social mobility
the ability to move from a poorer, less influential class to a wealthier and more prestigious one
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working class/proletariat
A social class broadly composed of people working in blue-collar, or manual, occupations.
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multi-family housing usually crowded with shared kitchens and toilet facilities
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middle class/bourgeoisie
A social class made up of skilled workers, professionals, business people, and wealthy farmers
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residential areas surrounding a city with mostly single family dwellings
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class identity
when the members of a social class were aware of which class they belonged to and consciously identified with that class and its interests21
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a theater show that included animal acts, acrobats, gymnasts, magicians, musicians and dancers;
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Peterloo Massacre
incident in Manchester where police attacked people protesting for Parliamentary reforms that demonstrated to working class people that they needed to defend their interests.
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labor unions
An organization formed by workers to strive for better wages and working conditions
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trade unions
Early labor organizations that brought together workers in the same skilled jobs, to fight for better wages and working conditions
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mutual aid societies
voluntary associations that provide a variety of economic and social benefits to their members
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social mores
the accepted traditional customs of a particular social group
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fraternal organizations
Organizations based on ethnic or religious identity that provided social services and financial assistance to encourage people to pursue economic opportunity
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philanthropic/ philanthropy
charitable, giving
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cult of domesticity
idealized view of women & home; women, self-less caregiver for children, refuge for husbands
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Factory Act of 1833
An act that limited the factory workday for children to eight hours and that of adolescents to twelve hours.
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Mines Act of 1842
English law prohibiting underground work for all women and girls as well as for boys under ten.
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Ten Hours Act of 1847
limited the workday to 10 hours for women and children who worked in factories
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