reading quiz + 10 extra questions
How did the North American colonies impact the Industrial Revolution?
They increased demand for consumer goods.
The Russian Charter of the Nobility was issued by ________.
Catherine the Great
The rapid growth of capital cities between 1600 and 1750 was tied to what other development?
centralization of power
For eighteenth-century Europeans, rights were usually ________ rights.
What did the introduction of maize and the potato represent for Eastern Europe?
a significant nutritional gain and agricultural change
The use of wet nurses was ________.
an economic necessity for many women
For girls that became servants, this work was generally ________.
prelude to marriage
Factory production of purely cotton fabric was made possible by the invention of the
water frame
How were Jewish children singled out for persecution?
They could be taken from their homes and given Christian instruction.
The enclosure movement in eighteenth-century England did which of the following?
Encouraged the development of market oriented agricultural production
In which of these would you be most likely to encounter small, nuclear households?
the Netherlands
In the 1700s, urban riots were generally
conservative and spontaneous
The leader of the brutally suppressed Russian rebellion in 1773 and 1775 was ________.
Emelyan Pugachev
The Polish szlachta, compared to the English nobility, were ________.
much more powerful
Which analogy makes an accurate connection?
Watt to the steam engine
In preindustrial Europe, the dominant concern of married women was
producing enough farm goods to ensure an adequate food supply
Given what you know about the impact of the industrial revolution on the lives of women, which of the following statements is most applicable?
The role and importance of women already in the work force diminished
The single largest free-trade area in Europe during the eighteenth century was
Great Britain
In the years between 1600 and 1750, the cities that grew most vigorously were ________.
capitals and ports
French nobles were technically responsible for payment of the vingtième, which resembles what modern-
day tax?
income tax
The aristocratic resurgence was a sign that
the position of Europe's nobility was being challenged
The painting Robert Andrews and His Wife illustrates what traditional linkage of the Old Regime?
land and nobility
The idea that luxury would not lead to moral decay was supported by ________.
David Hume
Which of the following was most central to the development of the early Industrial Revolution?
The shift from human and animal power to mechanical power
During the eighteenth century, bread prices ________.
slowly but steadily rose
The largest single group in eighteenth century cities was composed of
shopkeepers, artisans, and wage earners
Between 1700 and 1800, Europe's population rose from 100-120 million people to
almost 190 million people
The Englishman Henry Cort was responsible for the process in iron smelting known as
What inventor became famous for using an iron plow and planting wheat with a drill?
Jethro Tull
What event probably marked the start of the age of the ghetto?
the expulsion of the Jews from Spain
In the eighteenth century and thereafter, the Jewish population of Europe was concentrated in
Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine
In the 1700s, the middle classes were distinguished from the nobility by
inherited privilege
During the eighteenth century, young peasant women in western Europe increasingly
left home to work as domestic servants
In general, the standard of living of the average worker in England improved in the eighteenth century primarily because
the cost of luxury items such as coffee, tea, sugar, and chocolate decreased
The change that rationalized the use of land and created higher productivity was the
Agricultural Revolution
The price of Russian rulers' concessions to the nobles of Russia was
persistent harsh conditions for Russian serfs
Which of the following was a clearly defined long-term result of the shift in female employment?
Women's work became associated with the home rather than with places where men worked.
Women were particularly vulnerable to disease and death resulting from
puerperal fever
In pre-industrial Europe, the economy of a household that developed on farms, in artisans' workshops, and in small merchants' shops, was known as the ________ economy.
In eighteenth-century Europe, the nobility consisted of approximately ________ percent of the population.
1 to 5
Until the late eighteenth century, European Jews who did not convert to Christianity
were discriminated against
French nobles were divided between nobles "of the sword" and nobles "of the
The steam engine was revolutionary because it
provided a virtually unlimited source of power
Britain's leading role in the industrial revolution was largely due to
favorable conditions
Which of these is generally related to neolocalism?
later marriage
Landlords considered Russian serfs to be
economic commodities
The bourgeoisie was the ________ class.
urban middle
What persuaded people to bathe regularly toward the middle of the eighteenth century?
New ideas emerged about the benefits of bathing on good health.
The term "Old Regime" has come to refer to the
social, political, and economic relationships in Europe just prior to the French Revolution
A frequent method employed to make the many very young boys and girls working in new British industries obey the owner's factory discipline was
repeated beatings
James Watt was vital to the Industrial Revolution for his invention of
a rotary engine that could spin and weave cotton
Introduced from the New World, what new product allowed a more certain food supply in Europe and enabled more children to survive to adulthood and rear children of their own?
The smallest, wealthiest, and best-defined aristocracy resided in
Improvements associated with the Agricultural Revolution of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries began in
the Low Countries and Britain
The first engine using steam power was invented by
Thomas Newcomen
In the 1700s, being a servant was generally
a temporary condition
Who was permitted to hunt for game according to the traditional ways of the Old Regime?
Most Europeans in the 1700s took part in the
family economy
The Industrial Revolution came first to
What industry pioneered the Industrial Revolution?
The incentive for the development of large factories associated with England's early Industrial Revolution was primarily connected with which of the following?
The mechanization of the spinning process in the textile industry
The Dutch exemplified which of these responses to population growth?
increasing agricultural productivity
The economic basis of eighteenth-century life was
Why did middle-class people show an increased interest in Wedgwood's fine porcelain?
Middle-class people admired the porcelain sold to the aristocracy and wanted to have something similar for themselves.
Historians generally agree that the Industrial Revolution began
sometime after 1750