Physical characteristics
Avg temp of 27 degrees Celsius (day and night)
no distinct seasons
Soil is poor and infertile
High biodiversity
Drip tips adaptaion
pointy leaves —> water runs off faster
water doesn’t stay on surface and rot the leaf
Buttress roots
large roots
with ridges
large surface area —> large base
results in more stability for a taller tree
Spider mockey adaptation
long and strong tails
long limbs to aid swinging between trees
Toucan adaptations
Large bill to reach fruit on branches that cannot support its weight
Pitcher plant adaptations
capture insects for nutrients (infertile soil)
Inscets are attracted to the nectar in the plant’s mouth
Strangler fig tree adaptaions
entwines roots around host tree
grows foliage to prevent light reaching the host and effectively killing it
now a hollow tree
Timber companies cut down wood for furniture.
called ‘clear felling‘
Commercial farming
Rainforest cleard for farms made to sell goods
Cleared by ‘slash and burn’
Subsistence farming
Food and crops are grown for the needs of the family not to sell
this is generally sustainable
done by the indiginous tribes of the amazon
MIneral extraction
50,000 hectares used for gold extraction
use mecury which is toxic for this
visual pollution
Road building
clears land
people migrate to live there and clear more land
population growth
people require more food so more farms —> more deforestation
more space to live —> more deforestation
Rate of deforestation
1 hectare a second
Impact of deforestation - Soil erosion
once land is cleared soil is left unprotected and can be washed away
nutrient cycle stops
Impact of deforestation - Loss of biodiversisty
many plants/animals die
they are connected in a food web and results in other species death
Impact of deforestation - climate change
less vegatation, smaller natural carbon sink
Impact of deforestation - Economic development
road, mines… lead to local economy being boosted
money used to pay off debts or invest into other projects
promoting value and benefits of biodiversity
‘Sky forest’ rescue program
Selective logging
logging mature trees so canopy is preserved
allows younger trees more access to sunlight
sustainable tourism that generates income
Yachana ecolodge
Debt reduction agreements
debt for nature deals
US and Brazil, 2010
International agreements about timber use
restricts trade by only marking timber with a registered mark if it is sourced sustainably
International Tropical Timber Agreement 2006