What is the date of Phi Sigma Pi's founding?
February 14, 1916
Phi Sigma Pi was established at which institution (original name)?
State Teacher's College at Warrensburg Missouri
That institution is now known as (current name)?
University of Central Missouri
Name the three Founding Fathers of Phi Sigma Pi
Eldo L. Hendricks, C.H. McClure and Claude A. Phillips
The Founders of our Fraternity decided that Phi Sigma Pi would stress not only _____, ____ and ______ but do so in a concept of an equal _____ dedicated to these three ideals.
scholarship, leadership, fellowship, tripod
What events in the mid-20th century slowed the momentum and growth of Phi Sigma Pi had been experiencing in its early years?
World War II
What was the reasoning of those who opposed the merger of Phi Sigma Pi with Kappa Phi Kappa Fraternity?
Members felt the merger would unnecessarily change the identity of Phi Sigma Pi.
What was the dilemma facing Phi Sigma Pi with the passage of Title IX?
Title IX required our organization to become a co-educational student organization. [Phi Sigma Pi's status as a men's only organization was seen as discriminatory to the future career opportunities of women, and would have to become co-educational since the organization was not solely a Greek social Fraternity but Honor Fraternity]
What action was required for Phi Sigma Pi to allow women to be Inducted as Members?
Amendment to the Phi Sigma Pi Constitution by the Grand Chapter
What year was an amendment was passed to include Liberal Arts students and colleges?
In 1966, Phi Sigma Pi added what two words to its name?
National and Honor.
What year was The Phi Sigma Pi Brothers' Creed adopted by the Grand Chapter?
What is your Chapter's Greek Letter Name?
Alpha Epsilon
Current Vice President of Alumni Development
Kate McConnell
A Member of the Kappa Chapter, she was the first woman to be inducted as a Collegiate Member
Helen Wilson
Current National President
Matthew Nicoletta
Elected as President in 1928, he is credited with galvanizing the National Officers into a cohesive unit; promoting Phi Sigma Pi nationally; and bringing Phi Sigma Pi into the Professional Inter-Fraternity Conference, now known as the Professional Fraternity Association. A graduate scholarship is awarded in his name annually
Rolla F. Wood
Current Senior Vice President
Erik Walschburger
Respectively elected as President and National Secretary in 1930, their tenure saw the number of Chapters double in size from seven to fifteen, eight of which were at Pennsylvania schools
Walter P. Percival and Clarence O. Williams
Current National Secretary
Natalie Mikkelson
They wrote the words and music to Brothers Are We, in collaboration with the Music Department at Mansfield University of Pennsylvania (Theta Chapter)
Edward Ingraham and Charles Darrin
Current Vice President of Finance
Sarah Cantwell
Current Vice President of Philanthropy Development
Patrick Herron
Under his leadership and vision, the National organization nearly tripled in size; evolved to include a full-time professional staff; and eventually erected a permanent National Headquarters building. An award for inter-Chapter and Alumni fellowship is named in his honor to recognize his efforts to help build and strengthen the Fraternity, nationally
Jeffrey L. Johnson
Current Vice President of Membership Development
Matt Peachey
An Alumnus of Alpha Rho Chapter, he wrote the music and words to Brother in 1996. Having been invited to perform and share the song at multiple Chapter events, the Grand Chapter chose to designate Brother as an official Fraternal song in 2001
Thomas "Ted" Daniels
Current Vice President of Chapter Development
Brian Christiansen
What is the supreme legislative body of the National Fraternity?
The Grand Chapter
Phi Sigma Pi's legislative body is composed of
The Grand Chapter consists of National Council; Delegates of Collegiate, Alumni Chapters and National Alumni Association (NAA)
What is the executive and administrative body of the National Fraternity?
The National Council
What two National events take place subsequently during the summer months?
Grand Chapter Meeting and National Convention
What is the name of the book that Phi Sigma Pi Chapters, The Grand Chapter and National Council use to run business meetings?
Robert's Rules of Order
The purpose for using Parliamentary procedures to run a Chapter meeting is to
Help the meeting run more efficiently
Sequentially list the following in order from the first (1) to last (8) items that follow the Order of Business, in general
5_ Temporary or special Committees' reports
2_ Reading and correction or approval of minutes from last meeting
7_ New Business
8_ Adjournment
3_ Officer Reports
1_ Call to Order
4_ Permanent or standing Committees' reports
6_ Unfinished Business
What is the magazine that Phi Sigma Pi Members receive twice a year
The Purple & Gold
What is the membership certificate called?
The Shingle
Whose signatures are located on the shingle?
National President and National Secretary
What is the only means by which an individual may become either a Collegiate or Honorary Member of Phi Sigma Pi?
Through the use of The Ritual
What are the Fraternity colors?
Purple and Gold
What is the auxiliary color?
What is located at the bottom of the Coat of Arms?
Banner with the Greek words for Phi Sigma Pi
What is located at the top of the Coat of Arms?
A lamp
Please describe what objects appear on the center of the Coat of Arms
An open book with a staff laid across it on a field of purple; 3 stars laid diagonally; clasped links on a field of gold
The _______ Fund is the name of the monetary fund used to assist Members in need of financial support due to medical illness, personal loss or other catastrophic hardships. The meaning of the fund's name translates to under the rose.
The highest honor an individual Member in Phi Sigma Pi may receive is the, which is bestowed by a unanimous vote of the National Council for outstanding service to the National Fraternity
Distinguished Service Key
What is The Phi Sigma Pi Foundation?
Charitable foundation created to help collect and distribute funds in support of the programs and goals of Phi Sigma Pi. Members are individuals and Alumni who have made significant financial contributions to the Fraternity.
Define hazing:
Hazing shall be defined as any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental, physical or emotional health or safety of any individual, regardless of the person's willingness to participate.
Describe two of the ways to become an Alumnus/a:
Either by graduating; transferring to another institution or withdrawing from the institution
Describe two ways in which Alumni can remain actively involved after college:
Join the NAA or Regional Alumni Chapter or Association; Financial support; Serving as an Alumni Advisor, on a National Committee or on National Council; Apply to be a Chapter Consultant; Attend National Events (Alumni Convention, Grand Chapter Meeting or National Convention)
What is Phi Sigma Pi's National Philanthropic Partner?
Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY)
What is the guide for Initiates to guide them through the Initiation Program and prepare them to become Members of the Fraternity?
The Scholar's Province
who is the coolest little in alpha epsilon?
Archie, duh