policy of blocking Soviet expansion and preventing the spread of communism
Truman doctrine
policy of aiding Turkey and Greece from communist/Soviet takeover
Marshall Plan
aid to European nations to rebuild and deter the spread of communism
Berlin airlift
reaction to Soviet blockading access to American sector of Berlin, the US continues to give aid via dropping supplies from planes above
military industrial complex
relationship between a country’s military and the defense industry that supplies it, warning about the dangers of war and growth of the defense industry
pact between Western countries promising mutual defense if another is attacked
Eisenhower Doctrine
US will provide aid to any Middle Eastern countries resisting communism
Suez Crisis
the treat of Egyptian dominance in the Middle East will encourage US involvement
Hungarian Revolution
Hungarians rebelled against USSR and called to the US for help because of the Marshall Plan, US declines to assist in order to avoid war with the USSR
National Security Act
created the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Richard Nixon
Young California Congressman whose investigation of Alger Hiss spurred fears of
communists influence in America
Joseph McCarthy
Wisconsin senator whose charges of communist infiltration of the US government
deepening the anti-red atmosphere
Soviet scientific achievement that set off a wave of American concern about the Soviet
superiority in science and education
Flexible Response
Kennedy’s strategy for the Cold War, allowed for a variety of military options
New nation that turned to communism in the Western hemisphere that JFK quarantined
Bay of Pigs
Failed invasion to overthrow Fidel Castro of Cuba
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and Hotline
Two rules created after the Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis
a dangerous confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1962 during the Cold War
Khrushchev reason to build the Berlin Wall?
To stop the flow of migration out of the Soviet Union
the reasons why the Red scare was heightened in the 1950s – 1960s.
Soviets created the bomb, Soviet spies in America, loyalty review boards, HUAC and the Hollywood 10, anti-communist foreign policy and spies such as Alger Hiss and the Rosenberg’s
Reasons for US involvement in Korea?
clear test for containment, prevent the spread of communism expansion
Problems for Truman?
stalemate, MacArthur wanted drop the atomic bomb
How did the Korean war end?
cease fire and divided the 38" parallel, North Korea communist and South Korea democratic
The impact the Gl Bill will have in the US
Increase college enrollment, increased white collar workforce, educated the veterans, delayed unemployment of veterans, increased homes built because of the VA loan, increased # of businesses because VA loan
political impact of the TV
JFK debates, Ike - TV ad Nixon - checkers speech, government used it for communists hearings, used by the civil rights movement
economic impact of the TV
buying habits = credit, new technology in industry (buy new items)
social impact of the TV
cult of domesticity, men are bread winners
change in workforce
Moved from Blue Collar to White Collar, sold the idea of cult of domesticity (women should be at home)
Baby boom
Dramatic increase in the population from 1945-1960
GI Bill
secured education benefits, low interest and business loans for veterans
Little Rock Crisis
test over the enforcement of Brown v. Board of education
Brown v. Board of Education
overturned Plessy v. Ferguson in public schools
March on Washington
movement to gain support for civil rights and economic rights legislation
Mendez v. Westminster and Delgado v. Del Rio
stopped segregation of Mexican American children in schools
Sweatt v. Painter
stuck down segregation at the professional college
Bus boycott
year long boycott that will challenge segregation in travel
group that slowed legislative process for civil rights
southern 15 states that will gain massive population and political power
tactics used by the civil Rights movement to achieve change
Sit-ins, nonviolent protest, boycotts, marches, TV, use of the Supreme Court
Truman presidential actions to support the civil rights movement
desegregated armed forces and hiring process in federal government
Eisenhower presidential actions to support the civil rights movement
little Rock
JFK presidential actions to support the civil rights movement
help college students integrate Ole Miss and Alabama, helped freedom riders
conformity in the 1950s
V, Levittown’s, couples activities, keeping up with the Jones’s, fear of communism, white flight
challenge to conformity
Rock N Roll and Beatniks
policies encouraging people to move to the suburbs
Federal Highway Act, low interest loans, white flight (Jim Crown bans minorities residency in suburban
neighborhoods) and cheap housing
Explain the March on Washington
Civil rights groups will march on Washington to demand Congress to make laws to protect African
Explain the factors for the economic boom of the 1950s
Higher education, military spending, NASA, baby boom, free trade agreements and more funding to
the factors for the increase in the population
Baby boom and penicillin