Participants were brought into a room of confederates (experiment participant actors) and asked them to make a series of simple perceptual judgments (identifying matching vertical lines of various lengths)
All members of the group gave their answers aloud, with the participant going last; tasks had a clearly correct answer
Confederates would state aloud a clearly incorrect answer, and around ⅓ of the participants conformed to the wrong answer
Results: Showed that conformity is most likely to occur when a group's opinion is unanimous; groups larger than 3 do not significantly increase the tendency to conform (rules above apply unless more than 3 people, conformity increases with increased number of individuals in a group)
The "Brown Eyes Blue Eyes Experiment" is an experiment in which teacher Jane Elliot taught and instilled the understanding of discrimination in her students after Martin Luther Jr. was assassinated
Students were told that an article said blue eyed individuals were smarter and therefore in Ms. Eliot's class, they would receive benefits, led to ostracism, mistreatment, and "discrimination" of brown-eyed students
When roles were reversed, discrimination took place in same magnitude in retaliation
Demonstrated influence of group on behavior
Byproduct of how we cognitively simply the world, including:
Forming categories
The other-race effect
Relying on availability heuristics
Impact how often people date and their self perception of their own popularity
Affects initial impressions of people's personalities
Typically perceived as healthier, happier, more sensitive, more successful, and more socially skilled and as it is
More likely to make a favorable impression on potential employers, and they tend to be more successful in their jobs
Led to higher incomes (described as a "premium")
Unrelated to their self-esteem and happiness; doesn't influence self-love
Experience suspicions that praise for their work may be a result of reactions to their looks
Less attractive people are more inclined to accept praise as sincere and view it as genuine
For women: those who have a youthful, fertile appearance, as well as a low waist-to-hip ratio
For men: those who seem mature, dominant, masculine, and affluent as more attractive, even more so when the women are on their monthly cycle
Face holds a far greater influence on the overall attractiveness in comparison to the body
Physical features, such as noses, legs, and physiques, that are neither unusually large nor small
Symmetrical faces and bodies
Person's trait disposition - "Come to love someone and watch beauty grow"
EQUITY - receive just as much as they give in a relationship, chances for satisfying compassionate love are more reliable (solid)
SELF-DISCLOSURE - knowledge of intimate details about others, including likes and dislikes, dreams and worries, and proud and shameful moments, breeds liking = PATTERN OF OPENING UP, reciprocated continuously