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Nautical Charts
Graphic representations for marine navigation, available in digital or hard copy form.
Intended horizontal direction of a vessel, measured clockwise from north at 000° through 360°.
Direction a vessel points at any moment, expressed as angular distance from 000° through 360°.
Direction from one terrestrial point to another, expressed as angular distance from 000° through 360°.
Rate of motion, typically measured in knots (1 NM per hour).
Lines of Position (LOP)
Lines on a chart indicating a vessel's position, obtained from visual aids, RADAR, or celestial sights.
Position derived from intersecting three or more LOPs.
Prime Meridian
Base line of longitude, measured from True North to True South.
Angular distance from the Prime Meridian, measured 000°-180° East or West.
Great circle at latitude 0° dividing the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Angular distance from the Equator, measured north or south from 000°-90°.
Rhumb Line
Line with constant bearing relative to true north.
Great Circle Line
Circular intersection of a sphere and a plane passing through its center point.
Dead Reckoning (DR)
Predicting position by advancing from a known position based on courses and distances.
Navigating in restricted waters with frequent position determination.
RADAR Navigation
Using RADAR to determine distance or bearing to known objects.
Satellite Navigation
Determining position using radio signals from satellites.
Celestial Navigation
Reducing celestial measurements to lines of position for navigation.
Applying mathematics to model Earth's size and shape.
Reference used for calculations or measurements.
Science of measuring features affecting marine navigation.
Transforming hydrographic data into usable charts.
Lead Line
Device with a marked line and lead weight for depth measurement.
Wire Drag
Detecting submerged features in nearshore areas.
Determine depth by measuring sound pulse travel time.
Bathymetric LIDAR
Uses laser transmitters for hydrographic surveys.
Mercator Projections
Common projection for maritime navigation.
Gnomonic Projections
Reference lines projected from Earth's center onto a tangent plane.
Compass Rose
Measures direction using true or magnetic bearings.
Distance Scale
Measures distances on a chart.
National Ocean Service (NOS)
Charts coastal waters of the US.
Army Corps Of Engineers
Charts Mississippi River and inland lakes.
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
Provides nautical charts for MOD and maritime organizations.
Chart No
Lists symbols found on nautical charts.
List of Lights (NGA)
Summary of navigation aids in international waters.
Detailed information about U.S. harbors and coastal areas.
Light List (USCG)
Summary of navigation aids in U.S. waters.
Fleet Guide (NGA)
Information for naval ships entering ports.
Nautical Almanac
Publication for celestial observations.
Distances Between Ports (NGA)
Calculates distances between ports worldwide.