Category B Year 12 CAFS 2023
Exploring the homeless within the community ( list 3)
Prevalence of the homeless within the community
Individual diversity within the homeless
terminology used by the community to describe the homeless
Issues of concern for the homeless within the community (list 3)
satisfaction of needs
Access to services
factors affecting access to services
How to create positive social environments (list 2)
addressing the homeless issues of concern
positive influences on community attitudes
What can result in homelessness?
There are many different reasons an individual may be homeless. It can be a result of a range of social, economic and health-related factors. Some include: domestic violence, too few houses or a shortage of affordable housing, unemployment, mental illness, family breakdown, and drug/alcohol abuse.
If a community has lots of homeless, what does that show about a society?
Homelessness is one of the most potent examples of disadvantage in the community, and one of the most important markers of social exclusion.
Give a definition for Homelessness
The people in the community who do not have access to safe and permanent housing, or not having a fixed address.
A person has inadequate housing if(list 3)
it damages or is likely to damage a person's health
threatens a person's safety
marginalises the person by failing to provide adequate personal amenities, economic and social support and a safe, secure, affordable home.
list the 3 categories of homelessness:
primary homelessness secondary homelessness tertiary homelessness
Define primary homelessness:
Without conventional accommodation eg sleeping rough or improvised dwellings
Define secondary homelessness
Frequently move from one temporary accommodation to another eg refuge or crisis accommodation
Define Tertiary homelessness
Staying in accommodation that falls below minimum standards eg caravan parks, boarding houses
Severe overcrowding definition
usual residents or which needed four or more extra bedrooms to accommodate them adequately.
Supported accommodation definition
Type of housing that provides higher levels of care and support
Temporary lodgings definition
Non perinate/short-term housing such as hotels
Boarding Houses definition
Providing beds or rooms for 5 or more people at a low cost rate
An example of who's household a homeless individual may temporarily stay in
staying as visitors with friends or relatives
What's the most visible type of homeless ness
"Rough sleeping" such as improvised dwellings, tents or sleeping out is usually visible to the general public.
What is the most common cause of homelessness
Domestic and family violence
Not all homeless people are the same, they are diverse and their own individuals, list a range of individuals across the Australian community that may be homeless(at least 5)
Aboriginal and Torres strait islander peoples youth older persons individuals with a disability culturally and linguistically diverse
how does positive terminology such as survivor or kind impact homeless people
Breaks the cycle raises awareness on issues= and creates understanding increased confidence and self-esteem reengage with society
how does negative terminology such as survivor or kind impact homeless people
depression/anxiety stereotyped= reputation or image damaged= self doubt insecure isolated inability to seek support
why is an adequate standard of living significant to the homeless?