Unit 3 Catholic

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Catholic - Core beliefs, teachings and practices

47 Terms


Internal features of Church (8)

  • The sanctuary - it is the main focal point of the church. The word “sanctuary” mean holy places. The altar, the lectern, the crucifix and the tabernacle is found.

  • The altar - it is found in a central position of the sanctuary, it is also treated with greatest respect as people believe Jesus will come to it and this is where sacrifice of Mass is offered

  • The tabernacle - it is where the blessed sacrament is reserved

  • The lectern - where word of God is proclaimed in the celebration of Mass

  • The stations of cross - the 14 successive picture during Jesus’ condemnation, crucifixion and burial. Also as a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice

  • The statue/ votive / lady chapel - used to represent Jesus or Mary or Saints. Usually there is a stand

  • The confession box - a place where Catholic can go to receive the sacrament of reconciliation and confess their sin to ask for forgiveness

  • The baptism font - where a person is baptised and made a member of the Catholic community

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What is a pilgrimage

A journey made for religious purpose, this could be alone or with other Christian. Christian believes it is not only a physical journey but also an spiritual journey with God

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Reasons for people to go on pilgrimage [5]

  • Inner peace / reflect

  • Strengthen relationship with God

  • Become closer to their religion

  • Follow Jesus’ footstep

  • Visit famous landmark

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What is a Lourdes

A pilgrimage dedicated to Mary, in 1958 a girl was spiritually told by Mary to dig a well of water that has healing property. Recite the rosary

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What is a Iona

Island off the West Coast Scotland, it is where Christianity were established in 6AD. Referred as a thin place, where the physical and spiritual realms are separated by a thin veil. It also reveals God infinite power and presence.

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State the 3 way that Bible is interpreted

  • Literal - word for word understanding of the scripture

  • Non-literal - Still God’s revelation and truth but not necessary word for word, instead gives an explanation and truth to something that may otherwise be unexplainable. E.g: the Genesis story of creation can be seen as mythical, as science has proved that the world cannot have literally been created in 7 days.

  • Symbolism- The Bible is filled with symbolism which the authors of the Bible used to try and explain spiritual truth, e.g: Jesus describe himself as a shepherd, light, bread, a sower, cornerstone and more.

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What is the Bible

It is regarded as the word or God - God’s revelation to us his truth and intentions

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Explain the uses of the Bible

  • Some of the teaching refered as absolute law such as the Ten Commandment because Bible is classified as the word of God

  • Worship, prayer and ceremonies - scripture is used throughout the Mass and uses as a basis for the prayer and entire Mass

  • Inspire people, the intention of the Bible is to change the way we think and act

  • Use to inform our conscience so that we can act as the way God want us to be

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Describe the writing technique of Bible

  • Matthew - includes many quotations from the Jewish scriptures to shows that Jesus was the Messiah

  • Mark - shows that Jesus accepted suffering and death, therefore conquering death and evil. A way to encourage the Church in Rome

  • Luke - includes many stories to show that Jesus is the saviour of the whole world and people.

  • John - the only Gospel where Jesus openly claimed to be the Messiah “I am the light of the world”

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Describe Catholic teaching on afterlife

Human are made up of body and soul, where body is mortal and ends at death while soul is immortal and lives on after death

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Describe Heaven, Hell and Purgatory

  1. Heaven is eternity with God, with perfect love

  2. Hell is eternity without God, without perfect love

  3. Purgatory is preparation to be with God in heaven. It is where e are cleansed of any residual sins

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Describe Catholic’s teaching on judgement

  • Catholics believe in 2 judgement, particular and final.

  • Particular - At the moment of death all humans are judged on how they have lived their life.

  • Final - At the end of time all humans will be raised, body and soul will be united and all humanity will be judged

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What does resurrection mean

The belief that Jesus rose from death on Easter Sunday, therefore conquering death.

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What is the liturgical year

It is the Church’s year of worship. It includes advent, lent, Easter, Christmas, Epiphany, Asecnsion and Pentecost

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Describe Advent, Lent, Easter, Christmas, Epiphany, and Ascension (Vague)

  • Advent - preparation for Christ‘s coming at the incarnation and Parousia

  • Lent (including Holy Week) - Christ as the promised Messiah, the new sacrifical nature of Christ as passover lamb

  • Easter - Christ’s resurrection as the future hope for humanity in term of defeating death and gaining eternal life

  • Christmas - a celebration of the belief that Christ is God’s incarnation

  • Epiphany - The revelation of God through Christ, symbolised by the visit of the “3 Wise Men to the baby Jesus”

  • Ascension - The divine nature of Christ as returning to the Father and assuming God rightful place as the Second Person of the Trinity

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For and against that “Catholic should goes on pilgrimage once in their life time” (10)


  • It is a sacred place wher people become closer to God, such as doing the Santiago trip and experiencing the difficulties of the journey like millions of people over the centuries have done before

  • Places of healing and meeting vulnerability, such as Lourdes also helps to understand Catholic beliefs about Mary as intercessor

  • To learn more about the religion

  • Follow Jesus’ footstep to become closer with God and the religion

  • Even believer of other religions also goes on pilgrimage once per life time which shows how important it is

  • Gives a sense of identity and belonging


  • People can become closer with God by praying either by themself, or community or in church

  • Expensive and some people may have other commitment such as family and work

  • People who are ill or have disability cannot go

  • Can use the money spent on the trip into something better like helping other people (“Love your neighbour”)

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How Catholic may observe advent

  • Firstly, they have Advent wreath, it is a circle to show that God’s love never ends and the colour ever green shows hope and life.

  • Secondly, they have three purple candles to remind people to prepare for Jesus’ coming by, being sorry for things they have done wrong. Catholic receives sacrament of reconciliation during advent

  • Thirdly, they have a pink candle, it reminds people of the joy of living a good life as a follower of Jesus

  • Fourthly, Catholics will remember, pray and do acts of service for those who are less fortunate than them

  • Lastly, they will use the advent calendar as a countdown for the coming of Jesus and the candle light as a hope of coming of Jesus.

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  • Starts on Ash Wednesday and last for 40 days and nights

  • Help to remember the time Jesus spent in the desert and his temptations

  • Time for preparation of Easter

  • Time spent in prayers, castings and alms giving

  • Confession of sacrament

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  • It is the revelation of God through Christ, symbolised by the story of Three Wise Men

  • Feast day in 6th Jan

  • Have colour of white

  • Moved to the nearest Sunday

  • Some cultures will exchange presents

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  • would send down Holy Spirit to the apostles as he had promised

  • Lead them out to Bethany and blessed them

  • Taken up in a cloud into heaven.

  • Was promised that someday Jesus will return from heaven

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Describe Jesus’ brith

  • Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would have a son

  • Mark was specifically chosen as she was the immaculate conception

  • Mary conceives through the power of Holy Spirit

  • Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem for census

  • Mary gave birth to baby Jesus in a stable

  • The Magi come to visit the baby and brings him golds as gift, frankincense and myrrh

  • The shepherd called by a host of Angels to worship and praise the new born child

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What is the importance of Jesus’ birth

  • Incarnation of God

  • Sacrificed on the cross for our sins

  • Humble birth shows humble life Jesus would live and his call to save sinner and care for the poor and sick

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How is Jesus birth celebrated

  • Christmas mass

  • Liturgical colour of white or gold

  • Presents

  • Nativity scenes and plays

  • Religious declaration

  • Religious card

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Describe Palm Sunday

  • Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey

  • As he rode, crowds shouted and identify him as the messiah

  • They waved palm leaves and laid their coats on the floor for the donkey to walk over

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What is the celebration of Palm Sunday

  • Palm are handed out

  • Procession may take place

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Describe Maundy Thursday

  • Jesus and his disciples were celebrating the Passover in Jerusalem

  • Jesus took a bowl and told his disciples that he was to wash their feet

  • Peter refused and Jesus told him that if he did not then he would have to leave. Then Peter gave in and allow Jesus to wash his feet

  • Jesus then took a break and share it with everybody “This is my body… do this in memory of me”

  • He then took a wine and did the same and said “This is my blood… do this in memory of me”

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Describe celebration of Maundy Monday

  • Mass is celebrated

  • Priest will wash the feet of twelve member of the congregation

  • The blessed sacrament is taken to a different tabernacle at a side altar until the Vigil Mass on Saturday

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What are the importance of Maundy Monday

  • Institution of the Eucharist

  • Jesus gave his final commandment “love one other as I have loved you”

  • Washing of the feet is also a symbol of servant leadership

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Describe Corpus Christi

  • Corpus Christi is the Latin word for “body of Christ”

  • The feast day celebrates transsubstiation, the changing of bread and wine into body and blood of Christ in mass

  • Celebrated with Corpus Christi procession

  • Gives the faithful the chance to show respect and worship Christ who is truly present in the form of bread

  • The host is displayed in a monstrance so all can see

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What is the importance of ascension

Proof the Jesus’ place in the trinity

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Describe the celebration of ascension

  • Celebrated 40 days after Easter

  • Liturgical colour = white

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Describe Pentecost

  • Celebrated 50 days after Easter and is when Christians remember the gift of the Holy Spirit

  • Viewed as the birthday of the Christian Church as this is when the mission starts

  • Liturgical colour = red

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What is the importance of Pentecost

  • Same gift received at confirmation

  • Starts of the Church on earth

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Describe All Saint

  • Celebrated in 1st November by Catholics as well as other Christian denomination

  • The feast day celebrates and remembers all the saints known throughout the history of the Church

  • Although there may be unknown saints, the feast day tend to focus on those who are recognised by Catholic Church

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Describe Pilgrimage

-The place where Christians believe Jesus was born.

-Most important site in Bethlehem is the Church of the Nativity

-Inside the Church of the Nativity, there is a tiny area called the Grotto of the Nativity. In this grotto, there is a 14-pointed star, which is believed by some Christians to indicate the birthplace of Jesus Christ.

-Near to this spot is the Chapel of the Manger where some Christians believe Mary placed Jesus after he was born.

-Some people kiss the star representing the birthplace of Christ to show their devotion.

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Why is Bethlehem site important

-This is the incarnation - the belief that Jesus is God made flesh. The experience of being in the place where the incarnation is believed to have happened can have huge spiritual importance for Christians.

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Describe Jerusalem

-Christians believe that Jesus visited Jerusalem at Passover time and spent the week leading up to his death there.

-The Garden of Gethsemane - this is believed to be where Jesus prayed before he was arrested by the Romans and put to death. Christians visit here for contemplation and prayer.

-Church of the Holy Sepulchre - this church is said to be built on the site where Jesus was crucified, as well as his place of burial. Others believe the Garden Tomb, situated just outside Jerusalem's city walls, is the place which marks the site of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

-Church of the Ascension - this is said to mark the site of the Ascension, when Jesus rose into Heaven forty days after his resurrection. There is a stone inside the Church, believed to be imprinted with his footstep.

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Describe holywell

-A town in Flintshire, North Wales.

-Caradog was arranged to marry St Winifride, but she did not agree as she wanted to become a nun.

-He was angry so chopped her head off.

-Where her head fell a spring started to flow.

-Then her uncle St Beuno came and reattached her head.

-Holywell is now famous for its healing spring.

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Describe Nazareth

-Nazareth is believed to be the place where Jesus spent his childhood.

- Christians visit places in Nazareth that are said to mark areas of importance to Jesus' family.

-Pilgrims can visit the Church of the Annunciation. Some Christians believe that this church is built over the home of Mary, the mother of Jesus

-The Church of Saint Joseph is believed by some Christians to have been built over the area where Joseph had his carpentry shop.

-Some pilgrims walk between Nazareth and Bethlehem as part of their pilgrimage. They believe that when they do this, they are following in the footsteps of Mary and Joseph who travelled to Bethlehem before Mary gave birth to Jesus. The journey ends in Nativity Square in Bethlehem.

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Describe Second Vatican Council

-Most recent council held by the Church


-4 key documents produced that made significant changes to the way the Church is run and acts of worship are carried out.

Sacrosanctum Concilium – Mass is now said the vernacular, priest faces the congregation instead of away

Dei Verbum – clarified the role of the bishops and magisterium in regards to scripture

Lumen Gentium - focused on salvation and that all people can be saved, not just Catholics

Gaudium et Spes – tackled key modern day issues such as nuclear weapons, advancement of science and technology

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Describe role of pope

-Bishop of Rome – carries out the roles of Bishop such as confirmation, takes care of the diocese including priests etc.

-Vicar of Christ – Christ’s representative on earth. Delivers the Church’s teaching on key issues

-Successor to St Peter - Leader of the Church on Earth.  God’s authority given to teach and guide

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Describe veneration

-Catholics do not worship Mary, rather the pray and ask her to intercede on their behalf - ask Mary to join them in their prayers.

-Catholics venerate Mary (show her honour and respect) because she was chosen to be the mother of God - as it says in the Magnificat in Luke’s Gospel, “From now on all generations will call me blessed…”

-Catholics venerate Mary as she is the Immaculate Conception

-Practices that venerate Mary  - praying the rosary which includes the Hail Mary.

-Pilgrimage to Sites where Mary has appeared

-May and October are also dedicated to Mary during which the rosary will be prayed daily and devotion is showed to Our Lady. 

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Describe rosary

-Rosary beads are an aid to worship that focus on a set order of prayers. 

-The use of the beads allows an individual to keep track of the prayers without becoming distracted and losing their place. 

-When the rosary is used in prayer, one of the Mysteries of the Rosary is said. 

-Each of the mysteries is split into 5 events of the life of Jesus. 

-The rosary allows the individual to focus on ‘mysteries’ that represent  the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus - the incarnation of God. 

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Which angel informs Mary that she is going tyo have a son

Angel Gabriel

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Describe Mother /Model of the Church

-Christ is described as the Head of the Church and followers are described as the Body of the Church. 

-As Mary is the Mother of Christ, who is head of the Church, then Mary is the Mother of the Church.

-She is also seen as the model of the Church.  In all of her action she exemplifies the mission of the Church.  She agreed to and accepted God’s plan to be the mother of God; and supported and displayed her faith in her son throughout his mission.

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Describe art and statues role

-Art and statuary have always played an important part in the Church and this goes back to the early church when the majority of Christians could not read or write. 

-The only way in which they could understand and learn about the Church and those in it, was through either stories or images. 

-Statues served and still serve as reminder of the saints and Christ and how they set an example of how we should live.

-Stained glass windows are another way that depicts Biblical events and stories. 

-Statues and art are also used in worship. 

-They act as a reminder of faith and devotion. 

-By having statues visible it means that the saints and Christ are never far from the thoughts of the faithful.

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