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President Madison
________ vetoed a bill to give states aid for infrastructure, deeming it unconstitutional.
John Marshall
________ let the state give the acres to the private speculators calling it a contract and constitutional.
Henry Clay
________ created a plan for developing a profitable U.S. economy.
Tsar Alexander
________ I of Russia called the Americans and British to come to peace because he didn't want his British ally to lose strength in the Americas and let Napoleon take over Europe.
House of Representatives
The ________ passed the Tallmadge Amendment, making it more difficult for Missouri to become a state.
Russo American Treaty
________ of 1824: the Russians retreated farther north into Alaska.
________ vs. Maryland (1819) involved an attempt by Maryland to destroy a branch of the Bank of the United States by imposing a tax on the Bank's notes.
James Monroe
________ was re- elected President in 1820.
Daniel Webster
________:"Expounding Father; "served in both the House and Senate.
Francis Scott Key
________: American prisoner aboard a British ship who watched the British fleet bombard Fort McHenry; wrote the "Star Spangled Banner ..
network of roads
A(n) ________ and canals that would transport raw materials across the country.
John Quincy Adams
________ and Henry Clay went to Ghent for the signing.
Jeffersonian Democratic Republicans
The ________ were opposed to using federal money to support interstate improvements.
The War of 1812 showed other nations around the world that ________ would defend its beliefs.
Peculiar Institution
________: an expression used to describe slavery and its economic impacts in the South.
The Federalists ran a presidential candidate for the last time in ________.
________ vs. Virginia (1821) involved the ________ appealing to the Supreme Court after being found guilty of illegally selling lottery tickets in Virginia.
Hartford resolutions
The ________ marked the death of the Federalist party.
Oliver Hazard Perry
________: captured a British fleet in Lake Erie.
Andrew Jackson
________ defended New Orleans at the Battle of New Orleans.
Rush Bagot Agreement
The ________ was made between the U.S. and Britain in 1817, and it limited the naval armament on the Great Lakes.
Thomas Macdonough
________: naval officer who forced the invading British army near Plattsburgh to retreat on September 11, 1814; he saved upper New York from British conquest.
General Andrew Jackson
________ went into Florida saying he would punish the Indians and recapture the runaways who were hiding away in Spanish Florida.
________ vs. Ogden (1824) came up when New York tried to give a private company a monopoly of waterborne commerce between New York and New Jersey.
President Washington
The Panic of 1819 was the first financial panic since ________ took office.
George Canning
________: British foreign secretary; asked the American minister in London if the United States would band together with the British in a joint declaration renouncing any interest in acquiring Latin American territory, and specifically warning the European dictators to keep out of Latin America.
Missouri Compromise
The ________ by Congress forbade slavery in the remaining territories in the Louisiana Territory north of the line of 36° 30 ', except for Missouri.
Florida Purchase Treaty
In the ________ of 1819, Spain ceded Florida and Spanish claims to Oregon in exchange for America's claims to Texas.
The Treaty of ________, signed on December 24, 1814 in ________, Belgium, was an armistice.
John Marshall
________ declared the U.S. Bank constitutional by invoking the Hamiltonian doctrine of implied powers.
Henry Clay
________ introduced a compromise that decided whether or not Missouri would be admitted as a slave state.
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams: Secretary of State to ________.
James Monroe
________ won the election.
Oliver Hazard Perry
captured a British fleet in Lake Erie
Thomas Macdonough
naval officer who forced the invading British army near Plattsburgh to retreat on September 11, 1814; he saved upper New York from British conquest
Francis Scott Key
American prisoner aboard a British ship who watched the British fleet bombard Fort McHenry; wrote the "Star Spangled Banner."
Peculiar Institution
an expression used to describe slavery and its economic impacts in the South
Fletcher vs. Peck (1810)
The Georgia legislature granted 35 million acres to private speculators; the next legislature cancelled the bribery-induced transaction
Dartmouth College vs. Woodward (1819)
Dartmouth College was given a charter by King George III but New Hampshire wanted to take it away
Daniel Webster
"Expounding Father"; served in both the House and Senate
John Quincy Adams
Secretary of State to James Monroe
George Canning
British foreign secretary; asked the American minister in London if the United States would band together with the British in a joint declaration renouncing any interest in acquiring Latin American territory, and specifically warning the European dictators to keep out of Latin America
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
President Monroe's warning to the European powers; its two components were noncolonization and nonintervention; it had little immediate impact
Russo-American Treaty of 1824
the Russians retreated farther north into Alaska