KNES 373 Quiz 2

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What is the biological function of our body? (2)

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What is the biological function of our body? (2)

  • Extracts potential energy from food & conserve it in ATP bonds

  • Transfers the chemical energy of ATP to biological work

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ATP will be used for:

Chemical work

Mechanical work

Transport work

<p>Chemical work</p><p>Mechanical work</p><p>Transport work</p>
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Describe the structure of ATP

Adenosine Triphosphate

  • 3 phosphate groups

  • 1 Adenosine

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Between which phosphate group does the bond break & how much energy is released?

  • The bond breaks between phosphates 2 & 3

  • 7.3 Kcal free energy is liberated (reduced) + Pi

<ul><li><p>The bond breaks between phosphates 2 &amp; 3</p></li><li><p>7.3 Kcal free energy is liberated (reduced) + Pi</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Through what process is ATP broken down?

Describe this process

What enzyme is used

ATP hydrolysis

  • Decomposition reaction with water

    • ATP + H2O → ADP + Pi + (-7.3 kcal)

  • Enzyme: ATPase

<p>ATP hydrolysis</p><ul><li><p>Decomposition reaction with water</p><ul><li><p>ATP + H2O → ADP + Pi + (-7.3 kcal)</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Enzyme: ATPase</p></li></ul>
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Describe the general process through which potential energy is transferred from food to ATP

  • Energy is transferred using chemical compounds

  • Food energy is released in small quantities through stepwise metabolic reactions

  • Energy released by a reaction is transferred to chemical structures of another molecule (not in a form of heat)

  • The food has a very high Ep, as it gets broken down ATP is produced & Ep decreases (think of burger)

<ul><li><p>Energy is transferred using chemical compounds</p><p></p></li><li><p>Food energy is released in small quantities through <strong>stepwise metabolic reactions</strong></p><p></p></li><li><p>Energy released by a reaction is transferred to chemical structures of another molecule (not in a form of heat)</p></li></ul><p></p><ul><li><p>The food has a very high Ep, as it gets broken down ATP is produced &amp; Ep decreases (think of burger)</p></li></ul>
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<p>Describe this diagram:</p>

Describe this diagram:

  • ATP is added to fuel due to the thermic effect of feeding (energy required to break down food)

  • Each process requires energy & energy is lost to heat in all reactions

  • Each rectangle decreases in size with each stage because potential energy gets weaker as the stages progress

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How much ATP is stored in our body & why

80-100g of ATP mostly stored in muscle cells


  • ATP is recycled (we resynthesize it)

    • via anabolism & catabolism

  • ATP is a very big molecule & having a lot is not very efficient

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Why do we have a limited amount of ATP

By having a small amount of ATP, any changes in its concentration will be quickly detected & the corresponding metabolic responses will be activated

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What are enzymes

Related to the rate that cells transfer energy

Proteins that accelerate a chemical reaction by reducing its activation energy

  • less energy needed to initiate reaction

<p>Related to the <strong>rate</strong> that cells transfer energy</p><p></p><p>Proteins that accelerate a chemical reaction by reducing its <strong>activation energy</strong></p><ul><li><p>less energy needed to initiate reaction</p></li></ul>
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Describe the important properties of enzymes:

  • Do not cause the reaction

  • Do not change energy yield of reaction

    • output stays the same

  • Are not consumed or changed during reaction

    • reusable

  • Sensitive to changes in temperature & pH

    • sometimes they react to changes in pH and/or temp

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Describe the Lock & Key Hypothesis

Substrate fits into the active site of the enzyme like a lock fitting a key (highly specific)

The enzyme itself doesn’t change at all but it facilitates the breakdown of a substrate

<p>Substrate fits into the active site of the enzyme like a lock fitting a key (highly specific)</p><p></p><p>The enzyme itself doesn’t change at all but it facilitates the breakdown of a substrate</p>
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Name three types of enzymatic reactions

Hydrolysis reactions

Condensation reactions

Enzymatic (Oxidation & reduction) reactions

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Describe hydrolysis reactions

  • Decomposition reaction with water

  • catabolize/degrade complex molecules

  • a molecule of water is added to a substance; thus, both substance & water molecule to split into 2 parts

1 big molecule breaks-down into 2 sub-molecules with water

<ul><li><p>Decomposition reaction with <strong>water</strong></p></li><li><p>catabolize/degrade complex molecules</p></li><li><p>a molecule of water is added to a substance; thus, both substance &amp; water molecule to split into 2 parts</p></li></ul><p></p><p>1 big molecule breaks-down into 2 sub-molecules with water</p>
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Describe condensation reactions

  • Opposite of hydrolysis

  • two molecules combine to build a single larger molecule with the loss of water

    • water is produced from the reaction

  • the process where water vapour in the air is changed into liquid water

<ul><li><p>Opposite of hydrolysis</p></li><li><p>two molecules combine to build a single larger molecule with the loss of water</p><ul><li><p>water is produced from the reaction</p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><ul><li><p>the process where water vapour in the air is changed into liquid water</p></li></ul>
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Describe enzymatic reactions

  • Oxidation - losing electrons

  • Reduction - gaining electrons

  • aka REDOX reactions

  • Oxidation & reduction always happens together

  • Often involve coenzymes

<ul><li><p>Oxidation - losing electrons</p></li><li><p>Reduction - gaining electrons</p></li></ul><p></p><ul><li><p>aka REDOX reactions</p></li></ul><p></p><ul><li><p>Oxidation &amp; reduction always happens together</p></li></ul><p></p><ul><li><p>Often involve coenzymes</p></li></ul>
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Where do muscle cells use ATP? (distribution)

75% mechanical work

  • Myosin ATPase (breaking myosin-actin cross-bridges)


  • Sarco/endoplasmic reticulum ATPase

    • calcium withdrawal/reuptake following contraction (taking Ca2+ from endoplasmic reticulum back to SR)

5% Ionic Transfer

  • Na+/K+ ATPase

    • moving sodium & potassium in & out of the cell

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What signals are used to match ATP demand with ATP synthesis?


  • ↑ in Ca2+ means we need to resynthesize ATP via troponin/tropomyosin


  • ADP, AMP, Pi, H+

Mitochondrial reduction/oxidation state


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What are the 3 metabolic pathways to resynthesize ATP

Immediate / phosphagen / alactic system (ATP-PCr system)

  • Adenosine triphosphate & phosphocreatine

Glycolytic / lactic / anaerobic system

  • glycogenolysis & glycolysis

  • lactate production

  • fastest pathway

Oxidative / aerobic system

  • different sources (carbs, lipids, protein, lactate)

  • oxidative phosphorylation

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How does the immediate system resynthesize ATP?

What are the two reactions of the immediate system?

Resynthesizes it via stored ATP

  • Phosphocreatine (PCr)

    • PCr + ADP + H+ → ATP + Cr

    • used to resynthesize ATP

  • Adenylate Kinase

    • ADP + ADP → ATP + AMP

ATP → ADP + Pi + H+

  • enzyme: ATPase

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Describe Creatine Kinase

Activated by:

PCr + ADP + H+ → ATP + Cr

  • Occurring all the time

First line of defense - ATP buffer

  • b/c we have way more PCr than ATP

Activated by:

  • ↑ ADP

  • ↓ ATP

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Describe Adenylate Kinase

Myokinase (ADK) / Adenylate Kinase (ADK)

Quantitatively insignificant source of ATP during exercise

  • occurs during high-intensity exercise

  • removes adenine nucleotides from pool (increases recovery time)


  • AMP + H+ → IMP + NH4+

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Describe the immediate / ATP-PCr system

When does it occur?

What happens as soon as muscle contraction starts?

What happens at exhaustion?

Can act in the presence of oxygen but doesn’t need it

Occurs during the first few seconds of exercise (3-15s)

  • ATP is maintained but PCr decreases

As soon as muscle contraction starts:

  • ATP is hydrolized to ADP + Pi + H+

    • ↑ Ca2+ and by-products (ADP, Pi, H+)

  • Ca2+ & by-products activate CK enzyme

  • CK accelerates breakdown of PCr

  • PCr gives one Pi to ADP to resynthesize AT

    • PCr + ADP + H+ → ATP + Cr

The ATP that’s generated frmo the oxidative metabolism will be used to synthesize PCr

At exhaustion:

  • Both ATP & PCr decreases which prevents further muscle contractions

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What is Rate Limiting Enzyme (RLE)

Enzymes contributing to the control of the rate of a reaction

  • The activity of RLE depends on accumulation of substrate further down the pathway

<p>Enzymes contributing to the control of the rate of a reaction</p><p></p><ul><li><p>The activity of RLE depends on accumulation of substrate further down the pathway</p></li></ul>
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T/F: The reduction of ATP itself is a signal for ATP resynthesis


Signals related to muscle contraction “turn on” pathways to generate ATP (e.g. Creatine kinase reaction)

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ATP demand during exercise ↑ up to _______?

Minimal changes to _____ during exercise

ATP demand during exercise ↑ up to 100-fold?

Minimal changes to ATP during exercise

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What 3 processes occur in the glycolytic system?

Where does glycolytic system take place

aka Anaerobic metabolism

  • doesn’t need oxygen (happens in the presence of O2 but doesn’t need it)

Occurs outside mitochondria

  1. Glycogenolysis

  2. Glycolysis

  3. Lactate Production

<p>aka Anaerobic metabolism</p><ul><li><p>doesn’t need oxygen (happens in the presence of O2 but doesn’t need it)</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Occurs outside mitochondria</p><p></p><ol><li><p>Glycogenolysis</p></li><li><p>Glycolysis</p></li><li><p>Lactate Production</p></li></ol>
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What is the fuel that can produce energy aerobically & anaerobically?


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What is a Carbohydrate?

Where is it available during exercise?

Only macronutrient that can generate ATP both anaerobically & aerobically


  • blood

  • muscle

  • liver (to muscle via blood)

  • ingested (from digestion to muscle via blood)

<p>Only macronutrient that can generate ATP both anaerobically &amp; aerobically</p><p></p><p>Available:</p><ul><li><p>blood</p></li><li><p>muscle</p></li><li><p>liver (to muscle via blood)</p></li><li><p>ingested (from digestion to muscle via blood)</p></li></ul>
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How does glucose enter a muscle cell?

______ sensitive

Glucose transporter (GLUT4)

  • transport protein (not an enzyme)

  • specific to muscle cells

  • facilitated diffusion

    • follows concentration gradient

  • insulin-sensitive

Indirect cascade that should occur

<p>Glucose transporter (GLUT4)</p><ul><li><p>transport protein (<strong>not an enzyme</strong>)</p></li><li><p>specific to muscle cells</p></li><li><p>facilitated diffusion</p><ul><li><p>follows concentration gradient</p></li></ul></li><li><p>insulin-sensitive</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Indirect cascade that should occur</p>
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What happens to glucose when it enters a muscle cell?

Hexokinase (HK)

  • Converts glucose to glucose-6-phosphate (G6P)

  • ATP is hydrolized to ADP + Pi + H+

    • Pi will be attached to glucose to produce G6P

    • G6P cannot leave the cell (irreversible reaction)

  • G6P has two fates:

    • undergoes glycolysis

    • stored as glycogen

      • phosphoglucomutase converts G6P to G1P

      • glycogen synthase converts G1P to glycogen

Phosphofructokinase (PFK)

  • Rate-limiting enzyme

    • activated by: ADP, AMP, Pi, G6G (subtrate)

    • inhibited by: ATP, H+

Yields 2 ATP (Substrate level phosphorylation)

  • Requires 2 ATP

  • Produces 4 ATO

Yields 2 NADH + H+

  • oxidized by laactate dehydrogenase

<p>Hexokinase (HK)</p><ul><li><p>Converts glucose to glucose-6-phosphate (G6P)</p></li><li><p>ATP is hydrolized to ADP + Pi + H+</p><ul><li><p>Pi will be attached to glucose to produce G6P</p></li><li><p>G6P <strong>cannot</strong> leave the cell (irreversible reaction)</p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><ul><li><p>G6P has two fates:</p><ul><li><p>undergoes glycolysis</p></li><li><p>stored as glycogen</p><ul><li><p>phosphoglucomutase converts G6P to G1P</p></li><li><p>glycogen synthase converts G1P to glycogen</p></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><p>Phosphofructokinase (PFK)</p><ul><li><p>Rate-limiting enzyme</p><ul><li><p>activated by: ADP, AMP, Pi, G6G (subtrate)</p></li><li><p>inhibited by: ATP, H+</p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><p>Yields 2 ATP (Substrate level phosphorylation)</p><ul><li><p>Requires 2 ATP</p></li><li><p>Produces 4 ATO</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Yields 2 NADH + H+</p><ul><li><p>oxidized by laactate dehydrogenase</p></li></ul>
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glucose → ? → ?

What type of reaction is this?

glucose → G6P → Pyruvate

What type of reaction is this?

REDOX reaction

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What is the net ATP production from 1 glucose molecule?

2 Net ATP

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Describe Glycogenolysis

Where does Glycogenolysis occur?

ATP produced?

  • Occurs in sarcoplasm (outside mitochondria)

  • Glycogen breaks down to Glucose-1-phosphate

  • The reaction is catalyzed by glycogen phosphorylase (PHOS)

  • Activated by PA

Yields 3 ATP

  • Requires 1 ATP

  • Produces 4 ATP

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What is glycogen phosphorylase (PHOS)

What increases & decreases activity?

  • Rate-limiting enzyme

    • Increased activity: Ca2+, AMP, Pi, epinephrine

    • decreased activity: H+, ATP, G6P

<ul><li><p>Rate-limiting enzyme</p><ul><li><p>Increased activity: Ca2+, AMP, Pi, epinephrine</p></li><li><p>decreased activity: H+, ATP, G6P</p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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<p>Fill out the table:</p>

Fill out the table:

knowt flashcard image
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What is Lactate Dehydeogenase

Converts Pyruvate to lactate & lactate to pyruvate

When pyruvate & NADH + H+ accumulate, lactate is formed

  • mismatch b/w glycolytic rate & capacity of mitochondria to accept pyruvate

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Glucose gets converted to G6P w/ what enzyme?

G6P either gets converted to pyruvate or glycogen, what state do these occur & what enzymes facilitate them?

Glucose → G6P (Hexokinase - HK)

G6P → Pyruvate (phosphofructokinase - PFK)

  • When exercising

G6P → Glycogen (glycogen phosphorylase - PHOS)

  • Not exercising

<p>Glucose → G6P (Hexokinase - HK)</p><p></p><p>G6P → Pyruvate (phosphofructokinase - PFK)</p><ul><li><p>When exercising</p></li></ul><p></p><p>G6P → Glycogen (glycogen phosphorylase - PHOS)</p><ul><li><p>Not exercising</p></li></ul>
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How does lactate get removed

Either goes out of the cell or gets converted back to pyruvate via LDH

<p>Either goes out of the cell or gets converted back to pyruvate via LDH</p>
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How does lactate production relate to exercise intensity?

Lactate cannot cause fatigue, H+ causes fatigue

Signal: ATP demand > aerobic metabolism ATP supply

Lactate increases to a certain point then remains constant because lactate starts to get converted to pyruvate

<p>Lactate cannot cause fatigue, H+ causes fatigue</p><p></p><p>Signal: ATP demand &gt; aerobic metabolism ATP supply</p><p></p><p>Lactate increases to a certain point then remains constant because lactate starts to get converted to pyruvate</p>
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Describe energy metabolism during intense exercise (30s all-out cycling)

Throughout the 30s:

PCr contribution: ↓

Glycolysis Contribution: ↓

Oxidative phosphorylation contribution: ↑

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Anaerobic metabolism is critical for transitions to ? as well as ?

Anaerobic metabolism is critical for transitions to higher workloads as well as maximal workloads

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Describe the enzymes of glygenolysis, glycolysis & lactate production


  • glycogen phosphorylase (PHOS)

  • phosphoglycomutase converts G1p to G6P


  • Glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4)

  • hexokinase (HK)

  • phosphofructokinase (PFK)

Lactate production:

  • lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)

<p>Glycogenolysis:</p><ul><li><p>glycogen phosphorylase (PHOS)</p></li><li><p>phosphoglycomutase converts G1p to G6P</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Glycolysis:</p><ul><li><p>Glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4)</p></li><li><p>hexokinase (HK)</p></li><li><p>phosphofructokinase (PFK)</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Lactate production:</p><ul><li><p>lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)</p></li></ul>
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What is the end-product of glycolysis?

Depends on exercise intensity

Aerobic - pyruvate

anaerobic - lactate

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What happens to pyruvate in the mitochondria?

  • Goes to mitochondria matrix

  • Pyruvate → Acetyl-CoA + CO2

    • Facilitated by PDH

    • NAD+ → NADH+H+

  • In the conversion, each pyruvate molecule loses one carbon atom w/ the release of carbon dioxide

  • during the breakdown of pyruvate, electrons are transferred to NAD+ to produce NADH, which will be used by the cell to produce ATP

<ul><li><p>Goes to mitochondria matrix</p></li></ul><p></p><ul><li><p>Pyruvate → Acetyl-CoA + CO2</p><ul><li><p>Facilitated by PDH</p></li><li><p>NAD+ → NADH+H+</p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><ul><li><p>In the conversion, each pyruvate molecule loses one carbon atom w/ the release of <strong>carbon dioxide</strong></p></li></ul><p></p><ul><li><p>during the breakdown of pyruvate, <strong>electrons are transferred</strong> to NAD+ to produce NADH, which will be used by the cell to produce ATP</p></li></ul>
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What is PDH


Activated/deactivated by

Pyruvate dehydrogenase

  • Reduces the level of lactate

  • controls rate of carbohydrate entry into mitochondria

  • Activated by Ca2+

  • deactivated by acetyl-CoA, ATP, NADH

Irrebersible: Traps acetyl-coA in mitochondria

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What is a Coenzyme?


A non-protein substance that is required for an enzyme to catalyze a reaction

  • they cannot by themselves catalyze a reaction


  • NAD+ or NADH

  • FAD or FADH2

NAD+ & FAD are electron transporters

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What is the citric acid cycle?

Activated by?

What’s reformed each cycle?

Aka tricarboxylic acid (TCA) or Krebs cycle

Activated by: Ca2+, ADP, NAD+

Oxaloacetate is reformed each cycle

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What activates creatine kinase?

Changes in ATP (a decrease in ATP)

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T/F Sensitivity of changes to ATP, ADP, etc change depending on the individual


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How does exercise intensity determine when pyruvate enters the cell?

Low intensity:

  • Pyruvate can enter the cell (mitochondria)

High intensity:

  • pyruvate begins to accumulate outside the cell & therefore gets converted to lactate

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Why does lactate cause central fatigue?

It activates group III/IV afferents

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What causes peripheral fatigue?

Pi & H+ ions

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Draw the citric acid cycle

What is oxaloacetate?


  • Oil for the engine

  • TCA cycle works w/ oxaloacetate (its always there)


  • Raw material


  • Currency of our muscles


  • Alternate forms of currency

    • they go to bank (ETC) to get exchanged into dollars (usable currency)

<p>Oxaloacetate:</p><ul><li><p>Oil for the engine</p></li><li><p>TCA cycle works w/ oxaloacetate (its always there)</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Acetyl-Coa</p><ul><li><p>Raw material</p></li></ul><p></p><p>ATP</p><ul><li><p>Currency of our muscles</p></li></ul><p></p><p>NADH &amp; FADH2</p><ul><li><p>Alternate forms of currency</p><ul><li><p>they go to bank (ETC) to get exchanged into dollars (usable currency)</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Draw the electron transport chain & describe it

Involves 4 protein complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane:

  • Dehydrogenase enzymes remove electrons from hydrogen

    • Electrons are passed along cytochomes

    • pump hydrogens to the intermembrane space

      • creates a proton gradient

      • protons pass through ATP synthase

      • for every 4H+ transferred through ATP synthase, 1 ADP + Pi produces 1 ATP

      • oxygen is the final electron acceptor

        • reduced to water

<p>Involves 4 protein complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane:</p><ul><li><p>Dehydrogenase enzymes remove electrons from hydrogen</p><ul><li><p>Electrons are passed along cytochomes</p></li><li><p>pump hydrogens to the intermembrane space</p><ul><li><p>creates a proton gradient</p></li><li><p>protons pass through ATP synthase</p></li><li><p>for every 4H+ transferred through ATP synthase, 1 ADP + Pi produces 1 ATP</p></li><li><p>oxygen is the final electron acceptor</p><ul><li><p>reduced to water</p></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>
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What complexes in the ETC have a proton transfer?

Complexes 1, 3 & 4

  • 3 has no proton transfer

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What occurs w/ ATP synthase?


  • Catalyzes the formation of ATP from ADP & Pi

  • Driven by influx of H+ into mitochondria matrix

1 NADH is worth 2.5 ATP

  • b/c it translocates 10 H+ ions

1 FADH2 is worth 1.5 ATO

  • b/c it translocates 6 H+ ions

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Glycolysis produces how much from 1 glucose?

  • ATP

  • NADH + H+ (ATP)

  • Pyruvate


2 NADH + H+ (5 ATP)

2 Pyruvate

<p><strong>2</strong> ATP</p><p><strong>2</strong> NADH + H+ (<strong>5</strong> ATP)</p><p><strong>2</strong> Pyruvate</p>
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What’s produced from the Citric Acid cycle





6 NADH (15 ATP)

4 CO2

2 FADH2 (3 ATP)


<p><strong>6</strong> NADH (<strong>15</strong> ATP)</p><p><strong>4</strong> CO2</p><p><strong>2</strong> FADH2 (<strong>3</strong> ATP)</p><p><strong>2</strong> ATP</p>
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What is produced from pyruvate dehydrogenase?



2 NADH (5 ATP)

2 CO2

<p><strong>2</strong> NADH (<strong>5</strong> ATP)</p><p><strong>2</strong> CO2</p>
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What is the total yield produced from aerobic glycolysis?





6 CO2


10 NADH (25 ATP)

2 FADH2 (3 ATP)

<p><strong>6</strong> CO2</p><p><strong>4</strong> ATP</p><p><strong>10</strong> NADH (<strong>25</strong> ATP)</p><p><strong>2</strong> FADH2 (<strong>3</strong> ATP)</p>
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What is slow to activate but has the greatest capacity to produce ATP?

Oxidative phosphorylation

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What 3 things are included within the lipid aerobic system?

  • Lipolysis & free fatty acid uptake in skeletal muscle

  • beta-oxidation

  • oxidative phosphorylation

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Describe the structure of a triglyceride

Where are they stored?

How does it relate to ATP

Only lipid that is a major source of energy (ATP) for muscle

  • Structure:

    • glycerol backbone

    • 3 free fatty acid tails

Stored in adipose tissue or skeletal muscle

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What is the purpose of lipolysis

Involves the breakdown of triglycerides

  • Releases the attached FFA tails from the glycerol backbone

Via Hydrolysis

Enzyme: Adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL)

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How is a triglyceride broken down via lipolysis?

Triglyceride → Diglyceride → Monoglyceride → glycerol

Each break down results in the release of a FFA

<p>Triglyceride → Diglyceride → Monoglyceride → glycerol</p><p></p><p>Each break down results in the release of a FFA</p>
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Describe lipid uptake

FFA carried by albumin in blood

  • enter via carrier proteins or facilitated diffusion

  • chaperoned by fatty acid binding protein (FABP) in cell

<p>FFA carried by albumin in blood</p><ul><li><p>enter via carrier proteins or facilitated diffusion</p></li></ul><p></p><ul><li><p>chaperoned by fatty acid binding protein (FABP) in cell</p></li></ul>
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How do FFAs get into the mitochondria?

FFA is converted to fatty acyl-CoA & transported unto the mitochondria

  • occurs via fatty acyl-CoA synthase

FFA is like the line of grocery carts, this is difficult to transfer in the mitochondria & therefore need to be activated to fatty acyl-CoA

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What is the Carnitine Shuttle?

Plays an essential role in the transfer of long-chain fatty acids across the inner mitochondrial membrane

  • Shuttle going in & out taking fatty acyl-CoA inside the mitochondria

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What is the purpose of beta oxidation?

To convert fatty acyl-CoA to acetyl CoA so it can enter the TCA cycle

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Describe beta-oxidation




  • Fatty acyl-CoA

  • FAD

  • NAD+

  • CoA (enzyme)


  • Acetyl-CoA + fatty acyl-CoA (n-2)

  • NADH

  • FADH2

Fatty acyl-CoA shrinks by 2-carbons every cycle

  • 18C FFA goes through 8 cycles

    • At the end of the final cycle, 2 carbon-acetyl-CoA molecules are left

      • 18-2 (n-2) = 16 ÷ 2 = 8 cycles

<p>Input:</p><ul><li><p>Fatty acyl-CoA</p></li><li><p>FAD</p></li><li><p>NAD+</p></li><li><p>CoA (enzyme)</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Output:</p><ul><li><p>Acetyl-CoA + fatty acyl-CoA (n-2)</p></li><li><p>NADH</p></li><li><p>FADH2</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Fatty acyl-CoA shrinks by 2-carbons every cycle</p><ul><li><p>18C FFA goes through 8 cycles</p><ul><li><p>At the end of the final cycle, <strong>2 carbon-acetyl-CoA</strong> molecules are left</p><ul><li><p>18-2 (n-2) = 16 ÷ 2 = 8 cycles</p></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>
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What is the ATP production from beta-oxidation

18C free fatty acid = -2ATP


9 Acetyl-CoA → TCA cycle = 90 ATP

1 Free Fatty Acid = 120 ATP

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What is the total yield from aerobic metabolism of triglycerides?

ATP from glycerol backbone

ATP from 3 FFA

Glycerol backbone

  • Enters glycolysis

  • 16 ATP

Beta oxidation

  • 3 x 18C FFA

  • 360 ATP

Total yield:

  • 376 ATP from 1 triglyceride

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How does carbohydrate oxidation (glucose) compare to Free fatty acid oxidation (stearic acid) for ATP production?

FFA oxidation is going to produce more ATP per gram


more oxygen is needed to get the same amount of ATP from lipid compared to carbohydrates


per unit of oxygen, carbohydrates are more efficient

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What methods are used to assess fuel use?

Pulmonary gas exchange

  • O2 uptake & CO2 production

Arterial & venous blood sampling

Muscle biopsies

Stable isotopes

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What is RER?

Respiratory exchange ratio

carbon dioxide production divided by oxygen uptake

RER = VCO2 / VO2

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How do you know if carbohydrates or lipids are being used as fuel using RER?

If RER = 1.0

  • Fuel: carbohydrates

If RER = 0.71

  • Fuel: lipid

If RER is b/w 0.71 & 1.0

  • Fuel: mix

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Per litre of O2, carbohydrates produce ? kcals than fat

produce more kcals than fat

  • more efficient

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What influences substrate oxidation (whether we use lipid or carbohydrate)?

  • Exercise intensity

  • exercise duration

  • substrate availability

  • sex

  • training status

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Describe substrate oxidation and exercise intensity in terms of percentage

Fat oxidation - major energy source

  • at rest to ~60-65% of VO2max

Carbohydrate oxidation - major energy source

  • 60-65% of VO2 max

Lipid is used sparingly when exercise intensity is greater than 65% of VO2 max

<p>Fat oxidation - major energy source</p><ul><li><p>at rest to ~60-65% of VO2max</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Carbohydrate oxidation - major energy source</p><ul><li><p></p><blockquote><p>60-65% of VO2 max</p></blockquote></li></ul><p></p><p>Lipid is used sparingly when exercise intensity is greater than 65% of VO2 max</p>
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Describe substrate oxidation and exercise intensity in terms of total energy

25% VO2max

65% VO2max

85% VO2max

25% VO2max

  • Majority contribution = plasma FFA

65% VO2max

  • Muscle glycogen comes into action

85% VO2max

  • Reduction in fat metabolisms

  • Increase in glucose & glycogen


  • As intensity increases, Fat metabolisms decrease & carbohydrate metabolisms increase

<p>25% VO2max</p><ul><li><p>Majority contribution = <strong>plasma FFA</strong></p></li></ul><p></p><p>65% VO2max</p><ul><li><p>Muscle glycogen comes into action</p></li></ul><p></p><p>85% VO2max</p><ul><li><p>Reduction in fat metabolisms</p></li><li><p>Increase in glucose &amp; glycogen</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Trend:</p><ul><li><p>As intensity increases, Fat metabolisms decrease &amp; carbohydrate metabolisms increase</p></li></ul>
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There are exponential increments in ? as functions of relative exercise intensity

muscle glycolysis & glycogenolysis

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There is multicomponent response of ? utilization w/ different intensity exercise

plasma FFA & triglycerides

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carbohydrate loading before exercises increases ?

carbohydrate loading before exercises increases carbohydrate oxidation & glycogenolysis

If you consume carbohydrates prior to exercise, body is going to use those carbs for energy first (higher RER)

No carbohydrate consumption

  • plasma glucose decreases

  • burn fat

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What is the effect of elevating pre-exercise muscle glycogen contents above normal resting values?


Moderate (low) intensity


Performance improvements?

  • No effect on high-intensity exercise lasting less than 5 min

  • no effect on moderate (low) intensity lasting 60-90 min

  • postpones fatigue by 20% in endurance events lasting more than 90 min

  • 2-3% performance increase

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How does sex influence substrate oxidation

Higher fat oxidation during exercise in females

  • contributes to a higher percentage of energy production compared to males

Males use more carbohydrate oxidation

  • get fatigued faster

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Impact of training status on substrate oxidation

Trained individuals have a lower RER at higher exercise intensities b/c they use fat oxidation & not carbohydrates so they can maintain glycogen (prevent fatigue)

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Compared to untrained individuals w/ a lesser aeroic capacity, endurance-trained athletes w/ a greater aerobic capacity:

  • Perform a given task at ?

  • derive a lower percentage of energy from ?

  • drives a greater percentage of energy from?

Perform a given task at a lower relative exercise intensity

derive a lower percentage of energy from carbohydrate fuel sources (glycogen, glucose, lactate)

drives a greater percentage of energy from lipid energy sources (plasma FFA, intramuscular triglycerdies)

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What is the advantage of lipid oxidation?

Fat produces almost twice the amount of energy per gram of substrate


carbs are more efficient per unit of oxygen (require less O2)

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T/F: Preloading muscle glycogen above normal resting values has no effect on endurance performance


enhances endurance performance

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Describe an overview of the body’s response to exercise

Exercise results in stress responses

Endocrine system produces hormones transferred via blood

Target tissue - cellular receptors interaction w/ hormones

Results in homeostatic & allostatic responses to manage stress responses

<p>Exercise results in stress responses</p><p></p><p>Endocrine system produces hormones transferred via blood</p><p></p><p>Target tissue - cellular receptors interaction w/ hormones</p><p></p><p>Results in <u>homeostatic &amp; allostatic responses</u> to manage stress responses</p>
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How does glucose & fat regulate exercise?


  • Decrease intra & extracellular substrate (glycogen, FFA, etc)

    • Need to replace these substrates

Endocrine systen

  • Produces glucagon, EP, NEP, cortisol

    • hormones get released

Target tissue

  • Liver & muscle cells

Glucose & fat regulation

  • hormones increase glucose, glycogen & FFA levels

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<p>Fill out the table</p>

Fill out the table

knowt flashcard image
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What are the catabolic & anabolic hormones (5)


  • epinephrine / norepinephrine

  • cortisol

  • growth hormone

  • glucagon


  • Insulin

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During exercise, the rate of carbohydrate & oxidation ?


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Describe the hormonal control of substrate mobilization during exercise

3 pathways activated by catecholamines (EP & NEP)


  • glycogen → glucose


  • Triglycerides → FFA + glycerol


  • ↑ FFA oxidation


  • Glucose entry to the muscle is blocked (during exercise)

These maintain blood glucose

Once we have these three pathways, we don’t need glucose to the muscle anymore which is why we block it

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Muscle glycogenolysis is triggered by ?

During exercise, we see a depletion in glycogen

Redundant (multiple systems)

  • increase in plasma epinephrine

  • increase Ca2+ during muscle contraction

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Insulin & Glucagon


They are called:

2 hormones respond to the same stimulus

They result in opposite responses regarding the mobilization of lower glucose & adipose tissue FFA

aka Counter-regulating hormones

<p>2 hormones respond to the same stimulus</p><p></p><p>They result in opposite responses regarding the <u>mobilization of lower glucose &amp; adipose tissue FFA</u></p><p></p><p>aka <strong>Counter-regulating hormones</strong></p>
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Describe the 2 mechanisms for skeletal muscle glucose uptake:

Insulin signalling

  • Secrete insulin which leads to a cascade that mobilizes GLUT4 & activates vesicles

Muscle Contractions

  • Mechanical stretch via Ca2+ & AMP that does the same thing

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What hormones acts to decrease blood glucose & how does it do it


  • anabolic hormone

↑ muscle protein synthesis & ↓ muscle protein breakdown

↑ FFA & triglyceride synthesis in adipose tissue & liver

↑ glycogen synthesis & ↓ glycogenolysis in liver & muscle

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