A not so comprehensive guide to the joyous world of glaggleland
Employees of glaggleland, constructed by fugorg machinery inc.
The great glag
Glagglelands strongest warrior
The most joyous amusement park on earth
The great giggler massacre
The incident in which enphoso massacred the gigglers. how horrific!
An ancient enemy of fugorg machinery and reviler of glaggleland, their one goal is to cease all fun and games.
The rides
The rides of glaggleland, constructed by fugorg machinery inc.
Fugorg machinery inc.
A company located within the industrial area of gazoland. Became the enemy of enphoso after the destruction of glaggleland and the encroachment of the fog.
Seperate amusement park from glaggleland with slightly less fun and games. Destroyed in an assault by enphoso. Home to fugorg machinery inc.
Blibbles field
An area located outside of glaggleland which is a host to the annual automotive festivals. Much joy commences there. Sadly, blibbles field was destroyed by enphoso in one of the most violent and brutal events in glaggleland history.
Enphosian pyramid
Pyramid located on the enphosian planet where enphoso operates. Only one person has seen the inside of it, and they refuse to speak of it. (Quote blibbles field survivor “I miss my arms and legs”)
Thorn glognuts
A delicious snack made of glognuts. The main concession of glaggleland.
A glaggleland delicacy… how delicious! they come in many different flavors. Colors safe for consumption include Green, Pink, and blue. do not eat more then 6 blue goobabs within 24 hours or your lungs will collapse
Enphosian goobabs
Colors of goobabs corrupted by enphoso. avoid consumption. Colors include Red, Black, Grey, and purple.
The main currency of glaggleland.
The stairs
A ride created by gazolandic tesseract engineering inc. Sequel to the ladder. an extremely joyous ride that took 6 years to construct and resulted in the death of 54 workers. Unfortunately, the stairs were gooped right after opening, claiming 25 people in the goopening.
Crystal prison
A prison enphoso was held in until their outbreak. It remains empty to this day.
Eternal flame form
The form enphoso took for the destruction of blibbles field. how frightening!
Giggle town
Town outside of glaggleland. located near glagburg.
Thorn zimbimbler
Sequel to the thorn glognut, rumored to be in development. No information is yet known about this tasty snack.
Enphosian spies will infiltrate glaggleland. Keep a look out!