Bethel School District v Fraser
Students’ right to make lewd speeches in school is not protected by the 1st amendment right to freedom of speech
BOE of Independent School District #92 of Pottawatomie County v Earls
Performing random drug tests on students that participate extracurriculars does not violate the Fourth Amendment
Brown v BOE
Schools cannot be segregated based on race
Gideon v Wainwright
Defendants who cannot provide their own attorney must have one provided for them without charge
Students should expect to have less privacy in school
Marbury v Madison
Established the doctrine of judicial review
Texas v Johnson
Offensive speech, including flag burning, is protected by the First Amendment
Grutter v Bollinger
Colleges have a legitimate interest in promoting diversity, so they may use race in their admission process
Santa Fe Independent School District v Doe
Students may not hold student-lead and student-initiated prayer over a school’s loudspeaker system
Miranda v Arizona
Suspects must know their rights before they are questioned
Plessy v Ferguson
Segregation is supported as long as it is “separate but equal”
Terry v Ohio
Stop and frisks do not violate the US constitution under certain circumstances
Roper v Simmons
If a person is under 18 years old, it is cruel and unusual punishment to execute them for their crimes
Mapp v Ohio
Evidence that is illegally obtained cannot be used in a criminal trial
Cooper v Aaron
States cannot overrule decisions made by the federal court
Engel v Vitale
The first amendment’s Establishment Clause prevents school initiated-prayer in public school
Goss v Lopez
Students are given certain due process rights
Roe v Wade
Abortions became legal in all 50 states, but state could set individual restrictions on when in the pregnancy abortions were allowed
Tinker V Des Moines
Students still have rights in school
US v Nixon
The president must follow the law