Normal Sinus Rhythm
Hr: 60-100 Every QRS has a P wave, PR < 1 Big Box QRS: <3 Small boxes
Sinus Tach
NSR w/ HR > 100 BPM
Sinus Brady
NSR w/HR <60 BPM
Sinus Arrythmia
Regular HR, RR interval slightly different between beats
Multi Focal Atrial Rhythm Guidelines
3 different P waves, change in PR interval, change in RR interval
Ectopic Atrial Rhythm Guidelines
Inverted P wave in I and II; Short PR interval (<3 small boxes)
A-Fib Guidelines
Irregularly Irregular, No P waves
Afib with SVR
Afib w/HR <60
Afib with RVR
Afib w/HR >100
Atrial Flutter
Multiple P waves for every QRS found in leads II III and aVF, may present as 2:1 or 4;1
Atrial Tachycardia
Atria becoming out of place with the QRS, may have a 2:1 ratio and be buried in the T waves. Found in lead I