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Health Promotion
Focuses on maintaining or enhancing the physical and mental health of children
Partnership Development
Key strategy for success in health promotion activities
Principles of Health Supervision
Providing services proactively, optimizing child's functioning, ensuring appropriate growth and development, promoting best health, preventing injury and illness
Three Components of Health Supervision
Developmental surveillance, injury and disease prevention, health promotion
Increase in physical size
Sequential process of gaining skills and functions
Increase in functionality of body systems or skills
Denver II Developmental Screening Test
Screens developmental milestones in gross motor, fine motor, language, and social skills
Adjusted Age
Used for premature infants to assess growth and development milestones
Newborn Reflexes
Sucking, Rooting, Grasp, Babinski, Moro, Tonic neck, Dance/step
Infant Milestones
Fine pincer grasp, social smile, head turns, steady head control, rolling, peek-a-boo, object transfer, sitting unsupported, crawling, waving, walking with assistance, first words
Toddler Safety
Focus on safety education, car seats, pool fences, prevention of accidental poisoning
Maturational changes in girls and boys, sequence of physical changes
School Age/Adolescent Safety
Focus on preventing unintentional injuries, seatbelt use, swimming lessons, avoiding distractions while driving, recognizing signs of depression
Growth Milestones
Doubling and tripling of birth weight, doubling of birth length, milestones like using scissors and tying shoes
Erikson's Developmental Theories
Trust vs mistrust, Autonomy vs shame and doubt, Initiative vs guilt, Industry vs inferiority, Identity vs role confusion
Stressors in Hospitalized Children
Separation anxiety, loss of control, ways to minimize stress
Neurodevelopmental disorder with deficits in social communication, diagnostic evaluation, prognosis, nursing care management
Hearing Impairment
Complex disorder affecting social, language, and behavioral aspects, diagnostic evaluation, nursing care strategies.
Hearing Impairment
When caring for a child who is hearing impaired, encourage the use of hearing aids, maintain eye contact, speak clearly, eliminate background noise, and use visual aids for communication.
Visual Impairment
When working with a child who has a visual impairment, orient them to the environment, explain actions before touching, use familiar terms, keep items in consistent places, allow control, and supervise as needed.
Nursing Assessment of Child w/ Disability
Assess intellectual skills, social interaction, ADLs, and communication, use simple language, involve the child in providing information, and follow a non-invasive assessment order.
Emancipated Minor
A minor who has legal independence from parents through marriage, pregnancy, service in the armed forces, or court order, capable of giving informed consent.
IV Access
Involves site selection, atraumatic care, peripheral IV placement, securement, use of infusion pumps, safety measures, maintenance, and complication assessment.
Pain Management
Includes assessment scales like NIPS, FLACC, FACES, and numeric scale, opioid and non-opioid analgesics, and guidelines for pediatric pain management.
Respiratory Dysfunctions
Assess respiratory function, including breathing patterns, cough characteristics, cyanosis, and auscultation techniques for lung sounds.
Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis
The most common form of croup caused by a viral infection, leading to inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi.
Viral Croup
Inflammation of the upper airway.
Pathophysiology of Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis
Includes Parainfluenza, RSV, and Influenza.
Characteristics of Croup
Night-time cough and Barky cough.
Signs and Symptoms of Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis
Include Inspiratory stridor, Suprasternal retractions, Nasal flaring, and Decreased pulse-ox.
Nursing Interventions for Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis
Home Management with cool mist vaporizer, Elevate Head of Bed, Shower steam, Keep comfortable, and Increase PO fluids.
Hospital Management for Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis
Monitor for respiratory distress, Provide cool mist humidified oxygen, Elevate HOB, and Administer medications like Oxygen, epinephrine nebulizer, and corticosteroids.
Acute Spasmodic Laryngitis
Recurring night laryngeal obstruction that subsides in a few hours, often allergic-related.
Pathophysiology of Acute Spasmodic Laryngitis
Involves RSV, Adenovirus, and Parainfluenza.
Signs and Symptoms of Bronchiolitis
Tachypnea, Wheezing, Cough, Rhinorrhea, Sneezing, and Difficulty feeding.
Nursing Interventions for Bronchiolitis
Include Nasal and/or nasopharyngeal suctioning, Frequent respiratory assessments, Positioning, and Monitoring pulse oximeter.
Prevention of RSV Bronchiolitis
Palivizumab (Synagis) for high-risk infants.
Inflammation/infection of the alveoli and the pulmonary parenchyma.
Signs and Symptoms of Pneumonia
Fever, Cough, Tachypnea, Decreased breath sounds, Crackles, and Difficulty feeding.
Nursing Interventions for Pneumonia
Administer Oxygen and Antibiotics as ordered, Chest PT, Monitor Pulse Ox, and Lay on affected side.
Foreign Body Obstruction
Occlusion to lungs due to an offending object, leading to symptoms like Cough, Gagging, Wheezing, and Stridor.
Nursing Interventions for Foreign Body Obstruction
Prevention through education on dangers of certain foods/toys, Emergency measures like Heimlich maneuver, and preparing for endoscopy.
Chronic airway inflammation with heightened reactivity, leading to airway obstruction and recurring symptoms.
Status Asthmaticus
Severe asthma attack requiring immediate medical attention.
Nursing Interventions for Asthma
Avoid triggers, Monitor pulse ox, Administer medications like Albuterol and corticosteroids, and Educate on asthma action plan and trigger avoidance.
Cystic Fibrosis
Multisystem autosomal recessive disorder characterized by thick mucous production affecting respiratory, GI, and reproductive systems.
Signs and Symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis
Include Cough, Recurrent URI, Clubbing, Barrel chest, Intestinal obstruction, and Failure to thrive.
Nursing Interventions for Cystic Fibrosis
Diagnose with sweat chloride test, Manage with Chest PT, Oxygen, and Pancreatic enzymes, and Provide a high-calorie, high-protein diet.