dant hist 1700 exam 5

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the cold war

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the cold war

overall diplomatic conflict between the united states and the soviet union

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reason for start of cold war

russia goes communist. the us decides to ignore it during wwi because they needed to work together to get rid of hitler.

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Polands place in cold war

there is tension because the US doesn't want them to become communist.

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why the us takes away lend lease

because they are scared of going back into a depression. They cant afford it. This upsets the soviet union and makes tensions even higher

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Soviet Loan

the soviet union wants a loan from the us so they can rebuild and the us says that they will only do it if the soviet union can open up their trading ports. the soviet union declines.

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George Kennan

Sent Long Telegram denouncing the soviet union.

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Meaning behind cold war name

Because it was never a hot war, or a direct shooting war.

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Manhattan Project

research program that produced the world's first atomic bomb. during roosevelt's presidency.

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Containment Policy 1947

Foreign policy statement from the united states. Truman doctrine.

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Truman Doctrine

The first time we implement the containment policy. the united states finally stops being neutral. they give 400 million to greece and turkey.

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Who the US provides economic safety to during cold war.

Turkey Greece Norway and Denmark. Eventually Europe as a whole

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Marshall Plan

When the US gives Europe 13 billion dollars so none of those countries go communist. Russia combated this with the Moltov plan

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NATO 1949

North Atlantic Treaty Organization. made those 12 countries that signed it basically pladge to democracy.

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Warsaw Pact

Soviet version of NATO

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Triggered Korean War

the loss of china to communists

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Order of events in korean war

  1. United states broke up korea.

  2. In 1950 NK invades SK

  3. The US pushes NK almost to the China border

  4. China pushes them back and the war lasts nearly 3 years

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Truman's Federal Employee Loyalty Program

all federal employees have to pledge that they are not ot never have been a communist. this causes everyone to assume that there are spies in the govt

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House Un-American Committee. they would put people on trial if they felt they might be a communist. they investigated a lot of hollywood actors and made them swear they weren't communist

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Alger Hiss

Accused of being a communist and convicted of perjury

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the rosenburgs

Convicted and executed for being communist spies.

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Joseph mccarthy

used red scare to his political advantage, senator from wisconsin. he went after people who were suspected of being communists, even tho they were mainly innocent.

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McCarthys Mistake

he accused several generals in the army for being communist and decides to televise the hearings. People begin to realize he is lying. The us doesn't recognize him as a senator anymore.

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Communist party group in the united states

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Pual Robeson

Hollywood black entertainer accused of being communist

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the affluent society

john kenneth galbraith, examined post war economy. this book talks about how the post war united states was becoming wealthy and offered new solutions to economic problems.

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American consumer economy

television and the technological age.

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gained popularity because of teen rebellion and gave access to new ways of thinking of music.

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real strength of the civil rights movement / grassroots movement

ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

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Jackie Robinson

what got the us willing to pay attention to the race question. he played with the dodgers and was named rookie of the year.

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Truman acts

When the us finally desegregated the military in 1948.

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Brown vs Board 1954

the united states went after the seperate part of jim crow laws. this was because of a student named linda brown, who had to walk too far to go to school. The court ruled that this was not equal. this made plessy v ferguson unconstitutional.

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Plessy v Ferguson

In 1986 the us made legal seperation thru this. also called jim crow laws.

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Elizabeth Eckford

After schools became desegregated, they had 9 black students join a previously all white school. the governor sent the national guard to keep her out of the school. the president had guards escort the 9 students to class everyday.

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Johnson and Civil Rights Bills

in 1957 and 1960 the us passed civil rights acts to set repercusssions for anyone who interferes with black voting.

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Migrant Labor Force

when the us entered a migrant labor agreement with mexico to get help in agricultural areas . this continued even after the war was over. the problem is that bc they do not have a visa, they can not form labor unions.

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indian claims commission

judicial relations between us gov and native tribes. the us constantly broke treaties and so they gave indian groups the chance to address their federal abuse. some received land back and cash.

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Eisenhowers termination policy

said that the federal government would end all federal recognition of the tribes. the us didn't console the tribes about this and enforces assimilation. this backfires.

the threat of termination brought together indian groups to oppose the federal program

in 1958 the us terminated the termination policy

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election of 1960

nixon vs kennedy. eisenhower does not like nixon.

biggest event of this campaign was the presidential debate held on live televison.

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Kennedys biggest liability

he was catholic. he said that he would not let his religion take part in his presidency. this was televised

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kennedys domestic program

new frontier. it doesnt make it past congress because he has no history or experience

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kennedys space race

racing against soviet union. they got first man in space, we got first man on moon.

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Peace Corps

where people go for 2 years to another country to help and do good.

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Bay of Pigs fiasco 1961

fidel castro overthrew american dictator during eisenhower's presidency. kennedy planned to overthrow castro and it failed miserably.

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Cuban Missile Crisis

kennedy goes all in because he is struggling to deal with his authority. castro turns to the soviet union and puts missiles directly to the US. kennedy puts a naval quarintine on cuba.

no one breathes.

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what kennedy and krushev did. brining it right to the edge of nuclear conflict. krushev finally turns his ships around.

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the great society

an expansion of the role of the federal government to protect the rights of all citizens.

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Lyndon Johnson

in office after kennedy's assassination. he was the politician that kennedy never was. he pulled off the civil rights movements that kennedy always wanted to.

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Civil rights act

no segregation in public places no discrimination in employment based on race, gender, or national origin gave the justice department authority to protect peoples right to vote.

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Bloody sunday

peaceful protesters attacked by white law enforcement. this is what abolishing voting discrimination in federal state and local elections.

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johnsons war on poverty

creates the OEO - designed to provide education and job training for unskilled young people. this is what he wants to do to get people out of poverty.

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volunteers in service to america - made to increase access to education and resources to those in high poverty communities

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medicare vs medicaid

medicare - old people medicaid - poor people

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vietnam war domino theory

if one fails to communism, all of the rest will.

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gulf of tonkin resolution

johnson lies to congress about an attack on the united states. congress passes this and allows him to take all preventative measures to protect the united states.

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the tet offensive 1986

communist north vietnam attacked every big city in south vietnam. this does not let them win militarily but they definately win psychologically because everyone thought america was winning the way but they were actually struggling.

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nixons secret plan

vietnamization, which is the application of vietnam troops instead of american troops.

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My Lai Incident

the us sends troops to a village that was said to have vietcong. they knew there werent any in the village but they killed all of them anyways.

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what causes protests in the states

invasion of cambodia, my lai incident, pentagon papers.

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CREEP & who was John Mitchell

committee to reelect the president. He was the attorney general that helped know what was and wasn’t legal.

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Watergate & who is G. Gordon Liddy

When CREEP tried to big democratic offices and got caught. G Liddy was head of the plumbing unit

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when does the us lose vietnam

April 1975, Gerald Ford was president.

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SALT Agreement

Agreement that attempts to limit our arms production and military production in an attempt to cool down the cold war.

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Jimmy Carters Problems

Offends the West, Poor appointments, Inflation and Recession = Stagnation, Iran Hostage Crisis.

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Iran Hostage Crisis

Shah gets overthrown, allowed into the us, and Khomeini seizes american embassy staff. Rescue mission attempt kills 8 americans.

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Betty Friedan

Feminine Mystique. This is one of the inspirations for the womens rights movement.

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Roe v Wade

Right to privacy was the legal foundation for this decision.

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Equals Rights Ammendment. Attempt to make men and women equal. it got denied.

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Phyllis Schlafly

Lobbied states encouraging them to not allow ERA to go through.

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Get rid of government involvement as much as possible. This will apparently make the economy run itself. he had 2 goals: Reduce Taxes, Cut federal budget.

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Sagebrush rebellion

James Watt.

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Counterculture movement

an act of activism from women, native americans, Chicanos, and environmentalists. this was the era of pop culture and consumption directed twords the youth.

an example is the VW Bug, we do our thing you do yours. as well as buying records from colombia record store.

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Mary Quant

Invented the mini skirt in which you could “jump, run and move in”.

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Malcolm X

he said that black americans should pursue freedom by any means necessary, even physical, and played a radical role of the civil rights leaders. MLKJ criticized him and said that he highlighted the issues without providing solutions.

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SNCC and Stokely Carmichael

Student nonviolent coordinating committee. Expelled white members and became more radical and violent. This leader said black power instead of MLKJs freedom now. he said that black power meant black people coming together to form a political force.

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Black Panthers

drove to liberate black communities from white power structures. They provided food, clothing, medical treatment, and drug rehab to black communities.

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Grenada 1983

Easy victory that regan uses to help with re-election.

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Iran Contra Scandal

Regan gets money by selling arms to Iran in order to fund contras in Nicaragua.

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Jessie Jackson

First black man to run for president

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Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Devastated lgbt community in the 80s.

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Regan Doctrine

Said that the united states would supply aid to anti communist forces everywhere in the world

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Mikhail Gorbachev

Soviet leader that loosened the soviet union’s personal restraints and censorship (glasnost) and liberalized the soviet political machinery (perestroika)

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North American free trade agreement. made to abolish trade barriers between the us, Mexico, and Canada. Clinton was able to open the nation’s borders to free the flow of capital and goods.

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election of 2000

Clinton’s vice president vs George W Bush. Bush was very christian and said that he would bring church leaders into government. he only won by 537 votes.

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how many lives were lost on 9/11

3k in 2 hours.

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causes of 9/11

longest war in american history. Operation enduring freedom in october 2001 against afghanistan.

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The great recession

the 2007 recession. caused by a mortgage crisis that made banks collapse.

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Affordable care act

Obamacare. national healthcare reform.

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freedom rides

when black and white civil rights activists rode interstate busses into the segregated south

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march on wash

when over 200,000 people marched for civil rights. this is when mlk did his speech.

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loosened soviet union’s personal restraints and censorship

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liberalized the soviet political machinery

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