Formulae (HL Only)
Directed Line Segment
Properties of Vectors
Collinearity - Two points are colinear if they lie on the same line.
Coplanarity - Two points or lines are coplanar if they lie in the same plane.
Parallelogram Rule (Vectors)
Triangle Rule (Vectors)
Zero Vector
Multiplication by a Scalar (Vectors)
Linear Combination of Vectors
Subtraction of Vectors
Coplanarity of Vectors (in 3D Space)
Vectors in Geometry
Base Vectors
Position Vectors
Vector Addition
Multiplication by a Scalar (Vector Algebra)
Linear Combination (Vector Algebra)
Finding Position Vectors from Coordinate Points
3D Algebra (Vectors)
Magnitude of a Vector
Unit Vectors
Unit vectors are vectors with a magnitude of 1 in any direction, any vector can now be represented as its parallel unit vector.
Scalar/Dot Product
Geometric Definition (Scalar/Dot Product)
Zero Dot Product (Vectors)
Properties of Scalar/Dot Product (Vectors)