Deals with one population e.g humans
Risk is a case
Identifies causes
E.g cancer (radiation source)
Two or more populations e.g human and pathogen
A case is a risk factor
The cause is often known
Infectious agents: Helminths, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, prions
Vectors: Mosquito (protozoa-malaria), Snails (helminths-schistosomiasis), Blackfly (microfilaria-onchocerciasis)
Animals: Dogs and sheep/goats : Echinococcus, Mice and Ticks: Borrelia
Identification of causes of new, emerging infections, e,g HIV, vCJD, Zika, SARS-CoV2
Surveillance of infectious disease
Identification of source of outbreaks
Studies of routes of transmission and natural history of infections
Identification of new interventions
Skin-skin: Herpes type 1
Mucous-mucous: STIs
Across placenta: toxoplasmosis
Through breast milk: HIV
Sneeze-cough: Influenza