Equations, some definitions, etc.
RA3 / TA2 = RB3 / TA2
Kepler’s 1st (Any Units)
R3 / T2 = GM / 4đťť…2
Kepler’s 2nd (Standard Units ONLY; Meters, Seconds, Kgs)
RA3Â = TA2
Keplers 3rd (AU’s and years ONLY; planets in OUR solar system)
F = GMm / d2
How to find the force of a planet
Fc = macÂ
How to find centripetal force
Wr = VT
How to find tangential velocity with radius and omega
Mac = GMm / d2
How to find centripetal motion
ac = VT2 / R
How to find centripetal acceleration
VT = circumference / T
How to find tangential velocity
g = GMplanet / Rplanet2
gravitational acceleration for ANY planet
V = d / t
How to find velocity
W = θ / t
How to find omega
1 cycle, 1 revolution, or 1 rotation = 2đťť… radians = 2đťť…r
angular and linear conversions
Linear Ă· R = Angular
d, v, or a, to θ, Ꞷ, or 𝝰
Angular Ă— R = Linear
θ, Ꞷ, or 𝝰, to d, v, or a,
d ⇌ θ
distance = theta
V ⇌ Ꞷ
velocity = omega
a ⇌ 𝝰
acceleration = alpha