all info from barrons book!! good luck everyone
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what is a computing device + examples
a physical artifact that can run a program
ex. tablets, computers, smart sensors, routers, etc.
are computing devices computers only
no!! a computer is a computing device but not every computing device is a computer, such as calculators, printers, etc.
what is a computing system
a group of computing devices and programs working together for a common purpose
what is a computer network
a type of computing system; a group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending/receiving data
what is bandwidth
the max amount of data that can be SENT in a fixed amount of time
what is scalability
the capacity for a system to change in size and scale to meet new demands
what is routing
the process of finding a path from sender or receiver
how is bandwidth measured
bits per second
what is the internet
a network or networks; entirely decentralized and a physical network of fiber optics, radio transmitters and cabling
what is a protocol
an agreed upon set of ruled that specify that behavior of a system
what is IP (internet protocol)
IP is responsible for addressing and routing your online requests
how many bits does IPv4 use
32; 2³² IP addresses
how many bits does IPv6 use
128; 2^128 IP addresses
can the IP address of a user’s device change
yes it can change at any time
what is TCP (transmission control protocol)
protocol that defines how computers send packets of data to each other; guide the rules on how data are subdivided into packets before transmission
what is UDP (user datagram protocol)
protocol that allows computer applications to send messages without checking for missing packets to save of time needed to retransmit missing packets
which is more reliable, UDP or TCP
TCP because is does resend packets lost when transmitting
what is fault tolerance
if a system fails, different paths can be used between the sending and receiving computer; redundancy is involved
what is the main difference between the internet and the world wide wed
the internet refers to hardware, www refers to the software used on the internet
what protocol does the world wide web use to transmit data
what is sequential computing
computational model where operations are performed in order one at a time
what is parallel computing
involves breaking up a task into smaller, sequential pieces then the pieces are executed all at the same time; consists of a parallel component and a sequential component
how is the speedup of a parallel solution measured
(sequential run time)/ (parallel run time)
what is distributed computing
uses multiple computing devices to run a program instead of a single computer