Stereotype threat
________: one feels at risk to conforming to the negative stereotypes about their group.
________: combination of stereotype threat and diagnostic have a sense of prejudice and bias.
Independent variable
________: race prime or no race prime on questionnaire (just asked about race)
________: the apprehension caused by the stereotype threat can be shown in a general anxiety test.
Dependent variable
________: performance on test, questionnaire about stereotype threat, academic identification items.
________ mediates the relationship between diagnostic and performance.
________: black ppl in the diagnostic condition do worse than the white people and the black people in the nondiagnostic condition.
Stereotype threat
________: people find themselves to be at risk of conforming to stereotypes about their social group.
Independent variable
________: test description (diagnostic of ability or not or as a challenge)
Independent variable
________: race by diagnostic /nondiagnostic /control.
Independent variable
________: test description (diagnostic of ability or not)
stereotype threat
people find themselves to be at risk of conforming to stereotypes about their social group
stereotype threat
one feels at risk to conforming to the negative stereotypes about their group
independent variable
test description (diagnostic of ability or not or as a challenge)
dependent variable
test performance
black ppl in the diagnostic condition do worse than the white people and the black people in the nondiagnostic condition
independent variable
test description (diagnostic of ability or not)
dependent variable
level of anxiety
used a computer
the 25 question test and the anxiety test afterwards
the apprehension caused by the stereotype threat can be shown in a general anxiety test
no difference found in anxiety
maybe the measures were too delayed
independent variable
race by diagnostic / nondiagnostic / control
dependent variable
test performance
distancing themselves from their domain
independent variable
race prime or no race prime on questionnaire (just asked about race)
dependent variable
performance on test, questionnaire about stereotype threat, academic identification items
number of black people in the study
if taken in a room together, what does being the only black person taking the test do to their performance
combination of stereotype threat and diagnostic have a sense of prejudice and bias
What causes disidentification with one's domain?
Stereotype threat
Jane is the only women in her Calculus III class. What might she experience?
Stereotype threat
What was the hypothesis of Study 1?
Black people in the diagnostic condition do worse than the white people and the black people in the non diagnostic condition.
What was the hypothesis in Study 2?
The apprehension caused by the stereotype threat can be shown in a general anxiety test.
What could be one of the causes of stereotype threat?
subconscious self-fulfilling prophecy