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Albumen print
First commercially available photo method using egg white and salt on paper, coated with silver nitrate, and exposed to light
Metal plate covered in wax, drawn into, submerged in acid, resin sprinkled, heated, and dipped in acid to create watercolor-like effect
Art Deco
Style descended from Art Nouveau, characterized by streamlined, elongated, and symmetrical design
Art for Art's Sake
Concept expressing the inherent value in art, even without a moral, historical, or didactic message
Art Nouveau
Art style focusing on decorative and natural, organic forms to create elegant and curvilinear designs
Innovative artists rejecting traditional approaches in favor of experimentation
Chicago Style
First major modernist architectural movement in the US, characterized by steel-frame construction and simple, grid-like aesthetic
Collodion method
Wet-plate photography technique using light-sensitive collodion on glass, allowing short exposure time but requiring wet development
Dry glass plate method
Photography technique using light-sensitive gelatin on glass, allowing dry development
Arrangement of doors and windows on a building's elevation
Form follows function
Design principle where the function of a building determines its design
Haussmanization of Paris
Urban development in Paris including widening boulevards, fenestrated buildings, modern bridges, and train stations
Attraction to and interest in Japanese art, influencing Impressionists
Printmaking technique using a flat stone surface, oil-based crayon, and water to repel ink
Artistic work imitating that of another artist, work, time period, culture, or style
Painting in the outdoors to capture light and atmosphere, practiced by Impressionists
Supporting interior framework of a building
Union of senses where one sense causes a sensation with another
A woman doing her hair and makeup, a common Old Master painted subject
Device that projects sequences of photographs to give the illusion of movement, assembled from a magazine
Pictorial device revealing a larger moral or political idea
Printmaking technique using a burnisher to polish, make corrections, or lighten the color of a metal plate
Early photograph with a shiny surface and no negatives, developed by Louis Daguerre
Printmaking technique where an artist scratches directly into a plate with a stylus to create textured lines
Gothic Revival/Neo-Gothic
19th-century architectural movement to revive medieval Gothic architecture, predominantly English
Hammerbeam roof
Decorative open timber roof typical of English Gothic architecture
Hudson River School
New York City-based landscape painters influenced by Thomas Cole
Manifest Destiny
19th-century American attitude that the US was destined to stretch from coast to coast
Woman in a harem
Imitation, interest in, or depictions of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and East Asian cultures, popular in 19th-century Europe
Gothic architectural ornament, small tower placed at the corners of larger towers
Inspiring great admiration or awe in the extraordinary, powerful, and dramatic