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10 percent plan

called Southern states to complete three tasks to be back in the US

-issued by Lincoln

  1. ratify the 13th amendment

  2. get rid of secession

  3. when 10% of voters from 1860 had taken an oath of allegiance to the US

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-organization that was authorized by the state to act as a single entity

-created easy access to capital and business development

  • has similar rights and responsibilities as individuals under law

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a market with the absence of competition, creating a situation where a specific person or enterprise is only the supplier of a particular thing

-single seller or producer assumes a dominant position in an industry or a sector

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homestead act

-provided that any adult citizen, or intended citizen, who had never borne arms against the U.S. government could claim 160 acres of surveyed government land. Claimants were required to live on and “improve” their plot by cultivating the land. After five years on the land, the original filer was entitled to the property, free and clear, except for a small registration fee.

-very broad… lead to fraud

-issued by Lincoln

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labor unions

organized association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests

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political machines

a party, organization, headed by a single boss or small autocratic group that commands enough votes to maintain political and administrative control of a city, country, or state

  • Concerned with staying in power

  • -recruited its members through tangible incentives

    -high degree of leadership and less member activity

    -often very corrupt

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Captains of industry/ robber barons

-after the civil war the US saw several businessmen dominate their field

-to some, they were 'captains of industry' because they were resourceful and brilliant innovators

-to others they were robber barons- cruel cutthroats who bullied, cheat, intimidate and exploit their workers  to get to the top

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belief that foreign people serves as a threat to one’s national identity

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melting pot

positive metaphor representing immigration and people blending together to create a new entity of America

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Laissez-Faire Economics

market by itself should not be regulated

  • Few regulations of businesses. They could produce what they wanted. The only form of regulations they had were tariffs

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Chinese Exclusion act

  • Federal law that prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers for 10 years

  • Followed by anti- Chinese violence

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Haymarket Square Riot

-peaceful labor protest that was interrupted by a bomb thrown at a squad of policemen attempting to break up the protest.

-Police responded with gunfire, killing many

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Dawes act

-forced NA to adopt American culture

-broke up reservations and gave indepedual parts of that land to individuals

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Johnson v. M'Intosh

  • Supreme court ruled for Makewtaush who bought the land for the federal gov.

  • -people could not buy land from NA

    -Johnson gets the land from the federal government because the federal gov. now own the land and NA only had a 'right of occupancy'

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Worcester v. Georgia

-Cherokee nation in Georgia was trying to be independent

-SC ruled that state of Georgia did not have the right to intervein on tribal affairs

-WORCESTER: trying to intervein, banned from Georgia

-cemented the idea that federal gov, had an exclusive relationship with NA, not state gov.

-although Georgia could not intervein, Federal gov could, instituting Indian removal… forcing them to leave the best farm land and go to Oklahoma

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Pullman strike (railroads)

-Pulman Strike: wages were cut to the workers of the Pullman cooperation (made sleeping cars)

workers were required to live in factory housing next to the factory

  • Had to pay rent to the Pullman company

-did not cut the rent so people were making less money but still had to pay the same amount for rent

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plessy v. Ferguson

-1896: declared segregation constitutional saying that 'separate but equal' is not inherently discrimination

  • Whether or not Jim crow laws violated the 14th amendment

    • Birth right citizenship, due process, states cannot deny equal protection under law

  • Supreme court argued the Jim Crow laws did not violate the 14th amendment because separate facilities were justified because as long as blacks and whites had these things (textbooks, pools, drinking fountains), the laws did not create a violation of equal protection because as long as you have these things protection is equal

  • Was eventually overturned

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Jim Crow Laws

-creation of state laws that restricted civil right laws of African Americans

-supported by Redeemers

-After compromise of 1877

-people that attempted to vote became targets of more violence, killed, getting fired etc.

-systematic voting restrictions decreased black voter turnout

  • Grandfather clause: could be exempt from a literacy test if your  grandfather voted in the 1860 election

    • Last election in history that did not have any African American representation

  • Work around for literacy test… only for white voters

  • Another way to maintain white supremacy

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American federation of Labor

-included women and people of color

-pushing for 8 hr. work day, no child labor, cooperation between producers and employers

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lost cause myth

false narrative adopted by former Confederates that believed the purpose of the war was to fight for slave rights and that it was not about slavery

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unflattering term meaning "scoundrels."  This was used in the South to refer to Southern whites and ex-Confederates who decided that the South must change and allied with the Republicans.

  • Negative term for White southerners

-republican supporters in the South who saw more good than harm in backing reconstruction

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term used by Southerners to describe Northern whites who invaded the region with all their possessions in a carpetbag (like Mary Poppins' suitcase), seeking to plunder and then leave.

-republicans who moved South to profit from the situation (take care of and get paid for helping slaves)

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  • Reversed the changes through the radical reconstruction in violent backlash that restored white supremacy in the South

  • Intimidation and violence directed at white and black republican leaders

  • Congress tried to pass legislation designed to end terrism

  • Goal was to reestablish white supremacy through D victories in state legislature across the South

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14th amendment

-addresses citizenship rights and equal protection under the law and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaved following the civil war

-birth right citizenship not race based

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radical republicans

-their goal was to completely end slavery for good

-established civil rights for former slaves after the war

-pushed for the 14th amendment and did not want ex-confederate soldiers to take power in the South

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congressional reconstruction

divided former confederate states into 5 military districts and placed them under the command of a former union general

-blamed the South for starting the war and wanted retribution for them causing the war

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black codes

laws that restricted black people’s right to own property, conduct business, buy and lease land, and more freely through public spaces

-Mississippi was the first to pass them supported by Andrew Johnson

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system where landlord allows a tenant to use the land in exchange for a share of the crop

-established after the civil war by Andrew Johnson

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Andrew Johnson

17th president of the US after assassination of Lincoln

-democrat who favored quick restoration of seceding states to the union without protection for the newly freed (formal enslaved)

-was eventually impeached due to the republican dominated congress

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presidential reconstruction

-lead by Andrew Johnson

-confederates who were now loyal to the union received pardon… all their property was restored except slaves

-states could be restored fully into the Union after they wrote a new constitution that accepted the abolition of slavery

-gave the white south a free hand in transitioning from slavery to freedom

-offered no political roles to blacks

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13th amendment

abolished slavery

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Freedman’s Bureau

agency of reconstruction after the civil war that directed provisions, clothing, and fuel for the immediate and temporary shelter and supply of destitute and suffering refugees and freedmen

-only had access to the war department funds which had little due to the civil war

-helped African Americans find their family that they had lost through slavey and the war

-issued by Lincoln

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grant sherman

-army union general who got fired

-ended up turning against Lincoln and ran against him for presidency

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total war

a war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, the territory or combats involved, or the objectives pursued

-the entire country was focused on the war and it was taken overwhelming prominence throughout American society

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Battle of Gettysburg

-turning point of the war…. Union victory

-only war that was fought in a free territory (no slavery)

-good news for moral

-hurt the southern army (lost 1/3)

-made it difficult for the south to win

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emancipation proclamation

-occurred three years into the civil war

-declared that all slaves are free

-former slave were now received into the armed service of the US

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withdrawal of states from the Union

-some believe it is a constitutional right and others believe it is natural right of revolution

-11 states seceded and formed the Confederate states of America

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election of 1860

-last election where African Americans did not have representation

-in the 1850’s democratic pro slavery leaders were in power

-Republican national convention nominated Lincoln to run and encouraged him to not interfere with slavery in the South but opposed the extension of silvery into the west

-Democratic national congress nominated Stephen Douglas

-made the main divide in politics between democrats and republicans (two main parties)

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Abraham Lincoln

-16th president of the US (1860 election)

-lead the union through the civil war

-abolished slavery through the emancipation proclamation

-served as a house of representatives

-former Whig representative from Illinois

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Harper’s ferry

abolitionist effort to imitate a slave Revolutiont in southern states by taking over the US arsenal at Harpers Ferry, VI

-22 abolitionists were defeated by the US marines -inspired the country to fight to end slavery

-lead by James Brown

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dred Scott vs. Sanford

Supreme Court cause that did not extend American citizenship to African Americans and did not have the rights of the Constitution

-Dred Scott (slave) was taken from Missouri (slave state) to Illinois and Wisconsin (slavery was illegal)

-when he was taken back to Missouri, he sued fro his freedom claiming that since he was taken to free states he was legally not a slave anymore

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fugitive slave act

required all escaped slaves, upon capture, be returned to the owner

-lead to the polarization in the US and was a factor leading to the civil war

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compromise of 1850

5 separate bills that defused a political confrontation between slave and non slave states

-Cali became a free state

-strengthened the Fugitive slave act

-banned slave trade in WA DC

-defined boarders of Texas

-established government in Utah

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Mexican- American war

occurred after the annexation of Texas into the US which Mexico still considered its territory

-extended US territory to the Pacific Ocean creating ports, minerals, and natural resources

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John L. O’Sullivan

American columnist that used ‘manifest destiny’ to include Texas and the Oregon territory into the US


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manifest destiny

idea that the US is destined by God to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across Northern America

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Fredrick Douglass

escaped slavery in Maryland and became the leader of the abolitionist movement

-published writings about his experience

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Missouri Compromise

-legislature admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a not- slave state so it did not distrust the balance between free and slave states

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war of 1812

fought between US and Indians against UK

-tensions about territorial expansion. Opposed it in the Northwest territories

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movement to end slavey

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Louisiana Purchase

acquisition of the territory of Louisiana by the US from the French first Republic

-Neapolitan sells a large amount of land to the US

  • This came from the treaty between France and the US after winning the Revolutionary war

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bill of rights

-first 10 amendments of the constitution written by James Madison

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Alexander Hamilton

-first US secretary of treasury

-argued that national bank is a political machine and the most impotence of the states

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-supported the adoption of the constitution

-favored weaker state governments and a representative rather than a direct democracy

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opposed the creation of a stronger US federal government

-wanted the power to remain to the states

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3/5 compromise

-compromise between northern and southern delegates during the US constitutional convention that stated that a slave’s vote only counted as 3/5 of a vote in order to determine the state’s total population

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James Madison

-federalist who wanted to create a new frame of government during the constitutional convention

-created the Virginia plan: proposal of a supreme national government with three equal parts

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constitutional convention

-decided how America was going to be governed (initial plan was to revise articles of confederation)

-70 delegated from the states were delegates

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Shay’s rebellion

series of violent attacks on the courthouse of Massachusetts

-rebels were ex- revolutionary war soldiers (farmers) who opposed state economic policies increasing poverty

-these people received little compensation after the war and protested

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articles of confederation

established the functions of the national government

-composed of a congress that had the power to declare war, appoint military officers, signs treaties, make alliances, appoint foreign ambassadors, and manage relations with Indians

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Thomas Jefferson

-help write the DOI and was the third president of the US

-cut army and icy expenditures, cut budget, eliminated the tax on whiskey, reduces the nations debt by a third

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battle of Yorktown

final battle of the revolution, Britain seceded

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battle of Saratoga

turning point of the revolutionary war

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battle of Trenton

George Washington and the continental army crossed the Delaware river

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Declaration of Independence

approved by the continental congress that announced the separation of the 13 American colonies from Britain

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George Washington

commander in chief of the continental army during the revolutionary war

-first president of the US (served 2 terms)

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Coercive/ intolerable acts

series of punitive laws passed by Britain in 1774 after the Boston tea party

-aimed to punish Massachusetts colonists for the incident

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Boston Massacre

9 British soldiers shot 5 people out of a 300 person crowd who were harassing them verbally

-helped unite the colonies against Britain and was the turning point in the beginning of the Revolutionary war

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‘no taxation without representation’

-the colonies were not being represented in British Parliament so colonialists protests that it was unjust to be taxed on a certain law that they were not legally represented for

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stamp act

Britains attempt to raise revenue through direct taxation of all colonial commercial and legal papers

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Salutatory (benign) neglect

Britain’s policy over the colonies to relax regulations (trade laws)

-enforced parliamentary laws even though representatives were not present

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John Locke

-enlightenment thinker who created modern ‘liberal’ thought

-natural law: if a ruler goes against the natural law and fails to protect “life, liberty, and property'‘ then the people are justified in overthrowing the state

-social contracts: gov. was created through the consent of the people to be ruled by the majority

-religious toleration: government must grant the freedom for their citizens to practice what they want

-right to revolution: citizens can revolve and over through the government if it is not granting natural rights

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economic policy that is designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports for an economy

-[promotes imperialism and colonialism

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origins of witness in America

-James town: English land owners grow tabbaco and profit

  • poor people were promised work, but it was indentured servitude

  • used Africans to do the work, sells them and abused them

-Virginia bans inter-racial marriage

-treated as objects

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racially- based/ chattel Slavery

-slaves were considered legal property to be bought, sold, and owned forever

-America was designed as a country benefiting white people

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indentured servitude

-form of labor where an individual is under contract to work without a salary to repay an indenture or loan within a certain timeframe

-popular in the 1600’s as a way for Europeans to take control of Native Americans

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John Smith/ Pocahontas

English Colonizer who founded Jamestown and was saved by Pocahontas

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