________ can bring about their own salvation by accepting Christ.
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Martin Luther
While ________ and John Calvin preached the doctrines of predestination and Bible reading, new evangelical preachers spread a personal and experiential message of faith that goes beyond mere study of books.
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Protestant revival
A(n) ________ began in New Jersey, led by a pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church named Theodoros Frelinghuysen.
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Great Awakening
During the First ________, evangelists came from several denominations of Protestantism.
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________ helped revive Presbyterianism in the Middle Colonies, including Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, and established seminaries to train other evangelical ministers.
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18th century
During the ________, the British Atlantic experienced an explosion of Protestant revival known as the First Great Awakening (the Second Great Awakening occurred in the 19th century)