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What is the initial source of energy for most communities?

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What is the initial source of energy for most communities?


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How does energy move through a food chain?

energy enters as sunlight;

trapped by plants / producers / autotrophs;

converted to chemical energy in photosynthesis;

energy flows through the trophic levels in food chain;

passed to first consumers when they eat plants then from consumer to consumer by feeding;

energy passes to decomposers in dead organic matter;

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How is energy lost from a food chain?

lost from the community as heat as a result of cell respiration / metabolism / movement;

energy is lost between trophic levels due to parts that are not eaten / assimilated and due to excretion;

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Why are food chains usually limited to only a few trophic levels?

energy transfers between trophic levels are very inefficient/high energy losses between levels

approximately 90% lost / 10% passed on between trophic levels;

number of trophic levels limited by amount of energy entering into the ecosystem

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Why is the biomass lower at higher trophic levels than at those below them?

due to losses of carbon dioxide, water and other waste products of metabolism

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Explain the difference in the movement of energy and nutrients in ecosystems.

energy enters from (sun)light and is captured by producers;

energy flows through the trophic levels;

energy transfer is (approximately) 10% from one level to the next due to heat energy is lost through (cell) respiration, energy loss due to material not consumed / assimilated / excreted;

nutrient cycles within ecosystem / nutrients are recycled;

nutrients absorbed by producers and move to consumers through food chain by eating / digestion of other organisms;

nutrients recycled from decomposition of dead organisms;

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State the role of decomposers in an ecosystem

To recycle nutrients

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Explain the shape of, a typical pyramid of energy.

-the shape of pyramid shows energy lost from base to top of pyramid

each level on the pyramid is about 10% of the size of the one below it because 90% energy lost between levels;

energy is lost as it flows through a food chain, most as heat through respiration and the rest by waste products / not all the organism is consumed;

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