Something that breaks the law
Breaks societal norms - isnt always illegal
Status frustration
When the working class are annoyed about their class but canât change it through the means of education
Dark figure of crime
The crime we donât know happens because it goes unreported/undetected
Self report study
A surveey that is sent to 10-15 year olds to report crimes they did
Victim survey + example
A survey sent to victims of crime (10-15) to ask about the crime against them - CSEW
Official statistics
Statistica made by the government
Deviant career
Making deviance a way of life
To assume someone is something
Formal social control
Creation of laws and rules to control behaviour
Informal social control
The way in which society ensures members dont break norms/laws makes people conform
Institutional racism
Discrimination by race in an institution
Hate crime
Violent crimes based on prejudice
System to manage criminals
Group of people who follow different values
Moral panic
When the extent of a problem is exagerrated and causes wide spread punlic concern about morals in society and casting certain individuals as folk devils
Folk devils
Person we feel concern about
Chivalry thesis
Women are treated more leniantly by CJS
Devinancy amplification
Making the deviance occur more based on societal reactions
Safety valve
According to functionalists letting out small amounts of crime avoiding lots of crime
Social construction
Something created and maintained by society
Recorded crime
Amount of crime reported/logged into a system by police
Sense of normlessness
Control theory
Women are controlled more so commit less crime
Gender deal
often refers to women in heterosexual relationships who recieve material or emotional rewards
Class deal
People who are offered material goods for their work
News value
Newsworthiness is how much attention they can gain from it
Bedroom culture
Typically girls tend to spend lots of their time in their room reading or doing hw
Glass ceiling
Being able to see the people above you but not reach them
Deviant career
Making deviance a way of life