I journeyed home: such flood of blossoms never Had welcomed me… a throbbing in the field And in the grove there was of sleeping powers. I saw the river, slope and shire enthralled, And you, my brothers, sun-heirs of the future: Your eyes, still chase, are harboring a dream, Once yearning thoughts in you, to blood shall alter… My sorrow-stricken life to slumber leans, But graciously does heaven's promise guerdon The fervent… who may never pace the Realm. I shall be earth, shall be the grave of heroes, That sacred sons approach to be fulfilled. With them the second age comes, love engendered The world, again shall love engender it. I spoke the spell, the circle has been woven… Before the darkness fall, I shall be snatched Aloft and know: through cherished fields shall wander On weightless soles, aglow and real, the God.