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Military Draft used by most Western countries during World War I (part of militarism)
a policy of aggressive military preparedness; In particular the large armies based on mass conscription and complex inflexible plans for mobilization that most European nations had before World War I; a major reason why the war was so bad; military leaders became increasingly influential in government
the organization of troops and supplies for service in time of war
trench warfare
warfare in which the opposing forces attack and counterattack from a relatively permanent system of trenches protected by barbed wire; A characteristic of World War I; Horrible living conditions and lead to high death tolls, especially on the Western front
Total War
warfare in which all of a nation's resources, including civilians at home as well as soldiers in the field, are mobilized for the war effort
the process of converting a business or industry from private ownership to government control and ownership; happened a lot during the total war efforts of World War I
councils of workers' and soldiers' deputies formed throughout Russia in 1917 that supported the Bolsheviks in the Bolshevik Revolution
a small faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party who were led by Lenin and dedicated to violent revolution; Seized power in Russia in 1917 and were subsequently renamed the Communists
war communism
Lenin's policy of nationalizing industrial and other facilities and requisitioning the peasants' produce during the Civil War in Russia; Led to his victory
the deliberate extermination of a people; World War I was used as a reason for this in some countries
the doctrine and that the people of a given territory or a particular nationality should have the right to determine their own government and political future; Suggested by President Wilson in his Fourteen Points
War Guilt Clause
the clause in the Treaty of Versailles that declared that Germany was responsible for World War I and ordered Germany to pay reparations for the damage the Allies had suffered as a result of the war
payments made by a defeated nation after award to compensate another nation for damage sustained as a result of the war; required from Germany after World War I
a system established after World War I whereby a nation officially administered a territory (mandate) on behalf of the League of Nations; thus France administered Lebanon and Syria as mandates, and Britain administered Iraq and Palestine
Militarism- European nations were building up standing armies and navies due to the revolutions of 1848, the Industrial Revolution, and repercussions from the Napoleonic and Crimean Wars
Alliances- the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance
Nationalism- growing liberalism and patriotism made individual people groups want rights and sovereignty
Imperialism- intense competition among the European nations for power, especially in the colonies
Assassination- Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria is assassinated by Serbian nationalists in Bosnia (spark)
Phase One: 1914-1915
stalemate in French warfare on the western front specifically between Germany and France; The Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria enter the war on the side of the Central Powers and Italy enters the war on the side of the allies;
Phase Two: 1916-1917
horrors of trench warfare; millions die from conditions and fighting, especially on the western front; Battle of Somme: 1 million lost; Battle of Verdun: 700,000 lost; Post-industrial revolution weapons are finally used, contributing to the high death toll
Phase Three: 1917-1918
turning tired of the war as Russia pulls out of the war due to revolution and the United States enters the war; ultimately sets up the Allies for victory
Phase Four: 1918-1919
final year of the war and Treaty of Versailles
biased information that is spread in countries to revive war enthusiasm, especially in the later years of World War I; example of centralization of power in Western governments during the war
social impact of World War I
New roles for women especially in working in the factories; Soon led to woman getting the right to vote in the following years of World War I in Britain, Germany, Austria, and the US
Zimmerman Telegram
telegram from Germany to Mexico trying to convince them to attack the US; US found out about it from Britain and declared war on Germany in January of 1917
Nicholas II
last tsar of Russia; forced to abdicate in 1917 due to the Russian Revolution
Russian Revolution
1917; Tsar Nicholas II forced to abdicate the throne due to the people's unhappiness in the war effort; Russia withdraws from World War I; government was soon taken over by the Bolsheviks and Russia became first communist state
V. L. Lenin
originally exiled from Russia; Returned under Germany's orders to get Russia to pull out of the war; Leader of the Bolsheviks during the Bolshevik Revolution
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
treaty announcing Russia's withdrawal from World War I; lost lots of territory to Germany; made after the Bolshevik Revolution
Second Battle of the Marne
July 18, 1918; last German offensive against Allies; German defeat meant that the Allies were sure to win war
First Battle of the Marne
Sept 6-10, 1914; first battle in WWI; German Schlieffen Plan was stopped by the French counterattack, lead to stalemate in the western front
agreement to cease fire; made Nov 11, 1918 in WWI
"lost generation"
generation of soldiers killed in WWI; also those who were disillusioned after surviving the war
Paris Peace Conference
peace conference that decided the terms of WWI peace and Treaty of Versailles; Central powers were uninvited ("dictated peace")
Fourteen Points
President Wilson's proposal in 1918 for a postwar European peace (rejected); wanted alliances to not be secret, armies to be smaller, and self-determination for all nations
Woodrow Wilson
President of U.S. who led the country through WWI; created the Fourteen Points for peace after the war
Schlieffen Plan
Germany's plan to conquer France by attacking through Belgium; drew France and Great Britain into WWI; failed and led to a stalemate on the western front
Lloyd George
British prime minister; goal at Paris Peace Conference was to make Germany pay
Georges Clemenceau
French statesman; Concerned with nation's security while negotiating at the Paris Peace Conference
League of Nations
1919; formed after WWI to help prevent another war; U.S. never joined due to post-war isolationism
Treaty of Versailles
treaty that officially ended World War II and declared Germany responsible for it; Had to make hefty reparation payments to Allies, reduce army to 100,000, lose colonies in Africa, give Alsace-Lorraine to France, give land to the new Polish state, and make the Franco-German border a demilitarized zone; very humiliating
new borders of Eastern Europe
new nation-states of Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, and Yugoslavia; Ottoman Empire dismembered
Dawes Plan
plan to revive the German economy to make reparation payments; the United States loans Germany money which then can pay reparations to England and France, who can then pay back their loans from the U.S; when US markets crashed, led to the Great Depression