what is a circuit
A circuit is a loop of conducting material.
what is a conductor
A conductor allows charge to flow.
what is an insulator
An insulator slows down the flow of charge.
what is a series circuit
A series circuit has only one path to conduct electricity.
what is a parallel circuit
A parallel circuit has more than one path to conduct electricity.
what is the most common type of circuit
Most circuits are a combination of series and parallel circuits.
what is current
Current is measured in Amps and is defined as the amount of charge moving in 1 sec.
what is voltage
Voltage is measured in Volts and is defined as the amount of energy in 1 coulomb of charge.
what is resistance
Resistance is measured in Ohms (Ω) and is defined as the slowing of charge.
what is ohm’s law used for
Ohm’s Law relates current, voltage, and resistance.
what is ohm’s law
Ohm’s Law is: V = I x R, where V = voltage, I = current, and R = resistance.
when does current flow
Current flows in a circuit when a voltage difference is present.
how is current related to resistance and voltage
Current is directly related to voltage and inversely related to resistance.
what is the total voltage in each resistor in a series circuit
In a series circuit, the total voltage is equal to the sum of the voltage across each resistor.
what is the total current in each resistor in a series circuit
In a series circuit, the total current is the same through each resistor.
what is the total resistance in a series circuit
In a series circuit, the total resistance is equal to the sum of all the resistors.
what is the voltage in each resistor of a parallel circuit
In a parallel circuit, the total voltage is the same across each resistor.
what is the total current in a parallel circuit
In a parallel circuit, the total current is equal to the sum of the current through each resistor.
what happens when more resistors are added to a parallel circuit
In a parallel circuit, as more resistors are added, the total resistance decreases.
what is power
Power is defined as the energy transferred in a given amount of time (1 second).
what is the unit for power
Power is measured in joules / second (a.k.a., Watts).
what are electrical bills based on
Electrical bills are based on the amount of power consumed in a given time period.
how do you find power
Power is equal to current times voltage.
ohm’s law equations
V = I ∙ R
I = V/R
R = V/I
total resistance in series circuit
RT = R1 + R2 + … + Rn
total resistance in parallel
1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + … +1/Rn
total voltage in series
VT = V1 + V2 + … + Vn
total voltage in parallel
VT = V1 = V2 = … = Vn
total current in series
IT = I1 = I2 = … = In
total current in parallel
IT = I1 + I2 + … + In
total resistance in parallel with only two resistors
RT = R1 x R2 / (R1+R2)