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An individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting.
Freud's Theory: Attributes thoughts and actions to unconscious drives, needs, and conflicts.
Therapeutic Technique
Used to treat psychological disorders by exposing and interpreting unconscious tensions.
Free Association
A method where a patient relaxes and speaks whatever comes to mind, regardless of how trivial or embarrassing.
The Unconscious
Freud's View: A reservoir of unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories.
Modern Psychology View
Information processing that occurs outside of our conscious awareness.
Freudian Slip
An unintentional error believed to reveal subconscious feelings.
Projective Test
A test where ambiguous stimuli (words, images, situations) are presented, and responses are analyzed to uncover unconscious personality expressions.
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Telling a story based on a picture.
Rorschach Inkblot Test
A test using 10 inkblots to assess personality, emotional functioning, and cognitive style.
An individual's typical behavioral style and way of responding to others and situations.
Inhibited Temperament
Apprehensive and shyness when faced with new experiences/people.
Uninhibited Temperament
Sociable and outgoing when exposed to new situations.
Thoughts + beliefs of which we're aware of.
Contains memory + stored info.
The driving force that pushes us to act on our impulses; represents our most primitive, unconscious impulses.
Acts as a moral conscience, pushing a person to 'do the right thing.'
Operates on the reality principle, attempting to satisfy the Id within socially acceptable boundaries set by the Superego.
General instinctual drive.
Instinctual drive/desire for sexual activity.
Death drive that accounts for aggressive and self-destructive thoughts and behaviors.
Ego Defense Mechanisms
Help us navigate difficult/traumatic periods, but can be maladaptive (psychologically unhealthy).
Rejecting the truth of painful reality.
Unconscious forgetting painful event.
Unconsciously deflecting impulsive away from original target to less threatening.
Unconsciously seeking socially acceptable substitute for some undesirable impulse.
Unconsciously attributing ourselves to someone else your own unacceptable thoughts/actions.
Unconscious excuse making negative behaviors to justify behavior.
Reaction Formation
Unconsciously behaving in ways that are opposite of how we truly feel.
Unconsciously reverting to an earlier, safer time by facing a situation that's causing feelings of guilt/anxiety, engaging in child-like behaviors.
Oral Stage
The 1st stage of psychosexual development from birth to 18 months, where pleasure is derived from oral activities.
Conflict of Oral Stage
Weaning, becoming gradually independent from breastfeeding.
Oral Fixations
Result from weaning too early or too late, can manifest in adulthood as smoking, drinking, overeating, dependence, or anxiety.
Anal Stage
The 2nd stage of psychosexual development from 18 months to 3 years, where pleasure is related to bowel control and potty training.
Conflict of Anal Stage
Learning to control bodily functions and developing independence.
Anal Fixations
Related to issues of control, orderliness, and cleanliness.
Phallic Stage
The 3rd stage of psychosexual development from 3 to 6 years, where awareness of genitals and exploration of sexual differences occurs.
Oedipus Complex
Unconscious romantic attraction to the mother and rivalry with the father (Boys).
Penis Envy
Feeling of inferiority and jealousy towards boys for having a penis (Girls).
Electra Complex
Unconscious competition with the mother for the father's affection (Girls).
Latency Stage
The 4th stage of psychosexual development from 7 to 11 years, where sexual urges are repressed and sublimated into socially acceptable activities.
Focus of Latency Stage
Development of social skills and same-sex friendships.
Genital Stage
The 5th stage of psychosexual development from early adolescence onward, focusing on maturation of sexual interests and development of intimate relationships.
Key Idea of Genital Stage
Fixations from earlier stages may resurface and influence adult relationships if not adequately resolved.
Pleasure Principle (Id)
The drive for immediate gratification of desires and impulses.
Reality Principle (Ego)
The ability to delay gratification until an appropriate time and outlet is found.
Person-Centered Approach
Focuses on individual human potential and capacity for growth.
Carl Rogers
Developed person-centered therapy and argued that individuals strive for self-actualization.
Abraham Maslow
Founder of humanistic psychology who believed people are motivated to fulfill their potential once basic needs are met.
The process of achieving one's full potential, involving intellectual, social, and personal growth.
Unconditional Positive Regard (UPR)
Accepting and supporting a person regardless of their actions.
Conditions of Worth
Requirements imposed by others for love and acceptance.
An individual's perception and evaluation of their own identity, beliefs, and characteristics.
Ideal Self
The person one aspires to be.
Real Self
An individual's authentic and core identity, encompassing their true thoughts, feelings, values, and aspirations.
Alignment between a person's self-concept and their actual experiences/behaviors.
A mismatch between different aspects of an individual's self.
Social Cognitive Theory of Personality
Emphasizes the interactions between thoughts, behaviors, and the environment in shaping personality.
Influenced by how we think about ourselves and our perception of events.
Reciprocal Determinism
Person’s behavior both influences + is influenced by personal factors + social environment.
Belief in one's ability to control outcomes in their environment.
Locus of Control
Refers to the extent to which individuals believe they can control events affecting them.
Internal Locus of Control
Individuals believe they largely control consequences.
External Locus of Control
Individuals believe outcomes are beyond their control.
Learned Helplessness
A condition in which a person suffers from a sense of powerlessness.
Explanatory Styles
How individuals explain events.
Optimistic Explanatory Style
See setbacks as temporary and believe in improvement.
Pessimistic Explanatory Style
See setbacks as stable and unlikely to change.
Trait Theories of Personality
Traits are broad, enduring dispositions that influence behavior across situations.
Cardinal Traits
A single, dominant trait influencing all behaviors.
Central Traits
Fundamental and influential personality characteristics.
Secondary Traits
Often present in individual but are NOT nearly as defining of that individual
Factor Analysis
Used to identify correlated traits.
16PF (16 Personality Factors)
Describes personality using 16 factors (e.g., assertiveness, conscientiousness).
The Big Five / Five-Factor Model (OCEAN)
Most popular and well-validated trait theory.
Degree to which one’s open to new experiences related to culture, travel, imagination, interest in variety + change.
Degree to which one’s responsible, hard-working, reliability + dependable
Degree to which one’s outgoing, expressive, active, social + energetic.
Degree to which one’s honest, trusting, considerate, likable + helpful.
Degree to which one’s anxious, self-conscious + insecure
NEO-PIR (Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Personality Inventory Revised)
Measures the Big 5 personality traits.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Widely used personality inventory originally for diagnosing mental illness.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Categorizes people into 4 categories: Introversion/Extroversion, Sensing/Intuitive, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/Perceiving.
Intrinsic Motivation
Performing an activity for its own sake.
Extrinsic Motivation
Performing an activity to avoid punishment or gain rewards.
Evolutionary Theory
Cognition and behavior are examined through an evolutionary lens.
Innate, pre-programmed behaviors in response to stimuli.
Drive Reduction Theory
We have basic psychological needs (hunger, thirst, etc.) and we are driven to fulfill these needs.
Ideal internal state of balance that we seek to maintain.
Optimal Arousal Theory
Individuals have preferred levels of arousal and we act to maintain this level.
Yerkes-Dodson Law
Performance increases with arousal up to a point, then decreases; moderate arousal is best for difficult tasks.
Incentive Theory
External factors (rewards) motivate behavior; we are 'pulled' toward behaviors by extrinsic rewards.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Needs motivate behavior.
Reaching one's full potential (self-acceptance, creativity, contributing to society).
Physiological Needs
Basic survival needs (food, water, sleep).
includes having place to live + good job → one can get a home in secure area
Love and Belonging
Individual looks for friends + potentially partners as a mean of making connections with others.
Feeling good about oneself and one's contributions.
Achievement Goal Theory
Goal orientation influences motivation to achieve.
Need/desire that energizes and directs behavior.