Define the German verb 'versuchen'.
to try
Describe the meaning of 'verstehen' in English.
to understand
How do you say 'to take care of' in German?
sich kümmern um
What is the English translation of 'gewöhnlich'?
usual, ordinary
Explain the action described by 'sich bewegen'.
to move
What does 'leiden' mean in English?
to suffer
How would you express 'to hope' in German?
Define 'die Gewohnheiten'.
the habits
What does 'schaffen' mean?
to create, to manage
Describe the frequency indicated by 'selten'.
What is the English term for 'fetthaltig'?
How is 'treiben' used in English?
to drive, to pursue
What does 'der Grund' refer to?
the reason
Define the term 'einfach'.
simple, easy
What does 'die Zukunft' mean?
the future
How do you say 'to taste' in German?
Explain the phrase 'führen zu'.
to lead to
What does 'aufmerksam' mean in English?
How is 'folgen' translated?
to follow
What is the meaning of 'wiegen'?
to weigh
Define 'die Firma'.
the company
What does 'die Umgebung' refer to?
the surroundings, environment
How do you say 'the fear' in German?
die Angst
What does 'gemeinsam' mean?
Define 'der Unterricht'.
the lesson
How would you say 'to listen' in German?
What does 'der Freund' mean in English?
the friend
Define 'the garden' in German.
der Garten
What is the English translation of 'arbeiten'?
to work
Describe the meaning of 'spielen' in English.
to play
How do you say 'to feel' in German?
What does 'sagen' mean?
to say
Define 'die Familie'.
the family
What is the meaning of 'lesen'?
to read
How is 'essen' translated?
to eat
What does 'trinken' mean in English?
to drink
Explain the phrase 'laufen gehen'.
to go for a walk