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Developmental Stages
Phases of growth that occur at different periods in an individual's life, often characterized by specific functions and behaviors.
Psychosocial Theory
A theory of human development proposed by Erikson that emphasizes the role of social and cultural factors in shaping individual personalities and development.
Cognitive-Developmental Theory
A theory developed by Jean Piaget that focuses on how children's thinking develops in stages, leading to complex cognitive abilities.
Social Learning Theory
Theory suggesting that children learn behaviors by observing and imitating others, particularly through rewards and punishments.
Behavior Genetics
A field of study that examines the influence of genetic factors on behavior and how the environment can affect gene expression.
Ecological Theory
Bronfenbrenner’s model that emphasizes the different systems (microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem) that influence human development.
Digital Natives
Children and adolescents who have grown up in the digital age, heavily influenced by technology such as the internet and mobile devices.
Sensitive Periods
Critical times during development when certain skills or capacities are more easily acquired.
Reciprocal Effects
The idea that individuals influence each other's development, leading to a bidirectional dynamic in relationships.
Nature versus Nurture
The debate regarding the relative importance of biological inheritance (nature) and environmental factors (nurture) in human development.