offered his ___________ after two years of bumping heads with William II.
Under William II’s reign, Germany became one of the world’s major ________ and ________ powers.
Industrial; Military.