A person who sought to abolish slavery during the 19th century
North's economic benefits/harms to slavery
90% of the nation's manufacturing output came from the northern states. Colonists built homes, grew crops, ran businesses, and created institutions. They benefited from slavery by industrializing quickly
South's economic benefits/harms to slavery
This group of colonies had great wealth (most of which came from slavery). Slaves could not testify in court against a white person or leave their plantations without permission (they had no constitutional rights). This group had cotton plantations which would be worked on by slaves
William Lloyd Garrison
His life was motivated by ending slavery. He wrote The Liberator and began to embrace a far more radical vision of America's future. He then lost interest in gradual emancipation and wanted a more immediate abolition of slavery
Circuit Riders
Preachers who ride around on a horse because they do not have an established congregation (itinerant preachers). Their job was to convert others
The belief in or the promotion of a reawakening of religious fervor
An emotional meeting designed to awaken religious faith through impassioned preaching or prayer
Frederick Douglass
Directly affected abolitionists with his appearances and speeches by giving them a new voice and cause
James Forten
An African American abolitionist who was born free in Philadelphia
Rural Slavery -
large plantations of men, women, and children who worked from dawn to dusk in the fields. By 1850, most slaves lived on either plantations or big farms with 10 or more other slaves
Urban Slavery
A form of slavery that had more freedom and opportunities for learning. Slaves worked in towns and cities as servants, dockworkers, and construction workers
Second Great Awakening
Movement that swept the US after 1790. It brought Christianity on a large scale to enslaved African Americans
Nat Turner
Led a bloody rebellion that resulted in the death of 55 white people (mostly women and children)
Amistad Case
The court ordered the immediate release of African Americans who had taken over their slave ship. 35 of the survivors were returned to their homeland
Lowell Mill Girls
Created the first union of working women in American history. They created textiles
Factory Worker Conditions
Cramped, grossly inadequate quarters, dangerous, exposed employees to many risks and dangers
Theory of Moral Sentiments
Written by Adam Smith, this paper said that moral ideas and actions were a product of our very nature as social creatures
Wealth of Nations
Written by Adam Smtih, this paper said that a country's economic well-being results from the individual pursuit of self-interest, division of labor, and freedom of trade
Based on individual initiative and factor market mechanisms over government intervention
Based on government planning and limitations on private control sources