CPUSH Mid-Term Review

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Into how many time zones is the continental United States divided?

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Into how many time zones is the continental United States divided?


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How many hours separate Central and Eastern time?


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In 1970, how many railroads reached the West Coast?


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Why did so little of the free land offered by the Homestead Act end up not being claimed by settlers?

Because most of it was taken by people seeking profits

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What brought an end to the wide -open range?

The Patriot Act

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What made the debts of the farmers increase in the late 1800’s?

Because they had to plant a lot of crops so that their prices would go down, it made them fall into debt

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What is the setting of this cartoon?

The United States Senate

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What group do the large men at the back of the room present?

Wealthy Monopolists

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Who are the smaller men in the picture?

U.S. Senators

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Which entrance to the Senate is closed?

The people's

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What is the main idea of this cartoon?

Owners of businesses monopolies control the Senate

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Triangle Shirtwaist Fire outcome- what happened?

146 Females died in a fire

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Interstate Commerce Act goal:

Gave the right to supervise railroad activities to the federal government

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Trusts and Industrial consolidations reduced what in the late 1800’s?


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What was located at Angel Island?

U.S. Immigration Station

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What were the goals of the Americanization movement?

To assimilate people of wide-ranging cultures into the dominant culture

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What was the Chinese Exclusion Act?

Banned entry to all Chinese except students, teachers, merchants, tourists, and government officials

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What was a graft?

Illegal use of political influence for personal power

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What would be an example of patronage?

Giving a store or business support as a client or “shopper.”

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What was the Pendleton Civil Service Act?

Authorized a bipartisan civil service commission to make appointments to federal jobs through a merit system based on candidates’ performance on an examination

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What was the Grandfather clause used for?

Poll tax and literary tests all kept African Americans from voting

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What were the popular entertainments at the turn of the century?

Bicycling; Amusement Parks; Circus; Arcades

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What were the issues that kept many African Americans from voting?

The separate-but-equal doctrine

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What was the ruling on Plessy v Ferguson?

“Equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races." -For 60 years

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What were the different views on Black Americans as held by W.E.B. Dubois and Booker T. Washington?

Washington: Racism would end as blacks acquired practical work skills and proved their economic value to society. Dubois: Black Americans should embrace their African heritage even as they worked and lived in the United States

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What trend did bicycles and amusement parks reflect during the 1900’s?

An interest in leisure activities

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What were the top goals of Progressivism?

Protect Social Welfare; Promote Moral Improvement; Create Economic Reform; Foster Efficiency

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What are Muckrakers?

They were journalists and novelists of the Progressive Era who sought to expose corruption in big business and government

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What bill originates from the “people”?

The Bill of Rights

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What was important about the Jungle?

It was exposing the horrific conditions of the meatpacking industry

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What is the difference between the Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act?

The Meat Inspection Act put forth strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created a program of meat inspection still used today but the Pure Food and Drug Act halted the sale of contaminated foods or drugs and called for truth in labeling

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What stimulated U.S. Imperialistic actions?

Economic competition among industrial nations. Political and military competition, including the creation of a strong naval force. A belief in the racial and cultural superiority of people of Anglo-Saxon descent

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Which country’s residents became citizens of the U.S. in 1917?

Puerto Rico

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What things was William Randolph Hearst noted for in this chapter?

Attacking people and businesses in his newspapers

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Why did Theodore Roosevelt win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906?

Negotiating peace during the Russo-Japanese war

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Which military conflicts in this chapter was the U.S. military NOT involved in?

The Russo-Japanese War

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What important document did the U.S. insist the Cubans include in their Constitution?

The Platt Amendment

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What did the Roosevelt Corollary build?

The Monroe Doctrine

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What was the De Lome letter about?

Written by a Spanish Ambassador stating that President McKinley was weak and only concerned about gaining favoritism from the people

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What was the purpose of the Open Door Policy?

It allowed countries to trade with China

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How did the US acquire the land for the Panama Canal?

Panama & the U.S signed a treaty in which the U.S agreed to pay Panama $10 mil plus an annual rent of 250,000 for an area of land across Panama called the Canal Zone

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The Open Door Policy was designed as a way for the U.S. to further what??

Taking over smaller nations

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Speak softly and carry a big stick” was spoken by?

President Theodore Roosevelt

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The Jungle

Roosevelt responded to this appointing a commission to investigate the meatpacking industry

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Square Deal

A three part platform proposed by Teddy Roosevelt when he ran for president in 1901

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Pure Food and Drug Act

The legislation halted the sale of contaminated foods or drugs and called for truth in labeling

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This was the principle that guided Roosevelt’s efforts to organize water projects to transform dry wilderness areas into agricultural areas

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The right to vote

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John D. Rockefeller

His Standard Oil Corporation came to control 95% of the nation’s oil refining capacity through predatory pricing and the creation of the trust

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Andrew Carnegie

Millionaire tycoon who made his riches in the steel industry

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William Randolph Hearst

He attacked big businesses and dishonest politicians in his newspapers. He also told the artist Frederic Remington, "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war"

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Favoritism toward native-born Americans that gave rise to anti-immigrant groups that led to a demand for immigration restrictions

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Angel Island

An immigration station mainly for Chinese immigrants where they were processed and endured harsh tasks to enter the U.S.

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Ellis Island

An immigration station in New York Harbor where 20 percent of the immigrants were detained for a day or more before being inspected

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Black Jack Pershing

The commander of the American Expeditionary Forces on the Western Front during World War I.

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