3rd qtr exams :(
Sigmund Freud
The Father of Psychoanalysis, Austrian Neurologist and Founder of Psychoanalysis.
Lawrence Kohlberg
The Father of Moral Psychology, American Psychologist known for work on Moral Development.
Ivan Pavlov
Russian Physiologist best known for Classical Conditioning, won a Nobel Prize in Physiology.
John B. Watson
The Father of Behaviorism, extended Pavlov's work into Human Psychology.
B.F. Skinner
Psychologist known for Operant Conditioning, rejected free will and introspection.
Edward Thorndike
Known for the Law of Effect; developed tests of mental ability still used today.
Operates on the Pleasure Principle; driven by unconscious desires and instincts.
Acts as the Judge between ID and Superego, operates on the Reality Principle.
Operates on the Morality Principle; suppresses ID through morals and principles.
Oral Stage
First stage of Psychosexual Development, focuses on the mouth.
Anal Stage
Second stage of Psychosexual Development, focuses on the anus; can result in Anal-Retentive or Anal-Expulsive traits.
Phallic Stage
Third stage of Psychosexual Development, focuses on genitals; can lead to authority and gender confusion issues.
Latency Stage
Fourth stage of Psychosexual Development, focuses on dormant sexual feelings.
Genital Stage
Final stage of Psychosexual Development, focuses on sexual relationships.
Moral Dilemma
A situation where one’s morals are compromised by competing choices.
Preconventional Level
Moral reasoning based on avoiding punishment and self-interest.
Conventional Level
Moral decisions based on pleasing others and societal norms.
Postconventional Level
Moral decisions based on social contract and universal ethics.
Classical Conditioning
Learning through association.
Operant Conditioning
Learning through consequences; behavior is influenced by rewards or punishments.
Positive Reinforcement
Giving something good to encourage good behavior.
Negative Reinforcement
Taking away something bad to encourage good behavior.
Positive Punishment
Giving something bad to discourage bad behavior.
Negative Punishment
Taking away something good to discourage bad behavior.