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dense mass of nickel, iron, and radioactive elements that release massive amounts of heat
bulk of Earth’s interior; three layers
molten rock layer that slowly circulates due to heat from core
semi-molten, flexible outer layer of mantle, beneath the lithosphere
thin, brittle layer of rock floating on top of mantle (broken up into tectonic plates)
very layer of the lithosphere, Earth’s surface
Divergent Plate Boundary
plates move away from each other
rising magma plume from mantle forces plates apart
forms: mid-oceanic ridges, seafloor spreading, and rift valleys
Convergent Plate Boundary
Plates move towards each other
leads to subduction (one plate being forced beneath another)
forms: mountains, island arcs, and volcanoes
Transform Fault Plate Boundary
Plates slide sideways past each other
forms: faults
Ring of Fire
pattern of volcanoes & earthquake zones all around pacific plate
areas of especially hot magma rising up to lithosphere
Mix of geologic (rock) and organic (living) components
Sand, silt, clay, humus, nutrients, water and air, living organisms
Breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces
physical, biological, chemical
Transport of weathered rock fragments by wind and rain
carried to new location and deposited
Soil Horizons: O-Horizon
layer of organic matter (plant roots, dead leaves, animal waste) on top of soil
provides nutrients and limits H20 loss to evaporation
Soil Horizons: A- Horizon
topsoil; layer of humus (decomposed organic matter) and minerals from parent material
A-Horizon has most biological activity breaking down organic matter to release nutrients
Soil Horizons: B-Horizon
subsoil; lighter layer below topsoil, mostly made of mineral w/ little to no org. matter
contains some nutrients
Soil Horizons: C-Horizon
least weathered soil that is closest to the parent material
Soil Degradation
The loss of the ability of soil to support plant growth
Loss of topsoil
tilting (turning soil for agriculture) + loss of vegetation disturb soil and make it more earily eroded by wind and rain
loss of top soil dries out soil, removes nutrients + soil organisms that recycle nutrients
compression fo soil by machines, grazing livestock, and humans reduce ability to hold moisture