Wars of the Roses, by year

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Henry's weaknesses

Conflict-avoidant (Courteney-Bonville feud, over stewardship of Cornwall) Fiscal generosity (rapid elevations to nobility, 23 elevations in 17 years, Edward IV had 6) £372,000 in debt Normandy is v expensive to maintain

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Tax records show that Richard, Duke of York is the wealthiest man in England

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November 1442

Eleanor Cobham, Duchess of Gloucester found guilty of necromancy

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Henry VI grants Somerset a contiugency of men instead of sending York much needed men at Calais

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April 1445

Henry marries Margaret of Anjou as a provision of the Treaty of Tours (Claims to Anjou and Maine surrendered, York is a critic of this treaty_

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York is not reappointed Captain of Calais, with the role instead going to Somerset, a parvenus

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July 1447

York appointed Lieutenant of Ireland, virtual exile

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March 1450

Suffolk impeached by Parliament but Henry ensures that is only to be exiled for 5 years, he is murdered by the St. Nicholas of the Tower Lord Saye and Seal threatens to turn Kent into a deer forest Adam Molyens killed

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May 1450

Cade's Rebellion is launched, saw the lynching of Lord Saye and Seal, calls for England to be governed by its Dukes (YORK, NORFOLK AND BUCKINGHAM), pardoned by Margaret but then Buckingham leads Harvest of Heads

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Later in 1450

York offers a proclamation, blames the state of the nation on Somerset and evil councilors, York has returned to "claim his rightful place in government and clear his name"

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Reading Parliament - compliant to Henry VI, awards money to Talbot to reclaim Gascony

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March 1452 - Battle

Dartford York marches to be recognised as heir with Egremont but is met with every great lord in England and begs forgiveness

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Early July 1453

Henry orders a commission of Oyer and Termina to resolve the Percy-Neville feud but it is dominated by Neville retainers

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July 1453

Henry dispatches the competent Shrewsbury but he falls at Castillon, marking the end of the English Empire in France

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August 1453

Henry VI's illness begins

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October 1453

Margaret gives birth to Prince Edward, she makes Somerset the godfather and excludes York from the christening

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January 1454

Margaret publishes her Bill of Five Articles, arguing that she should be Regent, as is custom in France, while Henry is ill but is refused

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March 1454

The Chancellor, Kemp, dies allowing York to be made Protector

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Early 1454

Warwick and Somerset feud over the Glaumorgan lands but Henry is incapacitated and can't deal with it

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York's first protectorate (starting March 1454)

Appointed himself Captain of Calais Reduced King's household expenditure by £20,000 by December 1454 Appoints a Neville, Salisbury, as Chancellor In May, Duke of Exeter rebels and York has him imprisoned Confines Somerset to the Tower in November Does not touch Margaret's household x

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Christmas Day 1454

Henry recovers

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April 1455

Henry called a council to be held in Leicester, to discuss threats to the king, Yorkists gather their retainers

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May 1455 - Battle

First St Albans: York Lancaster: York Buckingham Warwick Somerset (mort) 5000 2000 Hours of negotiation, Lanc wouldnt surrender Somerset, launched second protectorate

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1455 (Couteney)

murders radfield, york strips earldom of devon, henry vi returns it in 1456

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York pushes for an Act of Resumption, hugely unpopular, forced to resign Margaret moves the court to Coventry Warwick made Captain of Calais

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March 1457

Margaret forces York to swear fealty to Henry VI

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August 1457

Court forced to return to London after French fleet of 4,000 raid the coast

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March 1458

Great Council - Yorkists agree to pay reparations to the Beauforts and Percies Loveday

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May 1458

Warwick launches piracy against Spain and Hansa, Margaret demands he be stripped of his titles and the faction solidifies against him

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June 1459

Margaret summons a Great Council in Coventry and attainders the Yorkists

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1459 - Battle

Ludford Bridge Trollope defects Yorkists forced to flee (Edward and Warwick to Calais, York to Calais)

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July 1460 - Battle

of Northampton Henry VI captured by Yorkists, Egremont killed lancastrian gunpowder is maid useless by rain the lancastrain front, led by edward grey, defects

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December 1460 - Battle

Battle of Wakefield Somerset. York (mort) Dudley. Rutland(mort) 18,000 4,000 Margaret displays York's head on Micklegate Bar, Lord Scales killed

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Late 1461

Margaret makes a deal with Mary of Guelders, Regent of Scotland

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February 1461

Mortimer's Cross owen tudor executed parahelion edward proves himself in combat

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February 1461 - battle

second st albans Margaret. Warwick Somerset Buckingham Lancastrian victory Commits chevuchee on the way south Margaret retakes Henry VI Road clear to London Margaret, refused entry to London, falls back to Dunstable instead of being pinned to walls

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March 1461

Edward, Earl of March declares himself Edward IV -) George Neville, Bishop of Ely confirms but archbishop refuses unless proven in battle

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28th of March 1461 - Battle 1

FitzWalter ambushed by Clifford

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29th of March 1461 - Battle 2

Edward supported left flank Lanc 35,000 vs York. 30,000 Blizzard in Lancastrians' face Norfolk showed up late

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Later in 1461

Edward coronated proper Margaret of Anjou flees into Scotland By 1463, Warwick had captured all Lancastrian holdings in the North

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1463 - forgiveness

forgiveness policy, Somerset and Ralph Percy forgiven

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1463 - Scotland

Edward begins negotiating a treaty with Scotland

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May 1464

the forgiven lancastrians (somerset, ralph percy) rebel at the battle of hexam and are executed by montagu, despite somerset and edward being lovers

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May 1464 (Scotland)

Scottish treaty signed, Margaret forced to return to France under Louis XII

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Henry VI captured in Lancashire and sent to the tower, Margaret remained at large

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September 1464

Warwick is away negotiating a match for Edward with Louis XI, Edward reveals he secretly married Elizabeth Woodville in 1464

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Woodvilles elevated (1466)

Richard Woodville became Earl Rivers and Treasurer of England John Woodville marries Catherine Neville, the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk (Warwick's very rich aunt). John was 19, Catherine 65. ​ Catherine Woodville married Henry Stafford, the new Duke of Buckingham​ Anne Woodville married William Bourchier (son of Thomas Bourchier, the Earl of Essex) ​ Mary Woodville married William Herbert (the son of Edward's councillor William Herbert, the Earl of Pembroke)​ Margaret Woodville married Thomas Fitzalan, the Earl of Arundal​ Eleanor Woodville married Anthony Grey of Ruthin, the Earl of Kent​ Thomas Grey was made Marquess of Dorset and married Anne Holland, the only child of Henry Holland

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Summer 1467

Edward hosts a Burgundian emissary led by Anthony, Bastard of Burgundy

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Humiliated, Warwick leaves court

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July 1469 (marriage)

Clarence secretly marries Isabelle Neville, bringing him into the Lancastrian faction

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Robin of Redesdale & Robin of Holderness rebellions

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July 1469 (Edward)

Edward camps at Nottingham but he is outnumbered as Reedsdale advances from the North, Warwick from the South Captured at Edgecote Moor

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March 1470

Warwick stages another rebellion in Lincolnshire, rallying them at Losecoat field

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22nd July 1470

Warwick alligns with Margaret of Anjou, Edward, Prince of Wales was married to Anne Neville

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October 1470

Edward IV flees to Burgundy and Henry VI is returned to the throne

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March 1471

Edward lands at Ravenspur, Edward claimed that he only sought to reclaim the Dukedom of York and lied that he had Northumberland's support, uses it to enter the City of York

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20th March 1471

Edward stays at Pontefract, neither Montagu or Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland decide to attack him

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25th March 1471

In Leicester, Edward's army grew when 3,000 of Hastings' men arrived and joined up. ​

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3rd April 1471

Edward joins with Clarence just south of Warwick in Coventry, his 4,000 men met Edward's army (10,000 total). ​

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10th April 1471

George Neville is forced to submit to Edward after trying to hold London for Lancaster

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14 April 1471 - Battle

Battle of Barnet Oxford's men were erroneously shot at by the Lancastrian centre commanded by Lord Montagu, as he mistook Oxford's Star with Rays for Edward's Sunne in Splendour Montagu allegedly wore Edward's colours

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4th May 1471 - Battle

Battle of Tewkesbury Margaret attempted to cross into Wales to join her forces with the Welsh Lancastrians but Edward contacted the Lord Becham to hold the gates at Gloucester, so she was forced to advance to Tewksbury Richard was able to outflank the Lancastrians led by Edmund Beaufort, the Duke of Somerset. Once Somerset's men had been dealt with, Richard attacked the rear of the Lancastrian line which broke apart and fled. (Somerset allegedly murdered Wenlock for betrayal) Many of the Lancastrian leaders were caught and killed including Edward the Prince of Wales. Margaret of Anjou was also captured.

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Edward church tenths

£46,000 church paid between 1472-75

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edward crown lands income

Earned £30,000 pa

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Benevolences/Forced loans

Edward extracts "donations" during progresses buying influence

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August 1475

Treaty of Picquigny Edward and Louis XII met, Edward's daughter and the dauphin would marry, and Edward would receive £15,000 and then £10,000 per annum Edward didn't collect any unpaid taxes for this campaign and didn't collect tax again until 1482

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July 1474

Treaty of London with Burgundy, both agree to invade France Edward has coronation robes made Collects taxes from Parliament,

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Clarence executed (had Ankarette Tynwho executed in 1477)

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29th August 1475

Treaty of Picquigny

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October 1460 - (York's Claim)

York had begun asserting his claim to the throne proper (styles himself Richard Plantaganet), asks to be made King but is rejected by Parliament, Act of Accord adopted instead and York made heir instead

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December 1482 (Treaty)

Treaty of Arras Burgundy and France finally agree a Treaty with Burgundy, erasing Picquingy

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Christmas 1482

Edward holds his Christmas court

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April 1483

Edward IV dies, in a departure from his 1475 will which would make Elizabeth regent and creates Richard as L. Protector

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10th April 1483

The royal council declares the coronation for May 4th, Woodvilles move to ostracise Richard, Elizabeth given great seal by LC Rotherham, Dorset declares they can enforce decisions w/o Richard

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20th April 1483

Woodvilles acquiesce and call for Richard to lead the Royal Council but it had been argued that he should enjoy sovereign power, Council takes moderate line and elects Richard as leader

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23rd April 1483

Richard pledges allegiance to Edward V at York and writes to the council reaffirming Edward's wish that he should be Protector

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30th April 1483

Rivers, Vaughan and Grey arrested by Richard and sent to castles in the North, Richard pledges his loyalty to Edward V

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April 1483 (SANCTUARY)

Elizabeth Woodville, after the arrest of Rivers, enters Sanctuary

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May 4th 1483

Edward enters London and is hailed by assembled nobles

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Dies childless, Richard's legal claim to some Neville inheritance rested on his living

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May 8th 1483

Royal Council meets and creates Richard LP until late June when Parliament can confirm out, HOWEVER, refuse to sanction arrests of Rivers, Vaughn and Grey

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May 10th 1483

John Russel made LC, Rotherham fired for giving Great Seal to Elizabeth

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May 15th 1483

Buckingham created Lord Constable, given vast swathes of welsh land and also given wardship of Anne, heiress of Exeter (confirmed July 15th, during Richard’s reign)

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May 23rd 1483

Elizabeth refuses to leave sanctuary

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June 8th 1483

Stillington plot

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June 10th 1483

Gloucester rallies extra troops

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June 13th-16th 1483

Hastings executed, Jane Shore publicly humiliated for infiedelity, and Prince Richard released

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June 22nd 1483

Shaa: Bastard Slips shall take no root delcared, Richard offered throne by by Parliamentarians on the 25th, Rivers etc executed

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July 1st 1483

6000 men camp outside London from York

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July 6th 1483

Richard coronatedAs Richard III

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July 14th 1483

Buckingham confirmed as Lord Constable and given vast swathes of Wales

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Late July 1483

Richard III was in the north when he learnt of an unsuccessful attempt to free the royal princes from the Tower, fires were lit in London

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September-October 1483

Buckingham's Rebellion: -Rumours circulated that the Princes had been murdered -11th October: Buckingham raises troops on the Welsh border -Norfolk (Howard) defends London -Rebellion declares for Henry T -Henry lands with only 2 ships -Buckingham captured on Oct 30

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The January Parliament

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1484 Opposition

96 attainted, incl Margaret Beaufort, but 1/3 pardoned, Morton (B.of Ely fully pardoned in 1485), began banning livery and maintiance

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1484 - TITLE

Titulus Regius, confirmed Richard III's passage to the throne -Elizabeth was guilty of witchcraft -Marriage occurred in secret, bans not read in public -Edward IV already in plight troth to Eleanor Butler -Condemned the "carnal lust" of Edward's court, alienating his allies

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Benevolences illegal, jury members had own property over a certain value

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March 1484

Richard pledges to protect Elizabeth's daughters, and they begin attending court

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Autumn 1484

Anne of Suffolk betrothed to James of Scotland, creating an Anglo-Scottish peace

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Situation with France under Richard III

Louis XI died in August 83, leaving a regency lead by Anne of Bourbon and fears of invasion, after Francis of Brittany's chief minister negotiated a deal with Richard, Henry fled to France

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