the movement of organic molecules through the phloem tissue of plants
steps of translocation
phloem loading, mass flow, phloem unloading
water, food, two
the phloem transports _____ and _____ in ______ ways
sieve elements
the phloem is composed of ___________ which connect to form a tube
highly perforated sieve plate
in the phloem, connecting sieve cells share a _________
companion cells, loading/unloading
the phloem is supported by _________ that help with _______
hydrostatic pressure, xylem
in the phloem, the movement of sap is mediated by _______ from the ______
source, sink
translocation moves materials from the ____ to the _____
where materials are made, like the leaves
where materials are used like growing tissues and stored in like the roots
sugars made from photosynthesis are transported as ____
phloem loading
sucrose is loaded into the phloem
apoplast loading
requires H+ pump and use of ATP
apoplast loading is a form of ______ transport
symplast loading
passive moment through the plasmodesmata
xylem, osmosis, high
water from the ____ enters the phloem by ____ once the sucrose concentration is ____
sucrose and water, mass flow
once ____________ mix (sap), the material moves via ____
mass flow
the passive transport of the material with water
high, low, sink
sap moves from _____ hydrostatic pressure to _____ hydrostatic pressure towards ____
phloem unloading
essentially the reverse process of phloem loading
vascular, ground, and dermal
types of tissues in the root and stem
dead cells, removed
xylem vascular tissue is composed of ________ where ends are ____
living cells, perforated walls
phloem vascular tissue is composed of _________ with _________ between them
one direction, cohesive forces, transpiration
vascular xylem tissue transports materials and water in _________ using ________ via ______
hormones, amino acids, and sugars, mass flow, translocation
vascular phloem tissue transports _____ using _____ via _____
vessel wall, fused, flow
vascular xylem tissue _______ consists of ____ cells that create a continuous tube for unimpeded ____
transverse ends, porous sieve plates
vascular phloem tissue vessel wall consists of cells that are connected at ________ forming _______
ground tissue
cortex cells and pith: involved in storage, photosynthesis, and support
dermal tissue
epidermis (composed of epidermal cells)
provides a protective coating to the plant and is involved in water uptake in the roots
the movement of organic molecules through the phloem tissue in plants
sieve tube cells
perforated to allow the movement of solutes through them
companion cells
connected to the sieve tube cells
can transport materials in either direction through the plant
moves materials from a source to a sink
where materials are made
where materials are stored
solution that carries plant hormones and consists of all materials that are moved by translocation
mass flow
result of hydrostatic pressure; how materials move through plant to sinks
hydrostatic pressure
pressure exerted by a liquid
hydrostatic pressure gradient
___________ occurs in the phloem as sugar is in sources and sinks
pressure gradient
in leaves, sugar enters phloem and water enters through osmosis and creates the ______
phloem, other parts
pressure gradient pushes the content of the ______ to ____
vascular bundles
made up of xylem and phloem; in roots, stems, and leaves of plants
xylem tissue
composed of long series of cells - form together to make continuous tube
composed of living cells with perforated end walls (sieve plates)
sucrose has to be transported into the ____
high concentration
the H+ must be actively transported out of the companion cell so a _______ builds out
H+, concentration gradients
sucrose is cotransported with _____ - they both move down their ________
in some species, sucrose moves towards the sieve tubes via these connections
water potential
tendency of water to move from one area to another
solute potential
changes depending on the amount of solute
pressure potential
pressure exerted by the rigid phloem walls
the rigidity of the phloem walls allows for ______ to build up
respiration, sink, cellulose
glucose is used in _______ or stored in ______ or used to make _____
hydrogen ions are pumped out of companion cell
concentration gradient is created
hydrogen ions move into companion cell because now high concentration on outside and low concentration on inside
go back through co-transporter with sucrose
sucrose goes into sieve elements
steps of phloem loading
sucrose is in sieve tube cells
low water potential from sucrose causes water from xylem to come in through osmosis
water flowing in increases hydrostatic pressure
pressure pushes sap to go down the phloem into the sinks
translocation steps after phloem loading
sugar, hypertonic, water, xylem, lower
in phloem unloading, _______ is unloaded into the sink cells, this creates a ________ solution in the phloem which causes ______ to move back into the _______, which overall results in a _______ hydrostatic pressure
hypertonic solution
high solute concentration
hypotonic solution
low solute concentration