Cross-sectional design
Comparing two or more groups on a particular variable at a specific time.
Double-blind testing
An experimental procedure in which neither the researcher doing the study nor the participants know the specific type of treatment each participant receives until the experiment is over. Guards against experimenter bias and placebo effects.
Longitudinal study
Research over a period of time using observation, interview, or psychometric testing
Pooling data from multiple studies of the same research question to arrive at one combined answer
Prospective research
A study that attempst to find a correlation between two variables by collecting data early in the life of participants and then continuing to test them over a period of time to measure change and development
Protective factors
Conditions or attributes in individuals, families, of the larger society that, when present, lessen, or eliminate the risk of mental disorders
Risk factors
Conditions or attributes in individuals, families, or the larger society that, when present, increase the risk of mental disorders
Single-blind tetsing
An experiment in which the researchers know which participants are receiving a treatment and which are not; however, the participants do not know which condition they are in
Treatment-etiology fallacy
The false belief that since a treatment works, it was a lack of whatever the treatment was that caused the disorder
Adverse childhood experiences
Stressful or traumatic events, including abuse and neglect.
The idea that often there is more than one disorder that influences a preson’s behaviour. This is part of why diagnosis is difficult.
Confirmation bias
When a researcher is biased by his/her own hypothesis. The researcher sees what they want to see.
Emic approach
Does not assume that the traits of normalcy are universal, determines how these terms are defined in the constraints of a culture.
Etic approach
Assumes that normalcy and mental illness are universal
The origin or potential cause of a disorder
Iatrogenic effects
Symptoms that result in response to a treatment, which then can be mistaken as part of the disorder.
When a person is more likely to be diagnosed with a specific disorder simply because of gender, culture, or age.
The proportion of a population found to have a disorder
When individuals alter their performance or behaviour due to the awareness that they are being observed
Relapse rate
The rate at which symptoms return after treatment has been discontinued
When diferent psychiatrists agree on a client’s diagnosis using the same diagnostic system
Reporting bias
Selective revealing or supression of information by clients when meeting with a doctor
Repetitively focusing on one’s symptoms of depression and the possible causes and consequences of these symptoms.
Self-fulfilling prophecy
In diagnosis, when a person who is diagnosed with a disorder may begin to demonstrate symptoms due to the belief that they have the disorder
Sick role bias
One of the key obstacles to objective and valid diagnosis. When a person comes to a clinic to seek assistance, it is assumed that there is a problem.
When individuals experience psychological distress in the form of physiological symptoms
Block the reuptake of serotonin by the terminal buttons, leaving more in the synapse
When a person is labeled as outcast or having poor character
When a person is less likely to be diagnosed with a specific disorder simply because of gender, culture, or age
The extent to whcih a diagnosis is accurate and leads to a successful treatment
CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy)
Based on Beck’s theory of faulty thining. Th ejob of the therpaist is to help reshape the schema of the client by pointing out errors in thinking as well as giving “homewor” which helps them challnege how they think.
Diathesis-Stress Model
The theory that behavior may be the result of a genetic predisposition that is “activated by stress from life experiences
Genetic vulnerability
The theory that some people may have the right genes for a disorder, but that they may not have been “turned on”. These people have the potential to develop the disorder depending on life circumstances.