What is the M’Naghten Rule in Insanity?
Everyone’s presumed sane
To disprove, this, D must be “suffering from a defect of reason caused bt a disease of the mind”
What does it mean to Suffer from a Defect of Reason?
Inability to use powers of reason rather than just failing to use powers of reason
R v Clarke
Someone who is confused or absent minded is not insane
What is a Disease of the Mind?
Malfunctioning of the mind
Can be permanent or temporary
Must have internal cause
R v Kemp
Arteriosclerosis can be a disease of the mind
R v Bratty
Psychomotor epileptics seizures can be a disease of the mind
R v Burgess
Sleepwalking can be a disease of the mind
R v Codere
D must not know the nature and quality of their act
R v Windle
D must not now what they were doing is wrong